SKINNING on 02/04/2013 06:21 AM CST
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Since it takes longer to kill critters in 3.0, I am locking everything and still hanging around for the next half hour to train skinning. Is anyone else experiencing this? I could be doing something wrong and if not, would it be possible to get a bump to skinning to match the lengthy kill times? Thank you.

If not, I'm still a happy Ranga!

Player Behind Lorwryn
Flower Pickin' Fool
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Re: SKINNING on 02/04/2013 07:36 AM CST
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Past Guru in skinning as a ranger... it drains faster than I can move it.

Currently, I'm having to recruit warm bodies... get a bunch of things in the room... go on a killing spree with a blade.... go on a subsequent arranging spree... then skin as fast as I can. Repeat.

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Re: SKINNING on 02/05/2013 12:37 AM CST
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Yup, after about 2 hours of hunting, I only got skinning up to 6/34. I think they need to tweak learning up a tad to offset the longer kill times.

Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
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Re: SKINNING on 02/05/2013 05:01 PM CST
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same here

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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