Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/27/2011 09:14 PM CDT
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When you first made your character, you may or may not have had a clear idea of how she would look, what her interests were, what guild she would join or even what her day-to-day mood was. On the other hand, maybe you had a good idea! As with most aspects of our world, characters grow and evolve over time based on their experiences in the world. Here's a list of tools that you may or may not be familiar with to help your character adapt.

PROFILE is a newer addition to our tools, but it offers an extensive list of options for telling others about your character (and you the player!) at a glance. It also allows you to get an idea about those you interact with. You can set your roleplay and PvP stances, where you generally reside, a quote and more. To view another player's info (if they set it), use PROFILE {NAME}.

For StormFront users, simply use PROFILE /EDIT for a window to set your settings. If you use Wizard or another client, check out the PROFILE verb for further syntax.

The SET verb offers a number of game-play options, but there's one gem in there to help with your roleplaying. SET PROFESSION will enable others to see what guild your character is when they LOOK at you. Alternatively, you can use SET !PROFESSION to hide this.

The AVOID verb allows you to avoid certain types of interactions. You can block others from HOLDing your hand to pull you into a group or block them from JOINing you. You can also block whispers, dragging, teaching and dancing.

Does your character have a deep hatred of Gnomes? How about a passion for the lore the Bards and Moon Mages share? Maybe she's just ambivalent towards everyone and everything? To set this, check out the DEMEANOR verb. Setting your demeanor to cold or reserved can limit some unwanted verb interactions from other groups of players -- HUG, SLAP, etc. However, this can also negatively affect some helpful verbs as well -- an Empath's TOUCH or TEND for example. Setting your demeanor to friendly or warm can lead to more elaborate and friendly verb responses.

Note that when setting a demeanor towards other guilds, it will only affect those who display their profession via SET (see above).

The BEFRIEND verb is a variant of DEMEANOR that focuses more on individual players instead of entire groups of players. If you hate all Necromancers except Necrobob, then use DEMEANOR to set your reaction to Necromancers as COLD but use BEFRIEND to be neutral-to-warm towards Necrobob. You can also use this as a friends list to see which of your friends are currently online via BEFRIEND LIST.

Probably more than any other, this is one you'll revisit frequently throughout your character's growth. Titles are awarded in many ways -- your level, where your home is, what guild you belong to and even how many warrants you have just to name a few. Using the TITLE verb, you can find that perfect match to show the world who your character is at any given time.

Tired of that same old long and straight hair? You can make adjustments to how your hair is kept via ARRANGE HAIR.

Did you know you could set a scent for your character that others detect when they HUG or SMELL you? There are categorized lists of smells to choose from, and sometimes more are added. Check out SMELL HELP for more details on this customization.

Alright Barbarians, Thieves and Traders -- pinch your nose and look away; this one is for the magic folks. PREPARE /HELP allows you to change some options in how you prepare your spells. You can attempt to hide your spell preparations from those less experienced as well as choosing an alternate message for preparing your spell (if you have alternates).

The MOVE verb allows you to set how you get from place to place in the realms. Do you run through the forests chasing your prey? If you were injured while slaying a mighty goblin prince, maybe you still carry a limp as you move about. Whatever your background, MOVE should help you pick the best way of getting to and fro.

How you speak in game can have a huge impact on how your character is perceived. Are you the guy who always talks loudly, or maybe you're always teasing? The SAY verb has a wide variety of emotes to help you express what you need to, and it even allows you to set a default. Check out the SAY verb for the details!

Some of these are old tools that may have been forgotten while others are more recent developments that you may not have heard of. Armed with these basics, you can bring new levels of customization to your character's roleplaying that you may not have previously been aware of, and we of course are always looking at new ways to add new tools!

ASGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 12:09 AM CDT
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Sweet summary post.

>>...and we of course are always looking at new ways to add new tools!

More verbs please.

~Leilond Learn How to PvP!
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 06:08 AM CDT
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Obligatory years old request for a backhand verb.

