... on 10/27/2003 01:26 PM CST
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Lookin' for love in all the wrong...

Single barbarian human, lookin' for a female companion. Doesn't have to become a bonding thing, but can. Looking for someone to fight with or that will be there to heal my wounds at the end of the day, when we relax for a nice, warm bath in our cozy cottage. Looking for a female that does not mind showing affection, but not like some people that have their lips in certain places all the time. Preferring a good sense of humor. Race does not matter, although dwarfs are not my thing (sorry!). I get a little jealous when my female companion has more facial hair than I do. I am around Theren/Lang a lot, also in Crossing and Ratha quite a bit. I will travel.

Can be the jealous type, but that is natural. If you can't put up with that, may not want to apply.

This is the first attempt in a long time to find a female companion for Raydell, so let's make it special!


"Well folks, you know what that means... now I'll do a dance."

P.S. Was that a good one, eh?
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Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/03/2003 01:50 PM CST
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First of all, I am not looking for a romance, but more of a companion/hunting partner/training partner.

I am looking for someone who doesn't care for the fact that I spend 90% of my time hunting/training, and then the other 10% travelling between the provinces.

I believe my ideal companion would be a bard or ranger, perhaps even a "locksmith" or battle empath. Bonus if you are a Kaldar!

My biggest thing is that I don't want to feel as though I am competing with whoever I am hunting with. I train all 5 armors, have 10 weapons at 50 (with 6 of them higher than 50), I train skinning, mechanical lore, and box picking. I tend to hunt in swarming areas though, so it shouldn't be a problem.

However, with boxes and pelts/skins, there is always plenty to go around. I can pick sand sprite level boxes, but not marauders. I also tend to be the "tank" character when hunting since I have outrageous MO. I don't mind being the bait for critters while someone practices ambushing or range.

Currently, I jump back and forth between blood wolves, sand sprites, silver leucros, and creepers/vines. However, I am more than happy to backtrain some of my smaller weapons to help a person train (I have a few weapons in the 20 range specifically for that reason). I love training weapons, that's why I'm not higher in circle than I could be.

Despite the fact that I am power training fiend, I am also a big roleplayer. If you are not, then don't worry, I'll teach you to be. If you don't want to roleplay, then we might not be the best match.

The best way to reach me is via AIM at GorbeshWarlord. Or you can email me at gorbeshgoddess@play.net

--Vyraka, the Gorbesh Pirate--

Gorbesh Checks and Balances Department
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/03/2003 02:19 PM CST
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Arr! I just have to respond to this with absolutely nothing to say.

Beware folks, she bites. <nod>

Ruffles Scourge of the Seas

"Smack." Points and pauses for everyone to laugh and applaud. "The funny thing is, is that everyone knew who I meant." - Solomon
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/03/2003 03:30 PM CST
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>>Beware folks, she bites. <nod>

So there's gonna be biting involved, eh?

-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia

It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/04/2003 12:27 AM CST
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<<Beware folks, she bites.

Shhh! You aren't supposed to reveal my secrets!


Gorbesh Checks and Balances Department
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/04/2003 07:30 AM CST
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Pep will soon be moving up to the Lang area. Right now I am not gonna be much of a hunting partner in blood wolves, but I wouldn't mind someone to look out for me and be bait in wood trolls. Trolls still give him fits and kelpies can hit him, if he's caught in a stance change or something. Might need a bit more shield skill too. BUT, I love hunting in the wolves and I am pushing myself to get back there and improve my skills (seems Xelten the big meany wants to beat me up!)

You are Scout Peperic Timarson, an Elf and member of the Ranger Rescue squad, dragging deaders since 374 AV.
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/04/2003 10:06 AM CST
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>>(seems Xelten the big meany wants to beat me up!)

Tell him to pick on someone my own size.

-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia

It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/04/2003 11:38 AM CST
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His words were.. Get bigger so I can fight ya. (to me-when I was still 2nd circle)

You are Scout Peperic Timarson, an Elf and member of the Ranger Rescue squad, dragging deaders since 374 AV.
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/04/2003 08:35 PM CST
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Okay Peperic, hope to find you out there. ;)


Gorbesh Checks and Balances Department
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/04/2003 08:43 PM CST
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Pep you don't want to be hunting partners with Vyraka, she may be a hot Gorbesh Pirate, but she kind of smells.

