Rough Ranger games on 01/23/2011 05:55 PM CST
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Would anyone be interested in having some kind of "battle-Tag" game every once in a while? or hide and go shoot? or shoot the person with the pigskin?

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/23/2011 06:21 PM CST
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I'm in.

It would be interesting if at some point we sat down and figured out roughly where stance %'s needs to be to create a level playing field of some sort.

Knock everyone to say 20th circle.
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/24/2011 05:29 PM CST
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that is quite an interesting thought, I was thinking different class levels, but I actually like the knocking everyone down idea (ponders knocking everyone down to 0% defenses and 10% offenses)

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/24/2011 07:35 PM CST
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>> 0% defense, 10% offense.

This would still be whacked. I don't know how it works, but I'd assume it would have to be something like:

If I have 300 ranks in ME then 10% would be effectively 30 ranks... but if I recall from my testing, it doesn't work like that.

I'd be more than happy to test dummy this.
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/24/2011 07:46 PM CST
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I think yer agility kicks in, we could make 100th circle and above 5%, 75th and up 10% 50-75 25%, 35-50 run 50% 20-35 run 75%, and 0-15 run 100% then just test and see what happens

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/24/2011 07:50 PM CST
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also so far i'm taking that as One vote for. pass the word in game to any rangers who don't read the boards

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/24/2011 08:52 PM CST
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Oooh I like this idea! What got into actually have an idea I like! ::ducks in vain::

Zinaca and her baby raccoon, Shadow
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/25/2011 08:22 PM CST
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> What got into actually have an idea I like!

this is what got into me, there are rangers I need to shoot without getting into trouble ;)

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/26/2011 03:18 AM CST
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I'm in

"Well behaved women rarely make history"
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/26/2011 01:02 PM CST
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<<this is what got into me, there are rangers I need to shoot without getting into trouble ;)>>

EEEEK! ::tries to rub off the big target on her back--fails::

Zinaca and her baby raccoon, Shadow
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/26/2011 08:07 PM CST
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~Hunter Hanryu
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/27/2011 11:52 AM CST
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Actually I am wondering if folks would be interested in a "how-to" session in how to compete in tourneys such as this---especially from a ranger point of view. I think the ODS has monthly practice sessions with their members on combat. Could we do a once or twice practice too? I love the idea of competing in a tourney just with rangers, but I don't PvP very often (like 3 times in 13 years?). So in this, I'm really stupid.

Zinaca and her baby raccoon, Shadow (I do know 1 thing, leave the companion at HOME)
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/27/2011 07:21 PM CST
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>"how-to" session in how to compete in tourneys such as this---especially from a ranger point of view

Step 1: Hide
Step 2: Hope they can't see you
Step 3: Aim
Step 4: Hope they can't see you
Step 5: Snipe/poach/shoot
Step 6: Hope they can't see you
GOTO Step 1


"Your suffering amuses me" -GM Raesh

Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Blunts for Sale:
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/27/2011 07:25 PM CST
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P.S. I'm not a bitter melee fighter. Really, I'm not...

"Your suffering amuses me" -GM Raesh

Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Blunts for Sale:
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/27/2011 07:38 PM CST
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Caraamon, I was hoping for a little more detail than that. And I know you are joking. But I would like to know which spells contest what. How to manage magic during the tourney. Ranged vs melee. Just some questions off the top of my shallow head. : P

Zinaca and her raccoon, Shadow
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/27/2011 09:03 PM CST
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>>Caraamon, I was hoping for a little more detail than that. And I know you are joking. But I would like to know which spells contest what. How to manage magic during the tourney. Ranged vs melee. Just some questions off the top of my shallow head. : P

Mana management largely comes from experience. You need to do it wrong a couple times to get a feel for how fast you can burn through it and with which spells. It will continue to change as you train your magics and favor different spells.

The specific contests relevant to your spells can be looked up on Elanthipedia; last I checked, everything is up-to-date with the contests.

For instance, is Versus Stamina, which you can see if you go down to the line that says "Categories:" and look for the link that starts with "Versus".

Ranged versus Melee is pretty straightforward. If you're ranged, stay at ranged any way you can. If you need melee, get to melee any way you can. In both cases, stuns, knockdowns, forced-kneels, and anything that stops people from changing ranges helps you control range.

