Re: Another Update on 03/20/2003 07:14 PM CST
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Damn it man. Don't play with my emotions like that. Brawling is my second weapon, and you just dropped it like that. My heart sunk and I thought I was back to being a little trail hopper.


"Better to be a little trail hopper than a little grasshopper, right Teek?" ;P
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Re: Another Update on 03/21/2003 08:54 AM CST
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I am using MSIE, I am actually running Windows XP on my lap top using MSIE 6.x.


"In an open world, Who needs windows or gates?"
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Re: Another Update on 03/21/2003 02:38 PM CST
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<<Those of you having trouble getting it to work, are you using MSIE?>>

Am using MSIE. And Yay! It was the control V paste that was the problem. :)

From this computer I have to use the eScape rather than wizard, perhaps the copy/paste from that messes up too?

Thanks for the help, is fun to see the requirements.

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Re: Another Update on 03/21/2003 02:40 PM CST
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Bout time ya got the damn thing fixed you lazy bum

All kiding aside great job and thanks for the hard work, guess i owe ya a couple a beers at the next get together.

Now put them other programs up - skill sorter - and that other on I like

Da Not So Madd Webba
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Re: Another Update on 03/21/2003 02:59 PM CST
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>>Jrendel>>Now put them other programs up - skill sorter - and that other on I like

I asked about the skill sorter, to see if there'd be any interest and got no response. Might work on it anyway, just for a challenge.

And what "other" one do you mean?

BTW, I also started building a vault manager some time back. It's basic function works, sorting allt he contents into separate areas like the skill sorter does ... different windows for each of the drawers, hooks, etc. But it's only good for premies since you can get the readout from the vault books. I'll get back to working on that one someday, although I likely will wait until I can do it in VBasic since trying to make an output script to rearrange stuff for you would be a PAIN in JScript. Best I can think of is it could output the script and you copy/paste it yourself into a new script.

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Re: Another Update on 03/21/2003 03:02 PM CST
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>>And what "other" one do you mean?<<

Im trying to think which one it was, you should it to me last time i was at your house.

you know the time ya weren't wearing pants?

Da Not So Madd Webba
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Re: Another Update on 03/21/2003 03:12 PM CST
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Well, now, that's real frickin descriptive. <flail> Still have no clue which one you mean. Well let's run down the list.

Old circle calc, newp. Herb reminder, newp ... new one's better. Vault manager, don't think I showed you that one. Oh wait ... are you talking about the herb tally one, the one where you paste in the contents of your herb container and it gives you a tally of what you have?

If so, that one would probably make a good companion to the reminder chart already up, but it needs work. Over time I have found the tally doesn't quite work as intended, I need to tweak it a bit. Also, when it tallies up "prepped" herbs, it's looking for them in the forms I usually prefer them in myself, dunno how easily I could make it changeable to different people. <ponders> I'll work on that one.

Though I wonder if maybe I should wait and see what all the changes to Substances, Alchemy and Foraging are going to do to it.

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Re: Another Update on 03/21/2003 03:18 PM CST
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Yeah that's the one.

Da Not So Madd Webba
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Re: Another Update on 03/21/2003 03:23 PM CST
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I took a look at the Zmud thing, wonder if there is anyway to put your apps into it. Anyone else looked at it or use it?

Yeah topic.

The player of Timargnon/Peperic
"In my opinion, we don't devote nearly enough scientific research to finding a cure for jerks." - Calvin and Hobbes
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Re: Another Update on 03/21/2003 03:46 PM CST
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>>Pep>>I took a look at the Zmud thing, wonder if there is anyway to put your apps into it. Anyone else looked at it or use it?

Actually, I've considered that. Would make the outputting of a script or the inputting of necessary data from the FE a lot less stressful. I keep telling myself one of these daysw I am going to DL Zmud and give it a whirl, now that Simu and Zuggsoft have made a pact and Zmud is being made Simu-friendly.

