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A request for a BEAR of a Title on 06/30/2022 11:34 AM CDT
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As a relatively-recently returned ranger, I noticed a lot of familiar titles and some neat ones I'm currently training for. However, as someone with a desire to pursue a bear-themed ranger, could we see more bear related titles? We have a good number of raptor, bird, and wolf-themed ones. Perhaps related to spells, athletics, brawling, and maybe outdoorsmanship (foraging)? Could be stat related as well.


Dire Paw

Or anything of the like. Thanks!
-The (Hopeful) Bear Guy
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Re: A request for a BEAR of a Title on 07/01/2022 06:36 AM CDT
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Since the forums are dead, might think about reposting that on the discord. Han's spirit animal is the bear, so I'm in for all the bear titles!

~Hunter Hanryu
>I would like to avoid the collection of broken dreams and sorrow that is the Ranger guild.~Agalea
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