Also would still love to be able to show emotions in some fashion by look.

Oleveir says, "One must be careful around the angry ODS women."
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 06:10 AM CDT
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Meh! I also meant to say thanks for the great summary. I'm going to be saving that post for folks.

Oleveir says, "One must be careful around the angry ODS women."
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 07:38 AM CDT
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One correction:

<<Alright Barbarians, Thieves and Necromancers -- pinch your nose and look away; this one is for the magic folks.>>

That should read Barbarians, Thieves and Traders.

Necromancers certainly do use magic. :-)

Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 07:40 AM CDT
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>Necromancers certainly do use magic. :-)

Evil magic!!!!


The clear solution would be to give thieves access to runestones, but just ones that cast compost, and they'd have to wear an orange jumpsuit and carry a pointy stick while cleaning up the area.
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 08:23 AM CDT
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Great, thanks! I didn't know about the smell verb... could we have "machine oil" added to the profession category for us tinkerers?
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 08:38 AM CDT
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>More verbs please.

I went through this (and other) folders last night and collected a few suggestions. We'll see what happens.

>Also would still love to be able to show emotions in some fashion by look.

Tying in DEMEANOR responses to LOOK may be something we could look into.

>That should read Barbarians, Thieves and Traders.

Whoops. Fixed in the original post.

>could we have "machine oil" added to the profession category for us tinkerers?

New smells are doable, but not on my radar just yet. Premium homes use these same smells and had several new ones added within the past year or two...I think.

ASGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 08:42 AM CDT
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I really want a beltch and/or fart verb. Sometimes the best social commentary leaves a stain.

While I never have anything witty to say, I currently lack anything venemous either.
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 09:06 AM CDT
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>>I really want a beltch and/or fart verb. Sometimes the best social commentary leaves a stain.

You have no idea how many times I wanted a character to burp and get told that my character doesn't want to.
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 09:08 AM CDT
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>I really want a beltch and/or fart verb.

GUZZLE a drink, then try to BELCH.

ASGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 09:13 AM CDT
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>You have no idea how many times I wanted a character to burp and get told that my character doesn't want to.

You don't feel the need at the moment.
>belch force
You give it your best shot, but it's a pitiful sound. Just awful. That scores a two at best.

Room sees: X opens his mouth and lets out a tiny burp.


ASGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 09:30 AM CDT
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In all my years playing this game I don't think I've ever known a GM to actually work on adding additional verbs. That's awesome :D Thank you!

One thing I would like to suggest (and I have no idea if something like this is even possible) ...

Right now it's really hard trying to figure out a verb that messages what you want to portray to the room/others. I think it would be really cool if there was a VERB SEARCH command that functions similar to the following.

> VERB SEARCH nibble

Scanning all of the commands in the system has found the following which contain output messaging of 'nibble' ...

EAT <self> | FP: You nibble on your lip. | RV: <player> gnaws on his/her lip.
EAT <player> | FP: You nibble on <player> playfully. | TV: <player> nibbles on you playfully.
NIBBLE <self> | FP: You nibble your lip thoughtfully. | RV: <player> nibbles his/her lip thoughtfully.

FP = First Person | TV = Target View | RV = Room View

~Leilond Learn How to PvP!
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 10:17 AM CDT
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I had no idea there was a belch force verb. Great!
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 10:47 AM CDT
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To avoid confusion, the belch "addition" was just me trying to be funny. ;) For now anyways.

>In all my years playing this game I don't think I've ever known a GM to actually work on adding additional verbs.

We add verbs fairly frequently -- a common issue these days is finding verbs we haven't already done in some form or another. Adding emotes to existing verbs can happen when folks have time and messaging to plug in.

>VERB SEARCH command

Something like this would be difficult to do. A few years back, a catalog of many of the verbs was done on the website: It may not be ideal (or complete), but you can use a Google search to do something similar to your VERB SEARCH for what was documented. In the search box, type this: "site: {what you want to search for}" -- minus the quotes and replace the bracketed bit with what you want.

ASGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 11:55 AM CDT
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>>We add verbs fairly frequently

Please add a flex verb, I been trying to flex for 10 years and then I remember it doesn't exist. Seems like it would of been added years ago!

Forged Weapons:
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 12:19 PM CDT
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I think Kaldars have a FLEX verb.

~Leilond Learn How to PvP!
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 01:48 PM CDT
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I could very well be wrong, but DR is very much PAFO in every aspect, including verbs. I find this both rewarding and frustrating. It's rewarding when I find a verb I like. It's frustrating when years later I KNOW there is a verb I like but I can't remember what it is.

Maybe a way for each character to recall the verbs it knows?

You're a moon mage: death should come as no surprise.
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 01:59 PM CDT
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Could you put in a skill check to JUMP <self> verb while wearing some of the heavier armors? Like my character can't even attempt to do a backflip with this command while wearing a light chain shirt but his strength and agility are through the roof!

A few suggestions:

You see: You place an arm around <player>'s shoulder.
Player sees: Person places an arm around your shoulder.
Everyone else sees: Person places an arm around <player>'s shoulder.

You see: You fall to your knees.
Everyone else sees: Person falls to his/her knees.

STOMP <player> FOOT
You see: You stomp on <player>'s foot!
Player sees: Person stomps on your foot! Owe!
Everyone else sees: Person stomps on <player>'s foot!

-Skill Check Applicable-
Cannot be done from pole range
You see: You do a quick backwards somersault landing you at pole range.
Everyone else sees: Person somersaults back landing him/her at pole range.

~Leilond Learn How to PvP!
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 02:58 PM CDT
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Elanthipedia has a fairly comprehensive list. couple years back I went through and used the VERB verb to get the list of most in game verbs and created a page for each one. They are mostly stubs at this point and need syntax and messaging filled in. The A's are pretty good just need more people to add their favorites in there which should fill in quite a few I'd imagine.

I've kept it up to date when new verbs are added and posted on these forums.


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 03:57 PM CDT
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>>I think Kaldars have a FLEX verb.

Please rephrase that command.


-- Player of Eyuve
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/28/2011 05:09 PM CDT
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>pose strong
You flex your powerful biceps. No wonder the Gnomes step aside for you!
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/29/2011 08:24 AM CDT
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>pose strong
You strike a heroic pose.

oh and default is:
You strike a heroic pose.

>pose asdf asdf asdf
You strike a heroic pose.

is there other options?

that's what I get as a human, not what I am looking for.

>Codiax flexes.

there, easy. Then options could be added. I don't think the flex verb is used anwhere else?

Forged Weapons:
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/29/2011 01:35 PM CDT
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togs and kaldars both have "pose" verbs. togs have more.

>pose strong
You flex your powerful biceps. What a 'Tog!

You strike a heroic pose.

>pose cute
Awww. Mama's little toggler!

>pose head
You buff your scalp, trying to bring out the shine.

>pose big
You draw yourself up to your full height and try your best to look scary.

>pose gentle
You concentrate on not squashing little folks, like Gnomes ... and Elves ... and ponies ...
>pose silly
You stick out your tongue and cross your eyes.
>pose snake
You do your best to imitate a S'Kra Mur!
>pose important
You stand up straight and concentrate on looking dignified.
>pose sorry
You try your best to look apologetic and sincere.

Also, barbarians don't need to guzzle something in order to belch at will.

You open your mouth wide as a thunderous belch rolls up from the pit of your stomach.
Savoring the aroma for a moment, you realize that not everything tastes better the second time around.

I love verbs.

-player of a tog barbarian. :-)


Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 10/30/2011 12:43 PM CDT
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My favorite as a gor'tog barbarian is gobble <person>.... it's pretty awesome.
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Re: Set It and (Don't!) Forget It! on 12/15/2011 02:49 PM CST
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i want a wedgie verb
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