-Sigmer HeldnHammer-

The Vengeful Striking Hammer of Trothfang

Ergo open your yapper one more time and I'm gonna Architect a whole world of pain all over your candy ass!
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/04/2003 09:05 PM CST
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<<but she kind of smells.

Like the ocean, baby...

<kicks Sigmer in the shin>


Gorbesh Checks and Balances Department
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/05/2003 07:19 AM CST
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<<but she kind of smells.>>

Note to self:
Stay upwind.

<kicks Sigmer in the shin>

Note to self:
Get HP Greaves.

You are Scout Peperic Timarson, an Elf and member of the Ranger Rescue squad, dragging deaders since 374 AV.
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/05/2003 11:22 AM CST
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>>Like the ocean, baby...

So that means like decomposing fish?

So she bites, kicks and smells. Anything else we need to worry about?



Live by the shield, die by the shield.
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/05/2003 01:25 PM CST
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She is also very verbally abusive, I have already spent nearly 5 plat on a psychiatrist. :) but otherwise thats about it, oh and she thinks she's better than you just cuz she is tall for a human.

-Sigmer HeldnHammer-

The Vengeful Striking Hammer of Trothfang

Ergo open your yapper one more time and I'm gonna Architect a whole world of pain all over your candy ass!
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/05/2003 08:25 PM CST
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awww...a certain tog is feelin' defensive cause he knows I'm going to kick his hiney in Falk's games...

<ponders for a moment> And speaking of Heiny's. When I was at the store today, they had a magnum size of Heineken with a champagne style cork in it. It was frightning.


Gorbesh Checks and Balances Department
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/05/2003 08:38 PM CST
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Thats for people living the thug life, and If I lose to you in the Falk games at least I know I lost to a worthy opponent, but please don't kick me in the Hiney cuz then how will I sit and watch you beat Steinn!

-Sigmer HeldnHammer-

The Vengeful Striking Hammer of Trothfang

Ergo open your yapper one more time and I'm gonna Architect a whole world of pain all over your candy ass!
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/05/2003 10:48 PM CST
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>>I have already spent nearly 5 plat on a psychiatrist.

Only 5 plat? Talk to me when you've spent nearly 50, just to get the visions of what she's like out of your head <sniffles>. She's mean, expecially when hunting. She kills poor innocents, I saw her beat up a group of little sprites, and all they wanted was some attention <shakes his fist>.

Watch it Pep, she like is expecially mean to Rangers and locksmiths She's an evil one her <nods emphatically>.

The Merc.
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Re: Saucy Pirate Seeks... on 11/07/2003 11:10 PM CST
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<<She's mean, expecially when hunting. She kills poor innocents, I saw her beat up a group of little sprites, and all they wanted was some attention <shakes his fist>.

They were just a little too kinky for me. :P


Gorbesh Checks and Balances Department
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looking for ... on 01/09/2004 02:31 PM CST
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A tog to wear a pink wedding gown...must have a winning smile though...
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Re: looking for ... on 01/09/2004 02:34 PM CST
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>>A tog to wear a pink wedding gown...must have a winning smile though...

I hear Drevid looks good in that, well so might Xorg.


Fighting with a bunch of archers in Geni.

"Hey, it's shoot GENI, not shoot GEN!"

Ambassador Genneron, of M'riss
Live by the shield, die by the shield.
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Re: looking for ... on 01/09/2004 02:38 PM CST
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Drev's girl might have problems with that though... Don't know a Xorg.. but you responded so where should i give you the gown to you at Brabs...
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Re: looking for ... on 01/09/2004 03:08 PM CST
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<flees to Muspar'i>

I think I should be safe out in slavers from Anbeth now, can't say from the slavers though.


Fighting with a bunch of archers in Geni.

"Hey, it's shoot GENI, not shoot GEN!"

Ambassador Genneron, of M'riss
Live by the shield, die by the shield.
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Re: looking for ... on 01/10/2004 08:26 AM CST
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>Don't know a Xorg..

Wasn't Xorg that troublemaker/friend of Grishnok's in Crossing a while back? Or am I thinking of someone else?


