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Issue with another character on 12/04/2020 05:01 AM CST
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I just want it known that a particular character kissed one of my friends' an Empath 3x in a row, which deeply, deeply upset her. Last night.
She made it clear to this 'Empath' male character that she didn't want his attentions and that she was with someone else.
He then persisted in game with continuing to kiss her.
This all happened around 3 am EST in the Empath's Courtyard on 12/04/2020

After her retirement for the night, he persisted to annoy me by telling me what a drama queen she was being.
I pretty much started watching him out of annoyance because he pointed at her when she tried to hide, because she was going to log off.
And that's what started MY issue with him.
First he starts watching me, then after that, he continued to whisper OOC at me quite a lot when I made it clear I didn't want to talk and or interact with him.
If there's an ingame block command, I assuredly would've used it on him!
He then persisted after I ignored him in game, by telling me it wasn't his fault he was mentally disabled with some disease.
At that point about an hour had passed and I responded with, 'you can change your ways at any time, nobody is fixed to be a certain way'
He then told me that I was clearly against people who had mental and physical abilities. Not true as I have a few myself, but didn't want to chat about it in game.
He then continued to persistantly OOC chat me every couple of minutes while I was scripting my character and watching for messages from friends on Discord, and working on writing my book.
I pointedly ignored him in game, but, he decided to persist continuously.
He kept OOC chatting me in game telling me ALL about his personal life and how deeply mentally disabled he was, and how I should pity him for his disability.
Then after continuosly persistantly, continuing to annoy me every couple of minutes with more pop-up OOC chats, he decided that I was taking his OOC chat as IC chat. I never said anything like that, but that's how he took it.
Then, after all that he went away for a while, and I thought we were done so I went back to writing my story.
Then he came back and REPORTED ME for harrassment.
I dare say he's been harrassing ME for over 2 hours now.
So I immediately counter-reported him for harrassment and that was around 5:54 am, and then I came here and posted this.
Obviously some Empaths are just total scum.
And I was in the middle of writing a very important piece of my story and now I've lost the details and ITS ALL HIS FAULT!
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Re: Issue with another character on 12/04/2020 09:37 AM CST
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There isn't a block, but there is a WARN command.

Usage: WARN <player | object | creature>

In the first case, the verb is simply fluff messaging, with no functionality.

When the second method is employed, an OOC message will be sent to the player, privately letting them know your feelings, to clear up any possible doubt about where you both stand. Records are kept of all communications issued and received, as well as whether they were acknowledged or declined, as applicable.

Suitable for roleplayed conflicts where it is to the players' advantage to have consent on record. The receiving player will have an opportunity to acknowledge the warning so that any potential conflict can be settled to both parties' satisfaction. Note that the agreement terminates once either player dies or one hour has passed.

Suitable when someone's actions have transgressed beyond the boundaries of acceptable, normal roleplay and are disrupting your enjoyment of the game. This should not be used lightly. You will be expected to behave yourself as well as the person to whom you issued such a statement.

Suitable for expressing to the other party that you wish to have NO INTERACTION WHATSOEVER with them. This option should not be used unless you are willing to remove yourself from the presence of the person to whom you issue it. Upon issuance, both players should immediately go their separate ways and cease all interaction with each other, including (but not limited to) conversations regarding the other player with third parties (besides staff members).

Note that in all cases, this verb is simply for improved communication. Policy and handling of situations remains unchanged, and under no circumstances should the WARN verb be viewed as an excuse or license to take matters into your own hands, should the other party ignore your wishes. As always, your best course of action in such a situation is to place an ASSIST and speak with a GameHost.
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Account History:
You can also use the WARN verb for a history of official cautions and warnings issued by Simutronics to characters on this account at the time the warning was issued. (This means characters who have sinced transferred off the account may still show up.) Tracking started reliably in May 2014. For a complete history including any offenses received prior to 2014, you will need to contact Feedback via email. Their contact info is listed in the EMAIL verb.
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Re: Issue with another character on 12/05/2020 10:14 AM CST
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These posts were moved from the DragonRealms Policy Discussions < General Discussions on Policy

DragonRealms Senior Board Moderator
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Re: Issue with another character on 12/06/2020 03:15 PM CST
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There isn't a block command with regards to whispers/ESP, the DEMEANOR and BEFRIEND commands will help avoid many fluff verbs. DEMEANOR works for certain guilds or races (necros avoiding unwanted touches from Empaths, for example), BEFRIEND works for individuals.
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