Thanks on 10/28/2002 01:14 PM CST
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Hey Guys I don't post much, normally only when I find something I disagree with, but of lately I haven't found much. I would like to say I love the new beseeches, Tracking changes and The Trailmarkers. I know you guys have been working hard, and it shows. So just like to say thanks Jent and crew.
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Re: Thanks Raenek. on 03/24/2003 10:42 PM CST
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Just wanted to chime in and thank Raenek for all his help with the bug on this. I am still amazed that you fixed the bug less than two hours after I sent you an e-mail about it. I feel your pain Shendorian. Two hours of messing with the <item> was enough to make me want to bang my head against the keyboard. Can't imagine how you were feeling after a weekend of that.


PS. Three cheers for Raenek!
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Re: Thanks Raenek. on 03/25/2003 02:11 AM CST
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>>I do DEEPLY appreciate the fact that Raenek fixed it quickly when another ranger e-mailed her


Might want to correct that to a "him" before Raenek pays you a surprise visit, heh.

writing this one down as one to remind Raenek about at the Con
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Re: Thanks Raenek. on 03/25/2003 02:57 AM CST
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::mutter:: What do ya want? I'm brain-dead from all the traveling. Reposted with the correct gender...

I've been working on a broken quest since Thursday night (60th Beseech). While it would have been nice to have been taken seriously by the Game Hosts from whom I requested an assist yesterday (when I finally broke down and confirmed from two rangers who had successfully completed the quest that there was indeed something funky going on), I do DEEPLY appreciate the fact that Raenek fixed it quickly when another ranger e-mailed him about the problems he was also having with the quest.

Now if I just hadn't traveled back to <insert city> to verify with <insert quest sender> that I was indeed STILL on a legit quest, I wouldn't be quite so disgruntled with my experiences. After all, a quick note on the boards that the quest had been repaired would have saved me a great deal of travel time... ::poke Raenek::

Overall, it is a really neat quest, and kudos to the people involved. The little touches along the way were amazing, challenging, and fun.

But mostly, I'm glad it's fixed and over with, because after spending more than three hours throwing every sentence I could think of at the <insert quest object> and having no response, then being told "nothing is wrong" when rangers who've completed it are saying otherwise...well, I was beginning to take it personally and had visions of going to St. Louis to kick the server.

So Raenek also saved the server from a nasty bruise! <g>

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Re: Thanks Raenek. on 03/25/2003 05:57 AM CST
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I had no idea the dang thing was broken. In the future, if you suspect that one of the beseech quests or anything Ranger related is not working right, please bring it here to the boards. I read them regularly.

You all are quite welcome also.

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Thanks for the New Reqs on 06/09/2003 08:56 PM CDT
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Just wanted to say thanks Jent for all the great new reqs! We love you more every day.

This message has been brought to you by the Pet Box Lovers Association of Elanthia.
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Thanks to the Ranger Team on 06/28/2003 04:25 PM CDT
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I'e always appreciated the work you guys have done. I've said it many times that if not for you, I'd probably not be playing again.

But, I just have to say, that aside from Juggling, recent changes to survival skills by other GMs just remind me how great you guys are and how well you understand what it is like to have to train the survival skillset.

Thank you!!!!

I swear any change to a survival skill should have to be reviewed by you guys for playability and consideration of fun.

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Re: Thanks to the Ranger Team on 06/29/2003 02:24 PM CDT
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What Pete said and I don't know how your stamina is sufficient to put out such great work only to be buffeted with an onslaught of insults and complaints. Comlements are too rare for a team that is truely amazing! Thanks again for all your dedication and hard work!

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Re: Thanks to the Ranger Team on 06/29/2003 07:36 PM CDT
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Thanks Ranger Team.

Your forethought and care for us as a group makes us the best. As the pieces start coming together, I think we see reasons behind the new reqs. Perhaps Jent isn't nearly as crazy as we think.

Then again...

Thanks a lot for being our team!

Player of Peperic Timarson, ranger in training and apprentice tanner.
Tree-house, North Road, River's edge.
"No matter how hard you try, you can't fix stupid."
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Thanks guys! on 06/30/2003 01:35 AM CDT
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I just wanted to say again, just for the heck of it, that we all really appreciate all the work you're doing to make our guild better.

Some people might complain a lot, and sure we all want more, but when you get down to it you guys are the best team the game has ever had and we're really lucky to have you guys.

Keep up the great work!

-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia

"Back off man, I'm a scientist."
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Re: Thanks guys! on 06/30/2003 09:31 AM CDT
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For all my complaints, I won't deny it either... this is the best team the Ranger Guild's ever had and probably ever will have.

Keep up the good work guys. Trust in the fact that the only reason I complain as much as I do is because I know you'll listen, if not agree. That's what I truly find admirable. :)


Where am I going?
And why am I in this handbasket?
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Thanks for the trails. on 01/16/2004 08:18 AM CST
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In plat there is a big event going on involving kobold savages, feral mastiffs and bone golems, Archrost is rumored to be involved. The attacks started in Shard and are working their way north.

