Skinning levels on 12/08/2003 07:35 AM CST
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Does anybody have data on skinning levels of various critters on their website? Ive been searching around on what to hunt and can't find anything that suits my skinning needs. Granted Im a pally, I have close to or better than expert in all fighting skills, and just about 96 ranks of skinning. What can i do?

Wait we can't stop here! This is bat country!
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Re: Skinning levels on 12/08/2003 08:29 AM CST
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<<Ive been searching around on what to hunt and can't find anything that suits my skinning needs. Granted Im a pally, I have close to or better than expert in all fighting skills, and just about 96 ranks of skinning. What can i do?

I was thinking snowies/gargs at that level, but I'm not sure. You're at a spot where it's pretty difficult to move. Sorry I don't know of any websites off the top of my head. Maybe some others can help out there.

Ranger Aeclydis
~ Order of the Crystal Wolf
~ Langenfirth, Therengia
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Re: Skinning levels on 12/08/2003 08:36 AM CST
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Oh.. I just read the part where you said you have expert in all weapon skills. I haven't even hit that yet so I assume it's pretty high and gargs/snowies will be much too far below you. Maybe theres something on the islands that will teach you both.

Ranger Aeclydis
~ Order of the Crystal Wolf
~ Langenfirth, Therengia
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Re: Skinning levels on 12/08/2003 09:20 AM CST
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With your weapons so far ahead of your skinning, you're going to have a hard time finding something that teaches your skinning well and still teach your weapons decently. best bet is drop back a couple levels in hunting and just worry about bringing your skinning up a bit. Agility is a factor when skinning, it also helps to kneel (not a DR urban legend, it does give a small boost).

Vipers should teach you real well for your skinning ranks, I think. With a bit more skinning you should be able to skin leucros and they teach weapons to a little over 200, though very slowly after ~190.

There's no solid ties between combat level and skinning difficulty, but they do tend to follow each other somewhat, mainly for playability reasons. Hopefully with DRII when we get the promised change to skinning in that we can skin different products, it will be a bit easier to adjust skinning difficulty by simply changing what we attempt to harvest from the creature ... skins and pelts would be real easy to get (but cap very low, no matter how tough the critter is) but as your skinning skill advances, you attempt to extract more difficult components of the critter's anatomy.

"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
"Goblins ... aisle 6, Mycthengelde ... hunt smart, hunt S-Mart!"
"You whine like a mule ... you are still alive!"
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Re: Skinning levels on 12/08/2003 09:59 AM CST
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Maybe red leucros? Though I can hit them with low 100's weapon skills ( I do get beat upon with similar defensive ranks). They do teach me well.

Perhaps the things through the firesprites area where that rock has to be moved? I know there are some things there that are skinnable and are tough to fight. Warcats or something like that.

Also, Adan'f are skinnable, Arzumos are skinnable but can be tricky to fight because they hide and pounce on you but they should teach in the expert range with weapons.

You'll probably fail skinning these things at your skill but you should still learn. on the website below and vote to see some mudd.

Don't forget to vote DR as the number one mud.
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Re: Skinning levels on 12/08/2003 10:06 AM CST
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You could probably take mini hunting trips into a creature you could obliterate that swarms (goblins, reavers, whatever) and collect a decent bundle of skins to scrape. With those skinning ranks, and being survival tert, i'd imagine scraping would lock you pretty quick, and you could spend the bulk of your hunting working on creatures at combat level.

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Re: Skinning levels on 12/08/2003 12:11 PM CST
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Both small peccaries and m'riss peccaries are fairly easy to skin for their combat level. M'riss peccs will teach expert combats for sure. If you find that you're still failing see if you can't get a ranger to cap an HoL on you. Lasts something like 22 minutes.
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Re: Skinning levels on 12/08/2003 12:38 PM CST
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Lang peccs are "teaching" but at about the same pace as I learn stealing. Are arzumos skins scrapable and where can I find them?

Wait we can't stop here! This is bat country!
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Re: Skinning levels on 12/08/2003 02:16 PM CST
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>Are arzumos skins scrapable and where can I find them?

Arzumos give five piece pelts, scrapable. You can find them out the west gate of shard towards horse clan, or on hara'jaal just north of the enclave and just south of the tree by boars.
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