Ranger race on 07/26/2009 07:51 PM CDT
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Thanks for the race...I had a blast even though I couldn't hit a kartai for the life of me...with LE. And it did take my life. Heh. Had a blast being last. Someone has to be last! Go me!

But seriously my magic stinks...my bb barely scratched the wing of a kartai : ( soooooo guess I will be working LE a lot more.

Wish we could keep the titles for a few days at least....anyway I loved the race and thanks for folks not starting it until I got there. Thanks Saracus and Rejik.

I didn't think I could run today so when I left last time, I was in Rossman's but then things worked out so what a run! Anyway thanks everyone who helped. And thanks for the piggies! That was fun!

Zinaca ::buffs her piggie charm and anklet and swears she can hear a distant squeal::
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Re: Ranger race on 07/26/2009 09:10 PM CDT
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Wonderful shop by the ranger guild

--There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.--George Carlin
--'Must you fall asleep when I am talking?'..'No, its purely voluntary'..Churchill
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Re: Ranger race on 07/27/2009 05:06 PM CDT
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarggggggggggggh, ok so I couldn't play this past week due to some RL issues... SO I've opted to win the couldn't compete award... which means I get to go find Rantjur and take put an arrow in his eye!!!!!!!!

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: Ranger race on 07/27/2009 06:38 PM CDT
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Well, you passed me in the guild earlier, and didn't shoot me. Does this mean I'm free and clear, then?

No Ranger Stands Alone
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