Update? on 08/25/2015 10:49 PM CDT
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I know that when I left companions were on the back burner, at least temporarily. Is any progress being made with them? I keep coming back hoping that being a ranger will be what I was promised it would be in 2003. I don't want to sound negative, I know that our dev team is working, perhaps we could use some of the income being raked in at fests and events to hire someone to code this? Also, do any GMs play rangers? I think it would go a long way to helping them see the areas that are frustrating without it sounding like we are all a bunch of complainers.
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Re: Update? on 08/25/2015 11:14 PM CDT
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It was said at Simucon they are being worked on. No specifics were given.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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Re: Update? on 08/29/2015 10:51 PM CDT
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Is that better or worse than "soon"?

I try not to complain but if there is one thing that really frustrates me about simu it's the lack of communication with the customer base. They may have reasons that are %100 good and straight forward but because it's all in the shadows it looks more like something shady is going on. I guess it's a little like knowing that someone is hiding but not knowing if it's a ranger or thief. You hope it's an upright ranger but you know the odds are it's not.

Thanks for replying... any news is better than no news.
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