Looking to make some friends. on 10/19/2012 06:14 AM CDT
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The only thing that really makes these games fun is playing with some friends. I just got back into play and no one I know plays any more. So I was hoping to get to know some others so I have a reason to stick around and who will make it more interesting and less a grind to gain skills.

I'm not into PVP or any of the antagonism style of Role Playing some people seem to enjoy. I don't expect rainbows and unicorns to hover around and the like.. but going out of the way to ruin someone's day just doesn't float my boat of fun times. I am more a casual player and just want to have fun with my game and has some people to talk with both IC and OOC. Anyone interested in getting to know that kind of a player? I can be reached via AIM at NeutroniumBeast
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Re: Looking to make some friends. on 10/19/2012 08:37 AM CDT
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First of all, welcome back!

My advice is to find a city that you like and check out the local gathering spots. That way you meet people who are in an area you like and are likely to be around at the same time you are. Strike up some conversations, or have reasons to ask people questions (you could ask about the recent snowy weather and invasions, for example). You'll probably find some people you like.

Some gathering spots:

Crossing Warrior Mage guild
Crossing Empath guild
Crossing Ranger guild
Riverhaven general store
Langenfirth "bin"
Ratha green
Shard west gate
Boar clan gate

If you still are looking after trying this, try posting your play times. It's just kind of necessary to ensure you're able to meet up.

If you have any general "back in town" questions or want advice on anything, feel free to IM me at Eyuve. Just know that I'm one of the odd-hours people so you might not find me online.

Oh and for things that have changed in recent years, check out: http://elanthipedia.org/w/index.php/Category:DragonRealms_Updates

-- Player of Eyuve
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Re: Looking to make some friends. on 10/19/2012 11:14 PM CDT
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>>The only thing that really makes these games fun is playing with some friends. I just got back into play and no one I know plays any more.

It's possible they are still playing, but have new characters themselves. It might help to mention who you play, or if you are playing someone new, who you used to play. But yeah, what Aleph-One said is the best way to meet people. However, if you want to avoid conflict and stuff fow now as you mentioned, I would stay away from Theren. It's now the New Crossing.

>get stone
You get a nemmiro stone from inside your inspector's satchel.
>focus my stone
You focus your magical senses on a nemmiro stone.
The stone seems to be able to convert Moon mana to Evil mana.
Roundtime: 15 Sec.
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Re: Looking to make some friends. on 10/20/2012 12:24 PM CDT
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Riverhaven Ranger guild occasionally as well, and El'Bains occasionally.

Welcome Back!

-The Forsaken Rakash
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Re: Looking to make some friends. on 01/15/2013 09:16 AM CST
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I'd say visit Aesry, but that's only because i'm the last one here. Nobody to teach, nobody to listen to, nobody to gamble or do anything else with, just me, myself, and I.
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