</doesn't PvP>
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/27/2011 10:04 PM CST
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Zinaca- I may be giving away my trade secretes, but here goes.

Diggan's 12 Step program for Ranger Killing.

#1. Spell up. With every thing ya got.
#2. Spell up. With everything any of your friends have.
#3a. If necessary - CJ up, Totem Up, Skeleton Up, and Predictions
#3b. If going against a moon mage - YOU MUST GET A PSY SHIELD.
#4. Load a capped bow, with a capped arrow (no exceptions)
#5. Use hunt (remember we get extra rooms) and peer to get one room away from target.
#6a. If target is in nature, NC to go invisible
#6b. If target is in city, use a RF rune.
#7a. If target is a runner, or has good stun resistance prep HB.
#7b. If you are able to stun your target with first shot prep BB..
#8. Move into room
#9. Aim
#10. Snipe
#11. Cast
#12. Finish them while webbed or sleeping.

If you do this right, they should never see you coming, and never get an attack off. If you aren't going to kill them easily while sleeping or webbed, you should prep another web keep them webbed and ideally (if you can) keep shooting them in the same spot.

*disclaimer - I get my butt kicked a lot. So I'm probably not doing it perfectly. Necros and Clerics are dangerous, Moonies without a Psychic Shield are death sentences, Empaths if they get the link you have to run.
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/28/2011 03:53 PM CST
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Thanks for the hints Caraamon and Tiltingvagabond!

Ok more questions. What's a psy shield? Spell or rune or some spiffy shield that costs a bazillion plats?

On your suggestion to use RF runes, I have found that while using one, one cannot cast a spell or shoot anyone without outing oneself. I only have 2 invisible cjs and I can only use them once. In a tourney, how do you manage that?

I think I better look over some of the spells for other guilds. Still, it would be cool to have a practice session with all us who seldom shoot people and folks who could watch and give us pointers.

I have played in 2 or 3 tourneys in my ranger life. Every time I was one of the very first killed :(

The one time I wasn't one of very first ones killed, I just ran around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to avoid folks after my invisibility faded when I went to shoot someone, while vainly trying to prep a spell and harness at the same time. Wasn't pretty.

Zinaca and her raccoon, Shadow
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/28/2011 03:57 PM CST
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<<Ok more questions. What's a psy shield? Spell or rune or some spiffy shield that costs a bazillion plats?

Moon Mage spell Psychic Shield. You can find it on devices sold in the magic shops on Ratha and I think Shard. Too lazy to check elanthipedia for you at the moment, so you can do the legwork there.

Its a WvW barrier that weakens over time and with each defended attack. If cast with a lot of mana, it is incredibly strong for the first several seconds, but tapers off to moderate strength fairly quickly. Its useful against Moon Mages because it will help protect against Mental Blast.


Gay, geeky, and a little bit cheeky.
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/28/2011 04:25 PM CST
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Zinaca you are correct that casting or sniping will out you...

But as many have said before me, after the first shot... most of the time... it's over.
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/28/2011 07:16 PM CST
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I'd be down for having one night of ranger pvp training, and one night of rough ranger games, anyone want to throw some dates out in the next few weeks? sat night from 7pm EST on works best for me, can also do sun evenings, but prefer sat

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/29/2011 03:24 AM CST
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>Thanks for the hints Caraamon and Tiltingvagabond!

Eh, I wasn't trying to help, more expressing my extreme annoyance with the typical PvP scenario.

As you might guess, I don't enjoy or train for PvP, so I'm often left with the short end of the stick.

"Your suffering amuses me" -GM Raesh

Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Blunts for Sale:
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/29/2011 06:18 PM CST
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Anytime for me Purnay. I basically don't have a life. : D

Zinaca and her baby raccoon, Shadow
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/31/2011 07:06 PM CST
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>Anytime for me Purnay. I basically don't have a life. : D

wanna help me set up rules, objectives and other tiddly bits? send me and aim at PurnayEndela

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: Rough Ranger games on 01/31/2011 07:18 PM CST
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Oooo I don't know that I have many ideas. But if you think I can help some sure...I seldom use aim but will dust it off for this. : )

Zinaca and her baby raccoon, Shadow
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