Re: Companions on 03/12/2010 10:25 AM CST
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I'd like to see two classes of companions with each serving a distinct role or purpose. I'd prefer to allow a Ranger to have only one companion at a time, but support the players with commands to release the companion when they decide to try something else.

The two groups would be split into Utility and Combat, with a few different options for various companions within the groups. I have some pretty rough ideas on what should be included perhaps others can help complete them by adding in their own thoughts.

Ideally, the way horse wrangling works would be applicable for some of the larger and more complex creatures. Though, I do think the "simple" system which is in place for raccoons and wolves could be utilized for the basic companions. Packs of wolves, families of bears, flocks of birds, etc.

I do like the fact that an item is used as a lure, or capture device in the case of the lasso. I would be interested in seeing this continue and perhaps make the items part of the upcoming crafting system. Or even, the super secret trapping system. Or... A mix of both. In all cases I would like to see a random set of descriptive words placed on the companions to make them a tad more unique and individual. Also, all companions would be flagged as critters and thus susceptible to damage and harm.

I see these companions as actually providing a unique service to the Ranger whom they have bonded with. Using their own natural talents, these animals benefit the Ranger by making chores and activities easier.

Raccoon: Foraging, Perception, Hiding.
Details: Signal to find. Operates on Find Hiding-pulls you into hiding, and Find Item-forages for item.
Item Used: Wild Corn
Procedure: Same as before, bait the baby and snatch it before the hawk does.

Hawk: Locating, Perception, Tracking.
Details: Signal to locate. Operates on Locate Person-flies to person, and Locate Hiding-finds person hiding in area.
Item Used: Baby Raccoon + raw meat + falconry sack
Procedure: Follow steps for Raccoon, dont pick up the baby, place raw meat out, catch hawk with sack.

Spider: Climbing, Stealing, bonus to HB
Details: Signal to web. Operates on Web Item-attempts to cover the item in webs making climbing easier, Web Self-the companion will cover your hands in sticky webs granting a bonus to stealing skill and/or negating dropped weapon effects, and Web Target-Holds a charge of HB from Ranger to be released upon command. Caster must know HB, and must cast on companion before ability can be used.
Item Used: dead flies + bug box
Procedure: Find the spider you like, and catch it.

More needed?

I see these companions as being able to fight alongside Rangers and perhaps even allow Rangers to grant them a bonus to skills that they already use by use of spells which we have that emulate those talents.

Mountain Lion: Buffed by COTC and SOTT
Details: Leap attacks involving multiple hits.
Item Used: Bait + collar
Procedure: Place bait, hide, collar creature when close, use AL to soothe.

Wolf: Buffed by WS and WOTP
Details: Attacks from hiding.
Item Used: Bait + collar
Procedure: Place bait, hide, collar creature when close, use AL to soothe.

Bear: Buffed by BS, and GRIZ
Details: Distracts opponents from Ranger.
Item Used: Bait + collar
Procedure: Place bait, hide, collar creature when close, use AL to soothe.

Play the game!
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Re: Companions on 03/12/2010 07:49 PM CST
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I do not envy you the headache you will have when you awake. However until then, sleep well and dream of large women...


... Instead of sucking water, I've just sucked one year of your life away, so tell me, how do you feel? And remember this is for posterity's sake, so please... be honest

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: Companions on 03/12/2010 08:28 PM CST
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>>I do not envy you the headache you will have when you awake.

I'm not sure what you mean...

>>I've just sucked one year of your life away, so tell me, how do you feel?

If you're talking about companions, well... I see it more as giving than I see it as being taken away.

- GM Sithix
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Re: Companions on 03/12/2010 09:00 PM CST
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>I'm not sure what you mean...

Princess Bride quotes... Not sure how they relate either

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Re: Companions on 03/13/2010 03:21 PM CST
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basically, I don't envy the headache involved with diving into the companion code... and this project is going to suck his life away

but it was just a joke.

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: Companions on 03/13/2010 06:01 PM CST
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<<basically, I don't envy the headache involved with diving into the companion code... and this project is going to suck his life away

In all honesty, if the companion code was such a headache, IE. Mess. It should have been scraped completely, and rewritten from scratch.

There has been hundreds of different ideas for companions over the years. Many very good, some, not so good.