Since Zmud was built with the concept of add-ons being developed in mind (unlike the Wizard which is very unfriendly to add-ons) it just seems ripe for this idea.

In fact, I've wondered if Kitrinx has considered making her add-ons over for Zmud ... bet Empaths would love to have Crutch built into their FE, heh.

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Re: Another Update on 03/21/2003 04:27 PM CST
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No update to Krin's site is official without one thing....

There's been no request for a link!

It's a tradition!
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Re: Another Update on 03/22/2003 01:53 AM CST
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Did what ya said Krin, pasted usin Ctrl V and it works great. Might wanna add a link to the calculator from your main page though, unless I'm blind and just didn't see it.
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Update on 06/24/2003 11:25 PM CDT
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Uploaded an update to the circle calc tonight. Since Jent has confirmed the 80-rank starting point across the board, I implemented that, and tweaked the weapon req's to recognize brawling. A few more tweaks, mostly aesthetic in nature, will come sometime in the near future. But for all practical purposes, this thing is up and running, ready to go. Enjoy.

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Re: Update on 06/25/2003 12:33 AM CDT
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Think you can add in a "You need X ranks in Y skill for circle Z"? You know, so it reads, "You have enough ranks in Y skill for Z-1 circle, and need X ranks for Z circle." Or something like that...


Come to the Pack House!

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Re: Update on 06/25/2003 02:26 AM CDT
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I didn't really see the need for that, and adding a function to track that would have made it unnecessarily (IMHO) more complex.

If you want to see what ranks you need in all your skills to reach a given circle, that's already built in ... just paste your skills in the right-hand window, click the circle next to "Difference" and set the Circle box to what circle you are looking at (can click on the box itself then type in the circle, or click on the +/- buttons to raise/lower it one circle at a time).

One word of caution: some people have said the calc wasn't working, and I see why. I built it on the presumption that they would be using CTRL-V to paste their skills into the box and it is set to detect the keypress (ONKEYUP event) to trigger the function that updates the page's database (this is temporary, for purpose of calcs ... no, I do NOT store any of this information for any purpose, it is all on your computer, not the server where my webpage is located ... had a few people ask me if I was tracking skills, heh) with the skills entered so it can do its calcs. If you use the Edit menu option to paste, it won't trigger and update itself. I have a fix in mind for this, but until I implement it, here's a temporary solution: after pasting in your skills, click on the text box itself then press one of the arrow (cursor control) keys. This triggers the ONKEYUP event and all works normally.

If there's a widespread call for it, I will look into adding what you mentioned. But if you already know what you need to make 70th, does it really matter how many ranks away from 157th your 3rd lore is? Or is good enough to know that it has achieved 156th? (those numbered pulled totally out of the air, of course ... if that's where your 3rd lore actually falls, then dammit, it's time to hit the race track ...)

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Re: Update on 06/25/2003 05:17 PM CDT
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<<Since Jent has confirmed the 80-rank starting point across the board>>

Uh, 80-rank start across the board for what exactly?


"B. R."
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Re: Update on 06/25/2003 06:11 PM CDT
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>>Hawk>>Uh, 80-rank start across the board for what exactly?

Top 5 survivals. They start at 80 for 30th then go up from there based on the 5/5/6 (#1/2), 4/4/5 (#3/4) and 4/4/4 (#5) req for 31-70, 71-100 and 100+ zones respectively.

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Re: Update on 06/25/2003 06:33 PM CDT
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<<I didn't really see the need for that, and adding a function to track that would have made it unnecessarily (IMHO) more complex.>>


Come on you mean you don't have 5 minutes to spare or had the foresight to think to that? I mean it would only take a few minutes to get it done and it would be much better. Ya figure all the time you put into it you could make more folks happy.


I can die now.



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Re: Update on 06/25/2003 06:53 PM CDT
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<< I didn't really see the need for that, and adding a function to track that would have made it unnecessarily (IMHO) more complex. >>

Come, come...

