For those of you who haven't read of my trials in completing the beseech the wind to preserve quest, the quest drove me nuts and I had no idea what was wrong. However, in the process, I learned something very valuable. Not from the quest itself, but from the experience of those who helped me.
I always thought that "No Ranger Stands Alone" was an odd slogan for a guild whose whole identity is based on self-sufficiency, but this experience has redefined this for me and two rangers have shown me what it truely means.
Upon my arrival in Shard (for the first time since it was reconnected to Zoluren many years ago), I decided to try swimming in the crocodile area south of Shard. It was too much for me and I got stuck on the grate. A local "hero" ranger, Pfanston, was the one to offer to come drag me off the grate and bring me back to shore. He has repeatedly escorted me to the ranger guild to talk to Tomma so that I wouldn't get ambushed by Arzuremos (after having that happen to me twice in one day, boht of which resulted in death). Pfanston is the local Ranger to Illithi that just seems to be everywhere he's needed.
However, in this case, Pfanston Melgorn and his friend Aleyden Everden really went above and beyond, and truly showed me what "No Ranger Stands Alone" really means. They are the reasons I was able to do this quest. After providing guidance and support for days over the gweth, Pfanston came across the chasm and came out to watch me search and dig for this frozen rose. As it was obvious that I was lacking something and wasn't simply missing a step, he offered to stay with me and help. Aleyden joined us and the two of them followed me around those frozen mountains for HOURS. They kept wolf scent cast on me at levels FAR above what I could acheive myself, killed snowbeasts for me as needed to prevent them from inhibiting my searching and digging, and, even if just through their presense alone, made the whole ordeal far less painful. When Pfanston began to suggest my mechanical lore was the problem, he taught me a level, then ran back to Shard to try to hunt up some ML Constelation Jewelry. Aleyden stayed with me throughout the time Pfanston was gone, continuing to teach me mechanical lore and kept forestwalker's boon up the entire time so that we could move and operate in the area without interference from pesky snowbeasts. When Pfanston was unable to find any ML CJ or a moon mage to make it, Aleyden took me back across the chasm (through the undergondola route) and Pfanston vowed to find a moon mage to make the jewelry the next day. Pfanston had 2 pins made for me, both of which had 10 charges, and both of which I broke on the first use. (Sorry Pfanston!) In the end, it was that jewelry that boosted my mechanical lore to the point that I could complete the quest. I owe them both for their help and will be sure to do everything I can to help others in the manner that they helped me. They are both great examples of what the standard that is set by our guild slogan.
~Leithlen, the relieved and grateful ranger.
"No Ranger Stands Alone" on 08/15/2010 05:20 PM CDT
Re: "No Ranger Stands Alone" on 10/13/2010 08:25 PM CDT
Re: "No Ranger Stands Alone" on 12/17/2010 10:24 AM CST
There are a few outstanding rangers out there, but I have found the guild to be lacking in any and all meaning of the No Ranger Stands Alone saying. Fellow rangers have caused me more trouble than anyone, and I dont mean by any sort of mischief or joking. I've been kicked out for sitting there being friendly, killed for nothing mocked and robbed blind.
Just seems to me as if the strong ranger bond there used to be is falling apart.
Who's going to be there when the Wolfe growls at the door?
Just seems to me as if the strong ranger bond there used to be is falling apart.
Who's going to be there when the Wolfe growls at the door?
Re: "No Ranger Stands Alone" on 12/17/2010 10:36 AM CST
A) History will always seem better with the help of memory lose and nostalgia
B) The game has changed a bit yes, but remember you are older now then back than and maybe the tom-foolery just isn't what you remember it.
C) Possibly it's you???
D) Possibly there are one or two Rangers that are tainting your view of the entire guild.
I went to a Ranger Meeting for the first time in a long time the other night. The attendance was higher than I have ever seen it, and people were giving each other all manner of things and advice.
I've spent more time than usual in the Crossing guild and oddly enough there are always classes, people to joke around with, and the occasional rock fight.
I've found that almost without fail in an average day of playing 2-3 hours I get a handshake from a fellow treehugger.
