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New Foraging Item - Wild Berries on 10/28/2021 01:49 AM CDT
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Heya Folks!

I attempted to do some testing with the new foraging items that were added (Thanks TT Team!) and found that wild berries are easily found in terrain that generates a harvest spawn. In the harvest spawn room, I was able to get 15 second collects with no spell buffs and this bonus messaging: You open your mouth and throw back your head, howling with a tentative but fairly resonant tone that wavers only slightly.

In a forest spawn room, with the same bonus level I was getting 30 collects with wild berries. I did a quick transfer beseech, to get up to full bonus and got collects at 22 seconds. I then tried casting WS at different mana to see the bonus changes and collect times. I also remembered perception should be taken into account with foraging and saw changes in collect time with only SOTT on. Tried the same with only WOTP on too. If I had access to an Intel buff, I would test if increased Intel helps to contribute to lower collect times.

Some Static Stuff:
-bright, cheery blue weather
-day time
-Not kneeling
-hand armor on
-no wounds
-5 collects were used.

With a combined perception, outdoorsmanship, and stats with spells:
Effective Outdoormanship Effective Perception Effective Foraging Ranks Spell Int Wis Average Collect Time
1632 1750 3382 none 110 110 23.6 seconds
1778 1750 3528 WS 110 110 15.6 seconds
1795 1750 3545 WS 110 110 15.4 seconds
1811 1750 3561 WS 110 110 15 seconds
1632 1907 3539 SOTT 110 110 17.6 seconds
1632 1925 3557 SOTT 110 110 15 seconds
1632 1750 3382 WOTP 110 123 16.8 seconds
1632 1750 3382 WOTP 110 125 16.2 seconds
1632 1750 3382 WOTP 110 126 15.6 seconds
1632 1750 3382 WOTP 110 128 15 seconds

It looks like with my mentals and ranger bonus included the target combined skills should be around 3550 ranks to get consistent 15 second collects. If I can get the same weather conditions, I'll try this test with a neutral bonus, kneeling, and with armor off (and maybe a tanked bonus, eww!). Anyone want to do the math to see how mentals contribute to the Effective Foraging Ranks?

Other quick collect notes, no spells and full bonus:
stony spawn = 30 seconds
water spawn = 22-25 seconds / night = 30 second
thorny spawn = 15 seconds / night = 15 seconds
grassy spawn = night = 30 seconds
plague spawn (indoors and max wilderness room) = 30 seconds

-Kivi, berry collector
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Re: New Foraging Item - Wild Berries on 10/28/2021 07:40 PM CDT
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Test #2 - No Bonus

Before this test, I spent time in a neutral room to get this no bonus howl status: You howl meekly, unsure of yourself.

I did more collects in the same forest spawn room where the forage recall does not have wild berries until daylight ran out.

Effective Outdoormanship Effective Perception Effective Foraging Ranks Used Mods Int Wis Average Collect Time
1633 1750 3383 none 110 110 30 seconds
1959 1750 3709 WS 110 110 25.8 seconds
1959 1925 3884 WS, SOTT 110 110 19.8 seconds
1959 2065 4025 WS, SOTT 110 110 17.2 seconds
1959 2100 4059 WS, SOTT 110 110 16 seconds
1959 2100 4059 WS, SOTT, WOTP 110 112 15 seconds
1959 2100 4059 WS, SOTT, No Hand Armor 110 110 15.4 seconds
1959 2100 4059 WS, SOTT, No Hand Armor, Kneeling 110 110 15 seconds

Looks like a good ranger bonus adds some significant Effective Foraging Ranks to reach that 15 second collect.

-Kivi, not tired of collecting yet
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Re: New Foraging Item - Wild Berries on 10/31/2021 07:43 AM CDT
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Awesome data. Can you tell me what you are doing to boost effective perception between that 17.2 second data and the 16 second data? I see the same spell suite listed.

~Hunter Hanryu
>I would like to avoid the collection of broken dreams and sorrow that is the Ranger guild.~Agalea
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Re: New Foraging Item - Wild Berries on 11/02/2021 10:22 AM CDT
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Hey Hanryu!

17.6 seconds collect was with a 90 mana SOTT and the 16 seconds collect was with a 100 mana SOTT.

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