>I really wasn't going to charge anyone for raising. Just expect them to be polite and well-mannered. But even THAT suggestion was met with a lot of antagonism from the heathen end. ~Sorenne
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Re: looking for ... on 01/10/2004 09:55 PM CST
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<<I hear Drevid looks good in that, well so might Xorg.>>

He does look good in pink, doesn't he?

JR>l drevid
You see Peon Drevid Thaddom of the Zoluren Infantry, a Gor'Tog.
He has black eyes. He has jade skin.
He is in his prime for a Gor'Tog.
He has a tattoo of a red ribbon with the word "MOM" stitched onto it on his arm.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a pink spidersilk dress decorated with lace and bunny rabbits.

JR>lick mehathi
You lick your lips.

~ Mehathi
Drevid blows you a kiss and then blushes as he giggles wildly!
Drevid laughs!
J>'You giggled!
You exclaim, "You giggled!"
Drevid exclaims, "I giggled!"
Drevid flails his arms about.
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Re: looking for ... on 01/10/2004 09:55 PM CST
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<<I hear Drevid looks good in that, well so might Xorg.


Heh I am going to have to keel you now... anyways.. my gown had puffy shoulders plus I have the legs to pull it off

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Re: looking for ... on 01/10/2004 10:10 PM CST
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HAH you got it all wrong.. first its not a pink spidersilk dress decorated with lace and bunny rabbits.
Its a pink spidersilk Battle Dress decorated with chainmail and bunny skulls... Granted its pink but thats only cuz I did the laundry that day...


Ps sorry about the whites Mehathi :snickers:
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Re: looking for ... on 01/10/2004 10:14 PM CST
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<<Ps sorry about the whites Mehathi :snickers:>>

::glances inside her leathers and rolls her eyes::

~ Mehathi
Drevid blows you a kiss and then blushes as he giggles wildly!
Drevid laughs!
J>'You giggled!
You exclaim, "You giggled!"
Drevid exclaims, "I giggled!"
Drevid flails his arms about.
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Is this the right folder? Yes? No? Well, I'm posting here either way... on 02/29/2004 03:52 PM CST
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Ok... Just so everyone knows, I'm going to spell out the obvious in this post so nobody gets confused about anything... I'm also going to be as detailed as possible.

Looking for:

A character to play a protective older (by 5 years or more) brother to a 25 year old (years, not circles) human female.

My character (the little sister):

-female (duh)
-human (duh again)
-25 years old (see above)
-Warrior Mage
-resides in Riverhaven, and is a member of the ODS (Order of the Dragon Shield)
-has ebon skin, so her brother would have to have very dark or ebon skin as well... hair, eyes, etc can be whatever
-family history : contact me for more information

Your character (the big brother) requirements:

-be male (duh)
-be human (also duh)
-be older than 25 by at least 5 years (see above)
-be in Riverhaven much of the time
-no guild requirements... however, Empaths may have a problem should they ever need to lay the smack down on someone (some phrases make me laugh)
-circle: something higher than 12, or just have the skills of a 12th or up circle <insert guild here> (just cause it's hard to protect someone who's stronger than you are... once again because of the smack down thing)
-family history: would be best if your character either does not yet have a family history set down (meaning, you haven't decided on one yet) or you're willing (and able) to alter it to mesh with my character's history (you'll have to contact me for details)

YOU (the player) requirements:

-be human (mua ha ha)
-be male/female (see above)
-have above average/good/excellent grammar/spelling skills
-have above average/good/excellent roleplaying abilities
-would be best if you were in the Eastern time zone (or something close), since that's where I am, and it's hard to play together with someone who lives on the other side of the world.

Well, I think that's everything. I'm going to put a post in the "Companionship Wanted" folder too, just in case.

Contact me if you think you fit the profile and want more information.

AIM - DrSurisa
e-mail - moraura@play.net
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When a maaaaaaan loves a woomaaaaan.... duh da duh duh on 03/28/2004 02:20 PM CST
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Hmm.... well, how to do this? My name is Urris Draegd, I'm a human ranger of the 18th circle. I tend to spnd my time in rock trolls. I have crystal blue hair, long and fine golden hair, and tanned skin. I'm looking for someone to have some fun with, go out hunting, drinking, the whole kit and kaboodle. There's only two requirements.... be female, and stay in character, atleast most of the time. Give me a yell at Urissdreagod@aol.com
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Re: When a maaaaaaan loves a woomaaaaan.... duh da duh duh on 03/28/2004 05:44 PM CST
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>I have crystal blue hair, long and fine golden hair...