Just because something is complex doesn't make it necessarily time consuming. If that was the case do you think I would have ever finished the fo... ah, um, different rewrites I've done? Throw it in there, let us all see what you can do. You don't want to see our upcoming releases happening tomorrow anyways, do ya?



BrewMaster Paklin
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Re: Update on 06/25/2003 07:00 PM CDT
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<< I didn't really see the need for that, and adding a function to track that would have made it unnecessarily (IMHO) more complex. >>

But it would be SO cool! And we are all free users of your website and demand better service than that. You should devote all of your time to that until it is done. I can't believe you can maintain a website with such poor customer service.


Damissak, the Destroyer
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Re: Update on 06/25/2003 07:13 PM CDT
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<<I didn't really see the need for that, and adding a function to track that would have made it unnecessarily (IMHO) more complex.>>

But the thieves have one that does!!! Sheesh, this is so unfair.


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Re: Update on 06/25/2003 07:16 PM CDT
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Hey who let the thieves in here!?? Jent kick em out! JOURNEYMAN!!!

Player of Peperic Timarson, ranger in training and apprentice tanner.
Tree-house, North Road, River's edge.
"No matter how hard you try, you can't fix stupid."
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Re: Update on 06/25/2003 07:32 PM CDT
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And so, the GMs get a small amount of revenge against the common folk... LOL


"B. R."
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Re: Update on 06/25/2003 07:52 PM CDT
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Well, that was interesting. Hope you guys had fun with your "karma sucks when it turns on you" episode, but may I remind you I am usually the one taking the heat for being the "yes man" backing you up? :-PpPpPp

And I am actually considering adding it, now. But it will be like the display of "legacy" skills, I will put in a check box to let the user decide whether they want the information or not. But not until after I revamp the core logic (again <sigh>) now that I understand why Smegul did one of the things he did with his core calcs. Makes them a bit more tedious to update but makes the math SO much simpler in all the equations (and a lot easier to figure out when you're looking at them a few months later trying to tweak them).

>>Paklin>>You don't want to see our upcoming releases happening tomorrow anyways, do ya?

If you actually think I would be loony enough to NOT hold off on any website work until next monday, so I have plenty of time to see this week's releases first ... you don't know me very well. :-D

And judging from your other little tidbit, looks ike if I work on anything tonight, it will be building my new foraging testing script so I can start reworking all my lists of what I can find where. <flail>

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Re: Update on 06/25/2003 10:28 PM CDT
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Haha. That was orchistrated, and damned funny <g>

GMs: 4 Krin: -1

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Re: Update on 06/26/2003 12:46 AM CDT
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I have the logic stuff in VB if you want it. The way it is presented is:

If it's a specifically required skill (EX: Scouting) It looks like this:

"You need <X> more ranks (<CurrentRanks> + <X> Total) in your <Skillname> Skill for <Z> Circle.

If it's a Skill1/2/3 (EX: Survival1) it looks like this:

"You need <X> more ranks (<CurrentRanks> + <X> Total) in your [Second/Third/Fourth etc] Highest <SKillsetname> Skill (<Skillname>) for <Z> Circle."

<> Denotes variable
[] Denotes Optional information

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Re: Update on 06/26/2003 01:47 AM CDT
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Heh. Now THAT was funny.


Come to the Pack House!

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Re: Update on 06/26/2003 01:21 PM CDT
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ROFL. Go GMs, go!


"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's too dark to read."
--Groucho Marx
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Re: Update on 06/27/2003 10:27 AM CDT
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Heh...the GMs perspective...funny.


