Curious on 02/09/2003 11:53 AM CST
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Was curious if anyone knows of or has a comprehensive timeline of Elanthian events.. all of what I was able to find stops at or shortly after the arrival of the Gnome and Kaldar refugees.

thanks in advance
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Re: Curious on 02/09/2003 04:05 PM CST
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354 AV --The Gorbesh War begins
--The jadeite and kyanite mines are destroyed
356 AV --A summit is held in Leth Deriel between the Provincial
Governments and the terrorist L'Karm group
--An obelisk is excavated near Therenborough
357 AV Refugees of the Kaldar and Gnomes arrive from the southwest;
the remnants of the Prydaen and Rakash arrive from the west
358 AV --The Kingdom of Andreshlew rises to the Reshal Sea surface
for the Feast of Eluned
--Therengia signs an alliance with Andreshlew
359 AV --House Valsef rebels against Therengia
--Sorrow begins attacks in an attempt to retrieve a book
360 AV Prince Belirendrick III (77) is assissinated
361 AV Reign of Prince Sirolarn Sorvendig of Zoluren begins
362 AV --The Moon Mage Guild's High Council is assassinated
--An artifact is activated on Taisgath Island, releasing
Tezirah. She is sent back into the Plane of Probability.
363 AV --Sorrow is killed at the Zaulfung Stones
--Therengian forces occupy parts of Zoluren in retaliation
for Zoluren's invasion of Therengia while chasing Sorrow
364 AV --Prince Sirolarn is executed
--Reign of Prince Vorclaf Sorvendig of Zoluren (29) begins
--Therengian forces withdraw from Zoluren
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Curious on 02/21/2006 05:00 PM CST
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What year in the modern timeline did the game start at?

354 Gorbesh Wars
354 Gwethdesuan Mine destroyed in Gorbesh War
353 Crossing and Riverhaven WM Guilds rebuilt by Archmage Saekhi
352 Crossings WM guild burned by Mibgluc
352 Mibgluc driven off
352 Halfling Bard Bocacchio honors memory of Aurilae at Fayrin's Rest
351 Sicle Grove destroyed by Fire mage Mibgluc
350 Contact with Shard and Illithi re-established
349 to 300
330 Wolf Clan Founded
320 Tiger Clan established from one half of Knife Clan
320 Knife Clan splits into two groups
320 Suza Corwyn kidnapped
305 Ditsworth buys barges to Langenfirth
305 Floating Casinos established
299 to 250
290 Reign of Kukalakai the Black-Eyes begins
290 Death of Ferdahl Alec the Phoenix
281 Maracheck's Oak founded (Fayrin's Rest)
280 Langenfirth Ranger's guild established
252 Aurilae Cui'Gweld, Human bardess murdered by army of trolls at Fayrin's Rest
250 Shard cut off from the world
250 Morganae's daughter is murdered
249 to 200
240 Monk Langen arrives at firth, opens brewery. Source of name "Langenfirth"
200 Ex-ferryman begins first barge service to the firth
199 to 150
149 to 100
99 to 50
81 Aesthene's Close destroyed
79 Arthe Dale Founded
62 Aesthene returns to Crossings, begins magical research
49 to 0
42 Aesthene departs on another journey
42 Aesthene's Close is completed
40 Aesthene arrives in Crossings
22 Last DP faction "conquered," and merchant families form the new ruling council of Qi'Reshalia
20 Gondola to Shard established
18 Groups of wealthy merchants band together to end the DP fighting in Qi'Reshalia
0 Neithrel vanishes
0 Open warfare among DP factions in Qi'Reshalia
Modern Age
Begins with calendar marking year 0

Huldah: "I heard Prydaens had hairy palms." Me: "...." Huldah: "No srsly. I read it on the Race boards, it must be true." Me: [leaves]
AIM: Huldahs Pal
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Re: Curious on 02/21/2006 05:24 PM CST
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>>Modern Age
Begins with calendar marking year 0<<

I thought there is no year 0 on any calander. I thought they always start with 1.

Gnomes Rule!
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Re: Curious on 02/21/2006 07:12 PM CST
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By my calculations, the game would have started around the year 345.

Marksman Ahmir Nam'al

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Re: Curious on 02/21/2006 08:19 PM CST
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<<By my calculations, the game would have started around the year 345.>>

Nope don't think that is possible as I was born in the year 334.

You were born on the 10th day of the 3rd month of Lirisa the Archer in the year of the Emerald Dolphin, 334 years after the victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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Re: Curious on 02/21/2006 08:26 PM CST
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>>Nope don't think that is possible as I was born in the year 334.

They're talking about the year that gameplay started not the year that you were born. It's already been established that game history goes to year 0 (or year 1).

Strangeguard Prayermaster
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Re: Curious on 02/21/2006 08:29 PM CST
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Birthday doesn't have anything to do with game start, since you weren't 'born' on the first day of the game (you were at least 10-20).

Fine. I'm wrong.
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Re: Curious on 02/21/2006 08:35 PM CST
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>They're talking about the year that gameplay started not the year that you were born.


Huldah: "I heard Prydaens had hairy palms." Me: "...." Huldah: "No srsly. I read it on the Race boards, it must be true." Me: [leaves]
AIM: Huldahs Pal
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Re: Curious on 02/21/2006 11:18 PM CST
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340-some odd sounds about right. I wish I had access to my hard drives in storage, I bet I could find the dates.


"There is no help for our kind. We walk a lonely road."

"Paladins. There ought to be a bounty on them."
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Re: Curious on 02/22/2006 08:21 AM CST
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There are some archives over at The Wren's Nest that mention the founding of Shard and so on. Perhaps the information you want is there?


