Ranger GuildLeader Tomma is investigating the disappearance of the Shadoweavers behind Corik's wall. Rumors have circulated that the Shadoweavers have made an escape attempt, and Tomma is taking a group to investigate and see what is going on and hopefully reinstate order.
Tomma requests help in the form of all willing and able persons to help in the investigations, but she warns that all should come prepared for battle, as the rumors have been disturbing .. to say the least. Tomma will meet interested parties outside and East of the East gate to Shard, near the gap in the prairie grass.
Saturday January 3rd, 9pm EST
GameMaster Audacia
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Ilithi Investigations on 12/22/2008 09:59 PM CST
Re: Ilithi Investigations on 12/22/2008 10:56 PM CST
Re: Ilithi Investigations on 12/23/2008 02:07 AM CST
Re: Ilithi Investigations on 12/23/2008 07:20 AM CST
Re: Ilithi Investigations on 12/23/2008 11:32 AM CST
Re: Ilithi Investigations on 12/28/2008 09:24 PM CST
Re: Ilithi Investigations on 12/30/2008 02:39 PM CST