Don't forget to vote DR as the number one mud.
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Calc Update on 07/02/2003 06:02 AM CDT
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The things I do to keep my public happy ... and to give the GM's one less piece of ammunition to THROW at me. :-P

The calc has been updated. The summary will now show you not only what circle each skill is good until, but also how many ranks to the next circle, same as Smegul's. However, it is not automatic. There is a new checkbox just above the summary section giving you the choice of whether you want that information or not. When it is checked, the "ranks to next circle" are shown, when the checkbox is cleared, they are not. The default for the checkbox is cleared, you have to click it if you want them shown.

Also, I made a minor change. For those above 30th, remember all those lines of "You no longer require ..."? They are no longer displayed unless you have the "legacy" (show all req'd skills regardless of circle) option checked.

Finally, I added more text to each of the options in order to better explain them so hopefully everyone will understand how it works.

Check it out, let me know what you all think. or

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Re: Calc Update on 07/02/2003 09:16 AM CDT
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The calc looks great, Krin. I can get some use out of it, now. :)

Oh, and just a typo note, you need a space between the number and "total ranks". Mine right now says, "You have 3145total ranks."

Other than that, looks great, I'll be using it for sure. Though it tells me I need 74 survival ranks for 40th, which reminds me I need to keep training... cries


Where am I going?
And why am I in this handbasket?
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Re: Calc Update on 07/02/2003 03:53 PM CDT
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That's very helpful Krinahd. Thanks. I knew you'd do that after the barrage of GM posts.


"Shove me in the shallow water before I get too deep."
--Edie Brickell
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Re: Calc Update on 07/02/2003 04:09 PM CDT
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Nah, I did it because I had several people asking for it in IM's and email. Making it one less thing the GM's can hurl at me is just a bonus. :-D

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Re: Calc Update on 07/02/2003 04:14 PM CDT
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<<Making it one less thing the GM's can hurl at me is just a bonus>>

You caved in to the pressure the man was putting on you! Don't let them get to you. You have to fight for your rights. You have to fight for your right to partyy...err..sorry..

Player of Peperic Timarson, ranger in training and apprentice tanner.
Tree-house, North Road, River's edge.
"No matter how hard you try, you can't fix stupid."
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Minor Pic Updates on 07/06/2003 04:25 AM CDT
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Made a couple of small updates to the pics page.

First, I added the "New Pics" category, so that dropdown menu at the top of the page that has had only one category up to this point now has 2. The second category is the one which will contain only the pics that have been added since the last time the page was updated, so if that's all you want to see, they are now easier to find.

Also, I have added a link to the pics page on the "Misc Bits" page, so there's another avenue for finding it. or

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Re: Minor Pic Updates on 07/07/2003 09:40 AM CDT
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It is about time some them Rangers sent in more pics. I will send in new one to Krinny pooh pooh in about a month. that will give me two months of working out under my belt and looking less fat. =)

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Re: Minor Pic Updates on 07/07/2003 02:01 PM CDT
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Work that body, oh yeah.

<does pushups>


"Shove me in the shallow water before I get too deep."
--Edie Brickell
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Re: Minor Pic Updates on 07/07/2003 04:52 PM CDT
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I'd send in one...but then everyone would either be jealous or hanging all over me, and the latter would make it oh so hard to hide....

Xelten Tyrsin

If you wish to see your enemies, look at your "friends."
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Re: Minor Pic Updates on 07/07/2003 05:14 PM CDT
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Hey giggler, leave me alone.

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Update on 08/17/2003 08:55 PM CDT
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I finally got to come home for a weekend, so a few updates were made to Legend's End.

The requirements, few things in scouting, and some other general information/layouts were caught up to date. A few portraits were uploaded by Kikianna, and a Links page was created.

I've been on the road for 6 months, and leave again on Wednesday so Kikianna will be answering the emails/requests as she gets 'em. I've also let her have full control over the site so she'll be able to help in making future changes and updates.

I still have plans to update a few million other things, but I'll have to knock them all out little by little until I get some solid time dedicated to developing in the batcave.

Merchandise is still offline due to upgrading to a more user-friendly shopping cart, and should be complete by Tuesday before I hit the road again.

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