You rock, dude.

>He who angers you conquers you.
Elizabeth Kenny

>A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.
Bill Cosby

~The mind behind Raydell and many~
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Re: When a maaaaaaan loves a woomaaaaan.... duh da duh duh on 03/29/2004 04:35 AM CST
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I would laugh so hard if some huge Tog lady showed up and squashed the bejeezus out of this character in search of some lovin'.


Regards and happy hunting,
player of Syrath

"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."

Kinsmen, Steel, Stone.

RL/IG Calendar 2004 http://www.geocities.com/staanstok/DRCalendar2004.htm
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Re: When a maaaaaaan loves a woomaaaaan.... duh da duh duh on 03/29/2004 01:18 PM CST
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I have a female Gor'Tog.

Leyhan the Scholar.

"Our God is Hav'roth, God of Stone. Our lives are rocky paths in which we must climb." -Mhalacious Sraan-Hav'roth
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Re: When a maaaaaaan loves a woomaaaaan.... duh da duh duh on 04/02/2004 09:39 PM CST
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Hey, big women need sweet lovin' too.
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Re: When a maaaaaaan loves a woomaaaaan.... duh da duh duh on 04/03/2004 07:05 AM CST
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<<Hey, big women need sweet lovin' too.>>

There are times when I'm honestly ashamed to be your big brother.

Drongol's Player

PC also stands for "Paying Customer."
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Re: When a maaaaaaan loves a woomaaaaan.... duh da duh duh on 04/03/2004 08:34 PM CST
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<<Hey, big women need sweet lovin' too.

I'm not saying they don't. I just tend to find certain things amusing.. The reverse would make me laugh as well.

A young Toggy lady with a beautiful spinach-green complexion writes a letter beckoning those men who are in search of tender romance to meet her at Taelbert's. She gives no specific preferences of age or race. So..a 79 year old Gnome shows up with a lovely bouquet of flowers. He climbs onto the bench in the dining room, and then climbs onto the table when he realizes he still isn't at the right height...and then kisses her hand.

A squeaky, yet wizened voice says, "Hello my lonely Pine Tree! I am here to answer your heartfelt entreaty for love!"

"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."

Kinsmen, Steel, Stone.

RL/IG Calendar 2004 http://www.geocities.com/staanstok/DRCalendar2004.htm
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Re: When a maaaaaaan loves a woomaaaaan.... duh da duh duh on 04/04/2004 12:54 AM CST
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You amuse me to no end.

Leyhan the Scholar.

"Our God is Hav'roth, God of Stone. Our lives are rocky paths in which we must climb." -Mhalacious Sraan-Hav'roth
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Re: When a maaaaaaan loves a woomaaaaan.... duh da duh duh on 04/04/2004 06:03 AM CDT
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And what's funnier is that I can almost see that happening, too.

Amagaim; the player of,

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion,
It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
The hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning,
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
---Unknown Author, Usenet
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Re: When a maaaaaaan loves a woomaaaaan.... duh da duh duh on 04/07/2004 01:42 PM CDT
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<<<< So..a 79 year old Gnome shows up with a lovely bouquet of flowers. A squeaky, yet wizened voice says.... >>>>

Gnomes live over twice as long as humans so he wouldn't be that old.
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Re: When a maaaaaaan loves a woomaaaaan.... duh da duh duh on 04/07/2004 02:43 PM CDT
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<<Gnomes live over twice as long as humans so he wouldn't be that old.>>

Off-topic, but lifespan and "aging" are not necessarily related. A Gnome could be wizened and "old-looking" at 20 years of age if the GMs say so, and remain old-looking for the rest of his/her life.

Drongol's Player

PC also stands for "Paying Customer."
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Re: When a maaaaaaan loves a woomaaaaan.... duh da duh duh on 04/07/2004 04:16 PM CDT
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Yes..off topic.

Aging discussion should be taken to the appropriate race folders.

Questions or comments may be sent to mod-liebeth@play.net


Mod Liebeth
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