Thanks for the race...I had a blast even though I couldn't hit a kartai for the life of me...with LE. And it did take my life. Heh. Had a blast being last. Someone has to be last! Go me!
But seriously my magic bb barely scratched the wing of a kartai : ( soooooo guess I will be working LE a lot more.
Wish we could keep the titles for a few days at least....anyway I loved the race and thanks for folks not starting it until I got there. Thanks Saracus and Rejik.
I didn't think I could run today so when I left last time, I was in Rossman's but then things worked out so what a run! Anyway thanks everyone who helped. And thanks for the piggies! That was fun!
Zinaca ::buffs her piggie charm and anklet and swears she can hear a distant squeal::