Hunting in aquatic regions on 01/02/2010 12:16 PM CST
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This wouldn't need to be a Ranger specific ability but instead a survival skill check if people are hunting in an area with water, they should get a boost to attack and defense based on swimming skill or lack thereof. I am not suggesting anything drastic , but perhaps a 10 percent addition subtraction to hit /damage and avoid damage with defenses if your swimming ranks are substantially low or high for the critter or area.

I suggest this with swimming as my tenth survival so , I am not just promoting my own interests here. I just feel many skills should have uses beyond merely circling or getting from point a to point b.

Also depending on our swimming and climbing if applicable we should be able to use hunt in areas with these obstacles, please?

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Re: Hunting in aquatic regions on 01/02/2010 01:43 PM CST
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This idea I like alot but to expand...maybe a bit of an extra add with CAIS up? It would not hurt my feelings at all to see a reflex bonus when hunting in a WATER ONLY area with this spell cast.

No ranger stands alone.
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Re: Hunting in aquatic regions on 01/06/2010 01:45 PM CST
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Already get Reflex from SOTT so a moot point there and would be 3 reflex boosts underwater. SOTT + CS + CAIS would be overkill. Just getting a bonus from swimming ranks which CAIS boosts would work well.
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