Ranger Bonus on 05/05/2004 03:18 AM CDT
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With the war sometimes we get stuck in areas that aren't the greatest for our bonus. I was wondering if it was possible to have our bonus get so bad it actually becomes a negative or will it only go so far as to degrade to our base skill?
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Re: Ranger Bonus on 05/05/2004 03:34 AM CDT
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It goes negative. Negative^max

-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia

That's why it's called a shortcut; if it was easy it would just be "The Way"
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Re: Ranger Bonus on 05/05/2004 03:55 AM CDT
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<<It goes negative. Negative^max

Do you have an idea how bad the negative is? Are we talking 5 to 10 ranks or 20-30 (or more)? The reason I'm asking is because I want to train my ranger's combat skills in Sand Sprites but Ratha isn't too nice to a Ranger's bonus. Also I know we can pace to see if a room is positive or negative to our bonus but are there different degrees to how bad or good an area might be? Like could one area that's negative degrade our bonus in an hour and another area degrade it in 30 minutes the same amount?
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Re: Ranger Bonus on 05/05/2004 03:59 AM CDT
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Sandies is bonus positive, as is the area out the 4th tier gate. I spent months on Ratha and never had a problem tanking it too badly.

But it gets bad...real bad. Bad enough that with well over savant effective hiding ranks, a warmie with 110 perception can see me slip into hiding if I'm in town enough.

That's why I hate invasions...

-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia

That's why it's called a shortcut; if it was easy it would just be "The Way"
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Re: Ranger Bonus on 05/05/2004 05:08 AM CDT
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<<But it gets bad...real bad. Bad enough that with well over savant effective hiding ranks, a warmie with 110 perception can see me slip into hiding if I'm in town enough.

Wow. Sounds like it can be pretty nasty. Thanks for the info!
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Re: Ranger Bonus on 05/05/2004 06:10 AM CDT
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It goes so bad that with over Master in scouting i can't find the most basic trail.

Nimmo "Cabana Boy"

There are two ways of meeting difficulties, you alter the difficulties or you alter yourself to overcome them.

If you are not riding the wave of change, You will find yourself beneath it. So swim ranger swim.
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Re: Ranger Bonus on 05/05/2004 11:49 AM CDT
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>It goes so bad that with over Master in scouting i can't find the most basic trail.

Slightly different situation there. Bad bonus means you can't find any trails at all, period, regardless of ranks. It's not a case of a bad bonus detracting from your ranks.

But, yeah, a bad bonus will detract from your skills.

Lt. Qreyq
Baron's Own Militia

Come to the Packhouse!
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Re: Ranger Bonus on 05/05/2004 01:55 PM CDT
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>>Do you have an idea how bad the negative is? Are we talking 5 to 10 ranks or 20-30 (or more)?

I believe it is percentage based, not rank based. About forty percent maximum penalty sounds right, versus a twenty percent bonus at the other end. These numbers could be off though.

Lieutenant Xelten Tyrsin
Tribunal Dragoons
Aesry Surlaenis'a

"If you can't convince them, confuse them." --Harry S. Truman

Fengreve says, "Grishnok pops up, cops an attitude and Dritz webs him, then promptly drops a tree on his face."
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Re: Ranger Bonus on 05/05/2004 07:25 PM CDT
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<<Sandies is bonus positive, as is the area out the 4th tier gate. I spent months on Ratha and never had a problem tanking it too badly.

This isn't entirely true. The Sand sprite area is positive. However there are only a few areas out the North gate that are positive, its almost all negative or neutral. The leucro hunting ground is I believe all positive, and while you would have to check, there was only 1 other room that I know was bonus positive outside of that area. (There might have been a few more rooms that were, has been too long since I went to Ratha.)

AIM ~ Jasperjohn DR

Help. Help. If anyone reads this I am being held prisoner by an evil Eunuch. Help.
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Re: Ranger Bonus on 05/05/2004 07:57 PM CDT
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The Inn by Sand sprites is also bonus positive. I used to pop boxes there.

I am Pep-tog. Celebraty.
Striderr says, "You're a Viente Tog!"
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Re: Ranger Bonus on 05/06/2004 01:13 AM CDT
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Bah, just posted this elsewhere, but I'm sure our bonus goes at least as positive as 33% with 20 charisma, for what it's worth.

Player of Launtris
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Re: Ranger Bonus on 05/06/2004 06:18 AM CDT
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Ahhhh ha!!!!

I just knew Pep couldnt stat away!!!!

Master Tanner in Training

"Fiery sun burning bright,"
"I call upon your golden light!"
"Lend the power of your mighty ray"
"And from my sight chase moisture away!"

>The sky becomes completely overcast.

You glower.

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Re: Ranger Bonus on 05/06/2004 07:15 AM CDT
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Just haven't actually left yet. End of this month when my month runs out.

I am Pep-tog. Celebraty.
Striderr says, "You're a Viente Tog!"
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Re: Ranger Bonus on 05/06/2004 07:16 AM CDT
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He's not leaving, he's always IMing me saying how much he misses us all /grin

~ Striderr Slayn ~ Ranger

This post will self destruct in 5 seconds.






Still reading? What kind of a Secret Agent are you?
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Re: Ranger Bonus on 05/06/2004 07:57 AM CDT
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::steals Pep::

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Re: Ranger Bonus on 05/07/2004 06:14 AM CDT
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Hard to leave when yer stolen buddy!!! Muhahahahahaha!!!!

You will NEVER leave now.

We all float down here Peppy.

Master Tanner in Training

"Fiery sun burning bright,"
"I call upon your golden light!"
"Lend the power of your mighty ray"
"And from my sight chase moisture away!"

>The sky becomes completely overcast.

You glower.

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