Krin... on 11/10/2002 05:59 PM CST
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I know everyone's appreciate the info, but just wanted to direct your attention to Beseech the Gurus folder, post 178 crossposted for the lazy, like myself.

<< Haven't seen either way, but should the markers be a ranger IG secret? IE, adding them to public maps a nono? >>

Yes, we are considering these secret, and would prefer them kept off of public maps.


Brew Master Paklin

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Re: Krin... on 11/11/2002 02:05 AM CST
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<shrug> I took that as to mean they wouldn't want them added to Ranik's maps, same as you don't see the Thieves' Guild locations on them or the interiors of most Guildhalls.

If one of the team tells me they want the site down, I will respect their wishes and take it down. It would mean they get a major wedgie at the next Con for making me have to email the darned things one at a time rather than just letting people click a link, but I would take it down just the same.

We are not the Thieves. We are not outlaws on the run from the law and shrouded in secrecy. Noone can use our trails but us unless we guide them along the way, so who cares? Those who enjoy a challenge won't look. Those who just want to get the job done will. Everyone is happy. Except those who want the challenge but lack the self-control to keep themselves from looking, in which case I say they have serious issues and that is THEIR problem, not mine.

For them, all I can say is psychiatric help can be found in the phone book under "p". ;-)

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Re: Krin... on 11/11/2002 02:43 PM CST
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>For them, all I can say is psychiatric help can be found in the phone book under "p".

Bah! I've been looking under "s" for 27 years! I blame the voices.

I agree though, the sites fine. I like it. Besides, there's only one in-game-secret and I'm the only person that knows it.

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