Scouting on 07/14/2005 02:27 PM CDT
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When you have someone heavy running with you say at tottering burden. You get a weird non accurate messaging. If'n you guys could please look at the messages.

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Re: Scouting on 07/14/2005 02:30 PM CDT
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Can you be more specific please?

The only girl I've ever loved
Was born with roses in her eyes
But then they buried her alive
One evening 1945
With just her sister at her side
And only weeks before the guns
All came and rained on everyone
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Re: Scouting on 07/14/2005 03:30 PM CDT
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Yeah, The messaging you get for when someone has too bad of a wound, and someone is too heavy is the same.

You decide not to attempt the journey due to the physical ailments afflicting a member of your party.
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Re: Scouting on 07/14/2005 04:19 PM CDT
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Well, you know, heavy weight increases chance of heart disease.

Perhaps the messaging should be changed to "Members in your party are not yet prepared to take this journey"

The only girl I've ever loved
Was born with roses in her eyes
But then they buried her alive
One evening 1945
With just her sister at her side
And only weeks before the guns
All came and rained on everyone
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Re: Scouting on 07/14/2005 11:02 PM CDT
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that message is perfectly accurate.

Those who pride themselves on being the Hunter can easily become the prey.
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Scouting Feat? on 07/30/2005 08:51 AM CDT
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Just had an idea for a skill based Scouting ability.

Is it possible (with enough ranks) to see the RTS trail markers as part of the room description without having to scout the trail? Kinda like this:

[Mer'Kresh, Southern Canal Gate]
Solidly mortared and built from heavy blocks of basalt, the base for the planned canal gate is closer to completion than the surrounding ring, and stands out from the surrounding pile of rough and loose rock. Ebbing waves slicken the stones on top of the base with spray and foam. Caught only by the most violent splashes, a brilliant red banner flutters from atop a wooden pole.
You also see Carved into the end grain of the oak log is the sign of the crested shield, an asaren celpeze, an asaren celpeze, and a rusting metal gate.
Obvious paths: southwest.

Maybe at 150 ranks you start seeing the easy trails, 300 ranks you see the medium difficulty trails, and 450 you can see all of them?

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Re: Scouting Feat? on 07/30/2005 10:11 AM CDT
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Damn nice idea

Da Madd Webba aka Da Truth aka too Real for TV

You might as well pay attention since your behind can't afford free speech

Denial is not just a river in Egypt!"....

I'm like a pee stained mattress, don't sleep on me!
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Re: Scouting Feat? on 07/30/2005 10:49 AM CDT
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I concur

The only girl I've ever loved
Was born with roses in her eyes
But then they buried her alive
One evening 1945
With just her sister at her side
And only weeks before the guns
All came and rained on everyone
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Re: Scouting Feat? on 07/30/2005 10:51 AM CDT
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Me three!

-Vision et al

Also, I can shoot bees.
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Re: Scouting Feat? on 07/30/2005 12:04 PM CDT
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Oh, I like it! Pretty please, cherries and sprinkles and assorted sugar things on top?


You hear a female voice whisper, "Easily used when offered, probably is like other men. Always speaking with their muscles, and not the one that rests between their ears."
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Re: Scouting Feat? on 07/30/2005 06:35 PM CDT
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Wow, that is a good idea. Surprising no one thought of it before now. Good work!

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Re: Scouting Feat? on 07/30/2005 07:16 PM CDT
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I like it. Code it up, have it released by end of August...Thanks.

Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.
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Re: Scouting Feat? on 07/30/2005 08:34 PM CDT
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It is a nice idea although I'd push the numbers up a bit=)

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Re: Scouting Feat? on 07/30/2005 09:15 PM CDT
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Great idea! I'd push for it to be a combined perception/scouting check. Also I'd love for PTM's that have been TURNed to show up as well.

Ranger Hanryu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Sword of House Calibanor
(I'll trade all my titles for just ONE last name, well almost all of em)
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Re: Scouting Feat? on 07/30/2005 10:15 PM CDT
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<blinks> What a novel concept!

Now I will snipe you cause I didnt think of it first!!<g>

Will,the puppetmaster behind...
Izzit Myadow
Master Tanner In Training
Asirin N'sherzza
Priest of Meraud

>tap my case
You tap an ebony lockpick case labeled "Evil Elf" that you are wearing.

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Re: Scouting Feat? on 07/30/2005 11:42 PM CDT
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Thanks for the suggestion! I'll run it past Paklin to see if it's something that can be done or not :) If it is, it probably won't be worked on until the scouting changes as diving into that code on multiple occasions can be hazardous to one's health.

