Corik's Wall on 10/28/2012 06:25 PM CDT
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I wanted to see what the general thought was on minimum circle/abilities to complete this solo. Or do most people go with a group? I'm coming up on 50th, and was considering doing it by myself.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

Now then, please take your gear, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field and hunt game for me; Genesis 27:3
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Re: Corik's Wall on 10/29/2012 08:54 PM CDT
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<<I wanted to see what the general thought was on minimum circle/abilities to complete this solo.>>

It can be done, but I'd suggest a lot of herbs on your person. It's been a few years since I did it by myself, but I remember running from room to room until the herbs kicked in. That plus I always kept my stamina up. I'd suggest to wait until circle 53'sh and try then.

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Re: Corik's Wall on 10/29/2012 09:14 PM CDT
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You can do it alone but I found the presence of an empath paliie and cleric very useful during the onslaught. If you do ask folks to come with you, make sure they understand that their role is dodge the hoards (thus dividing them between folks so you can kill them without dying). Having a pallie protect me when I was in a bad spot was helpful--but don't let them lead. Having an empath nearby was great--but again, don't let them have a guardian spirit out. I think if they do this, you don't get credit for kills (though I'm sure mistaken--I usually am).

The bottom line is you have to do most of the killing. Also, be aware that the quest sometimes goes wonky. Some folks have battled for days (with log off and log on) and not been "done". Others have fought, vanquished all with no others coming and been unable to get the general to promote him and get his badge.

Hope this helps. My experience with the quest happened long before it got wonky. Take what advice you feel good and leave the rest. Kuniyo guide you and protect you.

Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
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