Last night the fighting took place south of Leth. Using the ranger trails, I was able to run from the ferry to the gondola, sneak back up the road, reporting positions to the others and kill the rear guard as well.

Kudos to the ranger team on the trails.

Peperic Timarson, a Ranger, all around nice guy and occasional board bully.
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Thanks to Edahla on 07/29/2004 09:23 AM CDT
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I just wanted to give a big thanks to Edahla for being such a frequent and vocal presence on the boards. Its great to see so much GM feedback on all the ideas that get tossed around.
So, again, thanks for all the hard work.

Wandering Recluse
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Re: Thanks to Edahla on 07/29/2004 11:12 AM CDT
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Agreed, she is definitely a valuable addition to the team.

"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
"Goblins ... aisle 6, Mycthengelde ... hunt smart, hunt S-Mart!"
"You whine like a mule ... you are still alive!"
"Call me Snake."
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Re: Thanks to Edahla on 07/29/2004 11:20 AM CDT
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Yep she's awesome, but she never replied to my proposal... my heart is broken... sniff...

~ Striderr Slayn ~ Ranger

~ My Therapist told me I needed a New Sig line.
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Re: Thanks to Edahla on 07/31/2004 11:43 PM CDT
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Thanks everyone!

I just want you to know that I do read all the posts on the Ranger boards with the exception of the conflicts folder. I may not respond to each and every post, but it is being read, notes may be taken, things may be discussed behind the scenes regarding your post that can't be talked about yet, or your ideas may spark an entirely new addition to the game.

I strongly encourage you all to keep posting ideas. Even if something has been suggested before, there may have not been time or resources available for it. However, we do want to make things that you all want - we're here for you, not us.

Also, just because you posted something which everyone agreed was a great idea and made complete sense for the guild without being overpowerd, but you haven't seen anything done with it - that doesn't mean nothing is being done. In some cases, it takes a lot of time from idea, to refining idea, to prosposing the idea (and reworking until approval), to coding the idea, to getting the coded idea tested and approved (and reworking until approval), to getting the idea released in the game. In other cases, the system isn't ready for the idea yet, but it's on a todo list once things are in place to follow that big long chain to release.

As to your proposal Striderr - I took notes on it and am going through the motions to determine the feasability and what coding would be needed. I'm afraid that it may be too much work at the moment now though :P Thanks though!

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Re: Thanks to Edahla on 07/31/2004 11:58 PM CDT
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We love ya Edahla! Keep up the great work!

-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia

For me, there is no perfect day.
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Re: Thanks to Edahla on 08/02/2004 11:03 AM CDT
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Yeah, you're really on the ball...not that no one else on ranger team isn't, this is just your spotlight right now.

Hope you don't burn yourself out though...pace yourself girl. It'd be nice to have you around a while.


Cool tagline below.
See someone else's, I'm on a break.

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Thanks on 04/15/2005 10:42 PM CDT
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Ranger Team and all the Ranger Helper people guys, thanks for the work. Seems like things are progressing and doing well and moving steadily.

So, Paklin, how are you doing? Having taken the reins so abruptly from Jent oh so many moons ago?

Edhala, you seem to be keeping up with us quite well, grand. How are you doing?


"B. R."
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Thanks Daethar! on 06/10/2006 08:41 AM CDT
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I appreciate your help the other day! It made a stupid act quite a bit better! We Rangers are lucky to have you! Also, thanks to GH Vallista! Great customer service skilsl and friendliness.
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Thanks for the communication! on 12/01/2006 01:30 PM CST
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Just wanted to mention how much we all appreciate the recent bout of talkativeness from our GMs! I can safely say we all appreciate the effort you guys are making at keeping up informed and getting our questions answered.

Thank you very much.

(waits for Sylvado to be contrary)

~Ranger Hanryu, Sword of House Calibanor
>However, elements of the Solomon junta still control the hills outside the capital. - Armifer
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Re: Thanks for the communication! on 12/02/2006 09:57 AM CST
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<<(waits for Sylvado to be contrary)

I disagree, I'm never contrary.


Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect. M.T.
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Thanks on 01/01/2007 12:09 AM CST
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Just wanted to say thanks to all those helping out in the Ranger department. To those on board now and to those that have now moved on, I thank you for your time and committment to us.

Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg

"I won't learn anything - even if I arrange and try to skin it with a trader's caravan" ~From skinning debate
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Re: Thanks on 01/04/2007 10:31 AM CST
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I'd like to say thanks too. This time around the game is 100x more enjoyable to myself. My "mom" walked in 98 and here i am almost 9 years later starting up again with her "son".

Thanks to everyone whose helped me in game and on here. Directed me. Thanks to the ranger who escorted me back to orcs and warcats and I tracked the wrong trail and then guided me out. Thanks to the ranger who warned me no to explore the crevice in the boar clan guild ;) that is all.
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Re: Thanks on 01/04/2007 06:38 PM CST
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<<Thanks to the ranger who warned me no to explore the crevice in the boar clan guild ;)

You missed an adventure.


Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect. M.T.
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