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Scouting, A New Idea? on 11/29/2005 10:44 AM CST
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Hey guys, I just had an idea bout scouting (actually it's more involved in tracking really). Has it ever been suggested that the whole "Just arrived, tracking you down" message should be scalable to the tracked user's perception? For instance:

Successful perception notice: "Soandso arrives, tracking you down"

Mid-Level On-Par Throw: "Soandso arrives"

Perception notice fail: (User see's nothing, the tracker is just simply there, but not hidden)

Footpad Nightshayd
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 11/29/2005 11:01 AM CST
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Very neat idea. Hopefully it's considered when they redo SDT and the scouting system as a whole.


"I am a leaf in the wind. Watch how I soar."
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 11/29/2005 01:35 PM CST
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Nice idea.


[Shadaron] "Okay so maybe I wanted to graverob you a LITTLE, that doesn't mean i've done it."

[Meerc] "People are irritatesome..."
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 11/29/2005 04:48 PM CST
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Also, how about tracking while remaining hidden?

- Xelten Tyrsin
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 11/29/2005 05:19 PM CST
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Train more it can be done!

Those who pride themselves on being the Hunter can easily become the prey.
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 11/29/2005 09:03 PM CST
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Tracking while remaining hidden is fantastic feature. Use it fairly often.


An air elemental appears before Thanious and whispers something to him before floating over to you and saying, "Thanious is attempting to steal from you, madam. You may ACCUSE him to the proper officials."
The elemental fades away.
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 11/29/2005 09:15 PM CST
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>Tracking while remaining hidden is fantastic feature. Use it fairly often.


Yeah, yeah, show off. ;) 200 hideing isn't it?
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 11/29/2005 09:35 PM CST
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Not sure if its a hard number, though it could be. I know as far as sneaking down trails, I could sometimes do it, sometimes fail (fail gave no RT though so you could scroll it until you managed). A decent EM would definitely boost my chances.


An air elemental appears before Thanious and whispers something to him before floating over to you and saying, "Thanious is attempting to steal from you, madam. You may ACCUSE him to the proper officials."
The elemental fades away.
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 11/29/2005 10:29 PM CST
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Oh, I thought it wasn't possible, but I definitely haven't tried in quite a long time.

Just tried, and I can apparently do it. Nifty.

Nevermind then.

- Xelten Tyrsin
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 11/30/2005 04:57 PM CST
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Can you track People while hidden, or just trails? Trails I can do.. but I can't seem to figure out how to do people.
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 11/30/2005 06:04 PM CST
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>>but I can't seem to figure out how to do people.<<

Well first there's this bee and a bird and a flower. Something happens where the bee and the bird do something with the flower and then 9 months later the stork drops off the baby to the momma and that's where baby's come from, but you can stop the stork if you wear a rain coat or something like that.

quick and dirty version of the birds n the bees.

Da Madd Webba aka Da Truth aka too Real for TV

You might as well pay attention since your behind can't afford free speech

Denial is not just a river in Egypt!"....

I'm like a pee stained mattress, don't sleep on me!
Reply Reply
Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 11/30/2005 09:15 PM CST
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>quick and dirty version of the birds n the bees.

A must for young children everywhere.

As far as the tracking, when you want to follow your mark, just hide and track...assuming you have enough skill you should automatically track in hiding, and if not I'm guessing you just pop out of hiding and follow the footprints.


An air elemental appears before Thanious and whispers something to him before floating over to you and saying, "Thanious is attempting to steal from you, madam. You may ACCUSE him to the proper officials."
The elemental fades away.
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 11/30/2005 11:04 PM CST
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with over 200 hiding, fine bonus, EM you come right out of hiding when you "track" to find the person.


"i'm no good at small talk! watch! ask me how the weather is!" "how's the wea--" "JEFF!"
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 11/30/2005 11:27 PM CST
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>>track thoman
You determine to track Thoman wherever he goes.
>go arch
[Oshu'ehhrsk Manor, Grand Hallway]
Covered in a yellowed webbing that obscures their features, a pair of marble statues dutifully guard either side of a veiled mahogany archway. Thickening near the ceiling, the webbing shifts in the errant drafts of the hallway, forming oddly familiar faces momentarily before reforming into more esoteric guises. Ironically, the ceiling's shade of dark blue has not yet faded to the point that the semblance to a cloud-filled sky is lost.
Obvious exits: east, west.
You melt into the background, convinced that your attempt to hide went unobserved.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

You pick up signs of Thoman's passing and follow him.

The subtle musk of those who have come before leads you through the wilds with the acuity of a hound dog.


Nimble as a squirrel, you dodge obstacles easily as you dash along the backcountry trail.

You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.

You skillfully navigate a safe journey through the untamed land.

As your journey ends, you gaze out at your new surroundings.

[Oshu'ehhrsk Manor, Den]
Lumps of what appear to be hardened sap hang from the crown moulding, occasionally dripping greasy muck down the bricks of a broken fireplace. Their lofty perches are surrounded by brownish water stains and yellowing webbing, unreachable from the cluttered floor. No large pieces of furniture remain in the room -- only bits of unrecognizable debris and rotting wood. You also see a veiled mahogany archway.
Also in the room: Thoman.
Obvious exits: none.
H>look jalika
I could not find what you were referring to.
You come out of hiding.