I think the big thing is, what is in the realm of possibility? How are companions to be defined? Are the nothing more than fluff? Are they to be of similar utility to familiars? Can they be for bonus' to skills/abilities? Can they be combat oriented? Critter oriented (have a companion armadillo/basilisk/etc)? What are we talking about here?

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Re: Companions on 03/13/2010 06:25 PM CST
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There are indeed a lot of different ideas. Here's the one I like best (ignore any similarities to WoW hunters, as I did not realize the parallels until after I had written most of the post):

A companion can be tamed from any huntable animal.

Put them into a few different basic "types" such as canine, feline, avian, arachnid... serpentine? Et cetera. This would decide what abilities they will learn to access.
Make all animals of a type the same strength regardless of how strong it is when it is a wild animal, so that the choice is simply aesthetic.
Have abilities learned at various circles with an animal lore requirement and maybe quests.
Make them so that they cannot be permanently killed.
Let every Ranger have more than one even if it is circle and AL dependent and only one can be out at a time.
Some sort of bonding process could be nice, provided it is upward only. Having to worry about losing a bond would be just another annoyance similar to the current Ranger bonus.

Given the perceived Necromancer monopoly on combat pets, it seems unlikely that companions would be very good at damaging attacking. If making them better at it requires it to be a higher circle/AL trick, that is fine. Non-damaging attacks (such as knocking things down, stunning them, fearing them, et cetera) at earlier circles/skill would be good.

I would additionally propose that aside from the aforementioned types, there is a separate type which primarily serve as mounts (hoping that the horse system is rewritten). These I would suggest could be "summoned" at the same time as one of the other companions is out.
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Re: Companions on 03/14/2010 12:45 AM CST
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>>basically, I don't envy the headache involved with diving into the companion code

Suffice to say I won't spend twice the time on "fixing" something if I can spend half that time on something new that "fixes" the previous issues we knew about, and then some.

>>and this project is going to suck his life away

I have lots of those projects.... but I also have infinite lives.

- GM Sithix
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Re: Companions on 03/14/2010 03:02 AM CDT
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I should add that since my current favorite feature of companions is being able to track them and send them to someone, I would not want that to go away. Rather, I would like it to work even better.

Which means a tracking rewrite....
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Re: Companions on 03/14/2010 03:09 AM CDT
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>>Are the nothing more than fluff?

More than that for sure.

>>Are they to be of similar utility to familiars?

A comparison with familiars would not be productive. Utility? Sure.

>>What are we talking about here?

Too early to tell. But you can talk about utility, survivalist, and combat as you wish.

Do keep in mind that combat is the Necromancer "pet" niche, but I do not believe that completely rules out having your companion help out in some fashion while in combat. That isn't nailed down and is pretty much completely subject to change.

- GM Sithix
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Re: Companions on 03/14/2010 10:26 AM CDT
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suggestion for combat/utility

if a critter that you outclass with current-weapon (or brawling) begins to advance on you, make it so your wolf/ferocious-companion barks/growls and scares/chases the critter out of the room, instead of the critter advancing to melee on you then retreating out of combat and bolting from the room
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Re: Companions on 03/15/2010 10:40 PM CDT
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Don't worry Purnay, he'll be only "mostly dead..."

SGM Audacia

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
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Re: Companions on 03/16/2010 07:49 PM CDT
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great, thanks Audi, you've ruined my plans. I WAS going to "go through his pockets and look for loose change"

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: Companions on 03/17/2010 09:04 AM CDT
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The suggestion that Unlonchi buckets permanently maintain beseeched meat in an non-rotting way has been made many times over. Apparently having easy access to food for our pets is "overpowered".

~Hunter Hanryu
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Re: Companions on 03/17/2010 02:26 PM CDT
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Sorry my mistake. Don't know how that could be since the whole time consumption on retraining companions is only for the stout of heart, and tirelessly faithful.

But whatever.

Seriously, there's no reason to ever go that high aside from sheer laziness. Or a bug that lodges 23982 pieces of shrapnel in you,

- GM Dartenian
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Re: Companions on 03/25/2010 10:32 PM CDT
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>Apparently having easy access to food for our pets is "overpowered".

Don't be so sure...

SGM Audacia

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
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