My list of things that annoy me: on 11/08/2007 10:43 AM CST
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My list of things that annoy me:

1) People that give birth in public

2) People that get overly and disgustingly affectionate in public, particularily when they do so over the gweth or where you have no option to leave

3) People that use the smile or act verb to not just state what they are doing but my reaction to it and/or the results of what they just did as it pertains to me.

4) Merchants that give a long list of everything they have to sell ever 5 seconds on the gweth to the point where no one else can think and they spam me when hunting and I can't see the critters

5) Idiots that demand I drop what ever I'm thinking about or doing and pay attention to them right now for all sorts of reasons. I'm not here to be your prop. You do not have the right to script check me.

6) RP police the go around trying to tell me that real (what ever) would not ever act that way or wear that item with that item or eat chocolate or what ever. The quote ig books at you like they are some sort of doctrine or law that must be followed.

7) Idiots that troll looking for someone to pick on, anyone, they just want to start something and lucky you, you are it. Please (deleted), I am not impressed.

8) Annoying people that come up with an "rp" and then script out the only acceptable response for those around them and then whine and perhaps even report when heavens forbid people laugh or get annoyed or just walk away. I really hate it when they then resort to aim or email to spam you demanding that you respond and explain your unacceptable actions. People like this need to get a life, far away, and not near me or any form of media that would let them contact the outside world.

9) People that think they have the right to rp an annoying spoiled brat and then claim that because they are an empath or a child or wear glasses or are of low circle that they don't have to take their lumps.

10) People that are overly familiar with me. I don't have to like you. I don't always have to be in a good mood.

No, I was not thinking of any one particular person today. I'm just tired and cranky and have not had my coffee.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
--Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: My list of things that annoy me: on 11/08/2007 01:50 PM CST
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Re: My list of things that annoy me: on 11/08/2007 03:33 PM CST
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>>You do not have the right to script check me.

GMs have told us otherwise (ie, "if it weren't for player reporting, %90 of players would never be caught" or somesuch). That we try to get a response simply means we're doing our part to keep the reporting down. Besides, if you don't respond then we can point and laugh and spread rumors about you being an AFK scripter.

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List --
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Re: My list of things that annoy me: on 11/08/2007 03:45 PM CST
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>>You do not have the right to script check me.
GMs have told us otherwise (ie, "if it weren't for player reporting, %90 of players would never be caught" or somesuch). That we try to get a response simply means we're doing our part to keep the reporting down. Besides, if you don't respond then we can point and laugh and spread rumors about you being an AFK scripter.

That's not script checking. That's reporting a possible scripter. Big difference.

Sebastienne says, "please hand all weapons to me and I will see that they are returned to their proper owners."
Linkwurst offers Sebastienne a barnacle encrusted scimitar.
Kystrala exclaims, "NO!"
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Re: My list of things that annoy me: on 11/08/2007 03:48 PM CST
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>>>2) People that get overly and disgustingly affectionate in public, particularily when they do so over the gweth or where you have no option to leave

I prefer when they do it on the gweth. That wasy, I can smash their gweths.


[Mvorn] "Dulcinia is the only woman I would allow myself to cheat on my wife with, she's dreamy"

Not everyone comes here to hug and smooch and give pretend birth on the floor of the bank in Ratha.
-Galren Moonskin
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Re: My list of things that annoy me: on 11/14/2007 09:22 AM CST
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<<5) Idiots that demand I drop what ever I'm thinking about or doing and pay attention to them right now for all sorts of reasons. I'm not here to be your prop.>>

yes you are ;)

<<7) Idiots that troll looking for someone to pick on, anyone, they just want to start something and lucky you, you are it. Please (deleted), I am not impressed.>>

stop insulting me already! I'm taking it personally!

<<10) People that are overly familiar with me.>>

are you female? if not, i'm sorry.

<<No, I was not thinking of any one particular person today. >>

bold faced lies

:oP Ragran
p.s. hmph
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Re: My list of things that annoy me: on 11/14/2007 10:26 AM CST
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"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
--Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: My list of things that annoy me: on 11/14/2007 11:07 AM CST
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i think i like drake.

:oP Ragran
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