Fun working together or Adapt and overcome a bit long on 09/03/2003 03:05 PM CDT
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Not totally sure but this seems be the right place for this...anyway.

I wake up from below deck on the Lybdael headed towards Haven and find pirates milling about and causing a general ruckus. There is a ranger there...Telrenth. He works on 'em a bit and has taken out about three pirates a bit earlier but these are somewhat tougher.

One started advancing on me so I tried my bow but my hits that did manage to stick seemed to be more of an annoyance than anything. Maybe their captain saw someone in hiding we couldn't see and sent his better cutthroats, I don't know. Anyway, I decided to try my hanger since this red sash wearing fellow was still coming at me. We exchanged a few blows and he got a hit or two on me so I decided that staying out of Mr. pirate's reach was best.

Meanwhile, Telrenth is trying to Hb the fella right after I try compost. His Hb doesn't seem to be doing the trick (perhaps the pirates he dispatched earlier warned their brethren about this spell). My compost works but...its compost...its not going to really hurt these guys. However, as most know, compost can be a nuisance enough to set some folks and critters off balance just a bit. I tried HB also but the mana isn't that great right here so using multiple spells quickly won't do so I can't get this sea fairing cur while he is off balance.

Things are getting pretty frustrating and I decide we should switch, he casts swarm which unbalances them slightly and I cast HB. This worked quite nicely. A tied up pirate is a very good pirate indeed. We dispatched these blokes quickly after that and we both had grins from ear to ear.

The moral and high point:
Its nice when people work together and figure out something. Also, as an overall heavy damaging spell, compost is not good for critters at or a bit below most rangers hunting at level. However, it does seem to hit at level or higher critters most of the time and unbalances them leaving them more vulnerable to other attacks. Now that I think about it, our Hb casts probably would have worked if one of us had gotten to better than solidly balanced and the pirate we cast the Hb on was less balanced but that would require being at melee and my leathers had just been repaired. It worked out just the same however and this was a nice example of cooperation and thinking in battle.

Thanks for that Telrenth, we kicked butt that day...eventually. on the website below and vote to see some mudd.

Don't forget to vote DR as the number one mud.
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Re: Fun working together or Adapt and overcome a bit long on 09/03/2003 04:33 PM CDT
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When did compost become an attack spell?

Xelten Tyrsin

Jent says, "You should train leather."
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Re: Fun working together or Adapt and overcome a bit long on 09/04/2003 03:26 AM CDT
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>>>>When did compost become an attack spell?<<<<

really,i wasnt aware of the unbalancing effect,it that true?

Master Tanner in Training
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Re: Fun working together or Adapt and overcome a bit long on 09/04/2003 12:26 PM CDT
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i think he means swarm...good team work

Da Not So Madd Webba

Ebonics 101

1)Playahata (n) - One who offers truthful constructive criticism that is in opposition to popular opinion or the status quo.
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Re: Fun working together or Adapt and overcome a bit long on 09/04/2003 03:05 PM CDT
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Hah...oh yeah...its swarm not compost...Where was my mind at. on the website below and vote to see some mudd.

Don't forget to vote DR as the number one mud.
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Re: Fun working together or Adapt and overcome a bit long on 09/20/2003 12:27 AM CDT
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For a moment here while I read through these posts I got unbelievably excited about getting compost...

seconds later my hopes were crushed...
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