If things aren't you think they should be, take a step back... if it isn't the rose colored glasses of yesterday changing your opinions, then maybe you need to put a few arrows in a few heads and make things right - or find others that will. I'm sure that if someone is causing issues in the guild, there are people that will gladly help you out.
-The Halfing Ranger
B) The game has changed a bit yes, but remember you are older now then back than and maybe the tom-foolery just isn't what you remember it.
C) Possibly it's you???
D) Possibly there are one or two Rangers that are tainting your view of the entire guild.
I went to a Ranger Meeting for the first time in a long time the other night. The attendance was higher than I have ever seen it, and people were giving each other all manner of things and advice.
I've spent more time than usual in the Crossing guild and oddly enough there are always classes, people to joke around with, and the occasional rock fight.
I've found that almost without fail in an average day of playing 2-3 hours I get a handshake from a fellow treehugger.
If things aren't you think they should be, take a step back... if it isn't the rose colored glasses of yesterday changing your opinions, then maybe you need to put a few arrows in a few heads and make things right - or find others that will. I'm sure that if someone is causing issues in the guild, there are people that will gladly help you out.
-The Halfing Ranger
Re: "No Ranger Stands Alone" on 12/18/2010 12:32 AM CST
Maybe I'm just seeing a good few dozen or so of the worst the guild has to offer, but I just dont see the old comradery there used to be. No longbow salutes or toast over drinks, I dunno...just dont seem right anymore.
And I am getting sick of being kicked out of my own guild...
Who's going to be there when the Wolfe growls at the door?
And I am getting sick of being kicked out of my own guild...
Who's going to be there when the Wolfe growls at the door?
Re: "No Ranger Stands Alone" on 12/18/2010 12:45 AM CST
Re: "No Ranger Stands Alone" on 12/18/2010 12:08 PM CST
There will always be a few folks who don't act like most people's version of ranger should be. Having said that, I stay far from the Crossing guild as a rule. It just seems to clichish a place for me. But there are quite a few elder rangers who do uphold the No Ranger Stands Alone.
I think more comraderie would be fostered if there were more ranger gatherings, history nights and so forth. We could have a ranger trivia contest or even an archer contest.
With the new things coming up (ranger retreat/obstacle course and companions and trails rewrite) I think being a ranger will still be the best option in the realms.
Zinaca and her wolf, Lucky who howls a lupine version of "No ranger stands alone"
I think more comraderie would be fostered if there were more ranger gatherings, history nights and so forth. We could have a ranger trivia contest or even an archer contest.
With the new things coming up (ranger retreat/obstacle course and companions and trails rewrite) I think being a ranger will still be the best option in the realms.
Zinaca and her wolf, Lucky who howls a lupine version of "No ranger stands alone"
Re: "No Ranger Stands Alone" on 12/23/2010 06:22 PM CST
I'm sorry to hear of your rough experiences in the ranger guild... I will say that "growing" in the ranger guild... some of my mentors had interesting ways of teaching me manors... some had a rough edge and felt the best way to teach me not to be rude was an arrow to the throat. Others dragged me out to the wilds and threw me at a pig and said... keel it! However all of them looked out for me when I died... outfitted me like there was no tomorrow, answered my questions or pointed me in the general direction, and went RAWR and any other guild that wanted to pick on me...
Even growing up there were rangers who only wanted to cause trouble or pick a fight, and there are plenty still out there now. Plenty of times I think I've been known to pick a fight.
I know there are a LOT of good rangers out there, they're just... quieter these days...
I hope you're experiences get better... If I've done something to put you off the ranger guild come talk to me if you see me around, or if you need help with something feel free to ask. I poke my nose in the cursings ranger guild quite often to see how the younger rangers are doing, or if any old ranger buddies have showed up.
"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
Even growing up there were rangers who only wanted to cause trouble or pick a fight, and there are plenty still out there now. Plenty of times I think I've been known to pick a fight.
I know there are a LOT of good rangers out there, they're just... quieter these days...
I hope you're experiences get better... If I've done something to put you off the ranger guild come talk to me if you see me around, or if you need help with something feel free to ask. I poke my nose in the cursings ranger guild quite often to see how the younger rangers are doing, or if any old ranger buddies have showed up.
"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
Re: "No Ranger Stands Alone" *POST HIDDEN* on 01/25/2011 09:42 PM CST