That's exact syntax I'm using.


An air elemental appears before Thanious and whispers something to him before floating over to you and saying, "Thanious is attempting to steal from you, madam. You may ACCUSE him to the proper officials."
The elemental fades away.
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 12/01/2005 09:46 AM CST
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>>with over 200 hiding, fine bonus, EM you come right out of hiding when you "track" to find the person.

Get more hiding and scouting.


"I am a leaf in the wind. Watch how I soar."
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 12/01/2005 01:23 PM CST
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Not sure when it first started happening, but with ~160 in hiding, good bonus, EM, and nearly 300 scouting...I can now track while remaining hidden. Wouldn't stalking be figuring in there, though? Mine's ~140, in any case.


"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."
PSA - Sakhara's definition of RP (among other things) is erroneous
"I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar."
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 12/01/2005 01:25 PM CST
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How much do I need.. I have 280 hiding and 250ish scouting? Is stalking a factor.. thats over 250 also.
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 12/01/2005 04:21 PM CST
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You should be able to with your skills. It is more dependent on hiding then scouting.


In an open world who needs Windows or Gates.
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 12/01/2005 10:19 PM CST
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Ok.. Can we figure out why my track hiding thingy doesn't work...

Strength : 36 Reflex : 38
Agility : 34 Charisma : 24
Discipline : 32 Wisdom : 30
Intelligence : 30 Stamina : 30

Scouting: 247 53%
Hiding: 281 10%
Stalking: 258 63%

Anything else?

I can run trails while remaining hidden. but:


You come out of hiding.
You pick up signs of $$$$$ passing and follow him.

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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 12/01/2005 11:28 PM CST
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Have you tried putting up wolf scent, earth meld, or sott? one at a time or all together?
All I remember is I started being able to stay hidden tracking a lil while after I was able to go down trails in hiding.. but thought was by the time I had skills similar to yours. maybe not.

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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 12/02/2005 03:39 AM CST
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Can't be certain, but I know scouting is one of those skills where you learn different abilities at specific, round ranks. Perhaps at 250 you'll be able to do it.

- Xelten Tyrsin
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 12/03/2005 12:57 AM CST
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Reply Reply NYA!

well i just suck apparently. can't even do it with EM, WS, SOTT all up :)

and now i just heard that you need 500 combined hiding and scouting to do it...must be a hard rank thing though. i'm well over 500 combined with spells. or i just suck.


"i'm no good at small talk! watch! ask me how the weather is!" "how's the wea--" "JEFF!"
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 12/03/2005 09:25 PM CST
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have you tried tracking and then hiding, the way Jalika showed it in the log? That's what Jalika did, and Jalika stayed in hiding.

J'Lo, no that other one
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Re: Scouting, A New Idea? on 12/03/2005 11:36 PM CST
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ws at 41
sott at 36
em at 50

scouting at 215, hiding at 211, stalking at 189

You reach out with your senses and see brilliant streams of Life energy coursing through the area.
You can sense that there is less mana to the northwest, a little less mana to the west, much less mana to the southwest, a little less mana to the south, a little less mana to the southeast, a little less mana to the northeast, and much less mana to the north.
You sense the Earth Meld spell upon you, which should last for about twenty-five roisaen.
You sense the Senses of the Tiger spell upon you, which should last for about fifteen roisaen.
You sense the Wolf Scent spell upon you, which should last for about thirteen roisaen.

and then...

[Wilds, Pine Needle Path]
Birds dart in and out of the dense shrubbery here, calling to one another in cadences that are almost comprehendible. Responses seem to emanate from the wooden structure ahead, a timber building with ornately carved double doors, and seemingly without a roof. You also see an alder branch, an alder branch, an alder branch, an alder branch, a tall wooden figure whose gaze seems to vigilantly scan the surroundings, and a waste bin.
Also here: Ranger Gimlias.
Obvious paths: south.
You ponder.
Gimlias makes a final fold and gazes proudly at his new plain origami flower.
>track gim
You determine to track Gimlias wherever he goes.
You hum to yourself.
[Wilds, Pine Needle Path]
A well-trod path leads from a small open gateway in the town wall and heads into a grove of whispering pine. Lean, muscular figures stride by briskly, some carrying longbows, others staves, and all garbed in muted tones of earth and forest. You also see a rock, some crossbow bolts, a fawn brown arrow, and a journeyman.
Obvious paths: north.
You melt into the background, convinced that your attempt to hide went unobserved.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You come out of hiding.

You pick up signs of Gimlias's passing and follow him.

Your surroundings become a blur of color as you speed along your overland route.


"i'm no good at small talk! watch! ask me how the weather is!" "how's the wea--" "JEFF!"
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