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Curious on 02/24/2006 06:33 AM CST
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Well.. DR is how old now? There's about how many game years per RL year?

I could be figured out (or at least a good guess could be gotten) that way... I'm just too lazy to do it.

Shadeau Raysen-Moonith,
Player of.

(Drongol dislikes you.)
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Re: Curious on 02/24/2006 07:28 AM CST
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>Well.. DR is how old now? There's about how many game years per RL year?

Actually, I believe there were some breaks in the 'natural' timeline in the beggining, while they were still messing with they systems.

Fine. I'm wrong.
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Re: Curious on 03/01/2006 10:34 AM CST
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<<Actually, I believe there were some breaks in the 'natural' timeline in the beggining, while they were still messing with they systems.>>

Yeah, I'm not sure that I recall the date system working back to the very beginning. It's been a while though.

The easy way to do this would just be to figure out how many ingame years have passed since February 1, 1996 when DragonRealms opened on GEnie as that is truly the beginning (Open Beta on AOL started on June 3, though I want to say AOL OH accounts were allowed in earlier. DR went live on AOL on July 25).

I know people have calculated somewhere before exactly how many DragonRealms years pass during a real life year. I want to say it is three DragonRealms years and some change to one real life year.

Oh...neat, was counting and just realized (10 years and a month since DR was open for login on GEnie). I haven't been reading here lately, but did anyone take note that DragonRealms just passed its 10 year anniversary?
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Re: Curious on 03/01/2006 01:24 PM CST
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The easy way to do this would just be to figure out how many ingame years have passed since February 1, 1996 when DragonRealms opened on GEnie as that is truly the beginning (Open Beta on AOL started on June 3, though I want to say AOL OH accounts were allowed in earlier. DR went live on AOL on July 25).
Cemm (241)

You can't go by that date Peter. You'd have to know when the last beta reset was. If I ever got my diskettes out of storage I might be able to get the date or close to the date. That's why I didn't give a definite time in an earlier post.

Jim, some old beta GEnie player. ;p

p.s: I was wondering when you were going to start posting here again, I'd noted some posts by you on the GS bbs and then nothing. So I made the assumption that you'd start posting here again soon. :chuckle:

"There is no help for our kind. We walk a lonely road."

"Paladins. There ought to be a bounty on them."
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Re: Curious on 03/01/2006 03:06 PM CST
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Yes, someone took note. Premies got to design the birthday cake via a meeting-only contest, and there's going to be a large gathering, possibly of the extremely-small, free fest flavor.

J'Lo, no that other one
The Manipulation List --
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Re: Curious on 03/02/2006 08:32 AM CST
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<<You can't go by that date Peter. You'd have to know when the last beta reset was. If I ever got my diskettes out of storage I might be able to get the date or close to the date. That's why I didn't give a definite time in an earlier post.

Jim, some old beta GEnie player. ;p

p.s: I was wondering when you were going to start posting here again, I'd noted some posts by you on the GS bbs and then nothing. So I made the assumption that you'd start posting here again soon. :chuckle:>>

That is really wierd. My memory has just completely left me I guess. Even after you mentioning it, I still can't remember DR beta being fully reset along the way, much less more than once (like where we had to make our characters over again or something). I remember lots of events along the way, just lost that somehow. Hmmm. Nope, clawing, pinching and biting at my brain and still can't pull the tatters together.

Ah well.

As to posting, I've kept both accounts active and premium status for years now regardless of whether I was playing or not. Just pop in from time to time. Started actually playing GS again recently and have logged into DR a couple of times, but just don't have time to be a regular by any stretch of the imagination. Got an 11 month old son that loves to run and play 24-7, so gaming takes a seat way at the back of the list of stuff I'd like to do. Hehe.
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Re: Curious on 03/02/2006 08:33 AM CST
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<<Yes, someone took note. Premies got to design the birthday cake via a meeting-only contest, and there's going to be a large gathering, possibly of the extremely-small, free fest flavor.>>

That's great! Have they already announced the date of the gathering somewhere? I might try and plan ahead to drag Cemm and Zeb out for it.
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Re: Curious on 03/02/2006 03:07 PM CST
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Far as I know, they haven't. That was just wild speculation on my part, based on two things--a GM (probably Zadraes, at a premie meeting quite a ways back, in response to a question that had nothing to do with premies) confirmed that some event was going to happen to celebrate the anniversary, and the recent birthday cake contest.

Unless it's up on the calendar, all we know is that there's a party and we get to eat cake.

J'Lo, no that other one
The Manipulation List --
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Re: Curious on 03/03/2006 08:07 AM CST
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Congrats on fatherhood Peter, it will change your life. Having raised four and raising four more these days, I know how busy they can keep you. :>


p.s: You know i'm not sure if when we did the character re-sets that they did reset the dates or not. Good question, I'll have to ask Matt/Rhys if he's got any of those files or not on hand, maybe can check it out so I dont have to fly to the east coast to go through storage. lol

"There is no help for our kind. We walk a lonely road."

"Paladins. There ought to be a bounty on them."
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Re: Curious on 03/03/2006 04:40 PM CST
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For what it's worth, my character started about a week after the shoshandu festival, in early May '96 (the first day it was available via keyword: Dragonrealms on AOL).

-Danalae T'Aliesan
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Re: Curious on 03/04/2006 05:23 PM CST
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Were you an OH account by chance? I was as well on AOL, but I started into DragonRealms from the GEnie side at first when word spread that it was available there.

Trying to sort through the fog of memory, I think that's why I can't remember if there were character resets, because as soon as AOL OH's could log in for beta testing, I abandoned the GEnie character and switched and made a new one from AOL.

Hmmm, my dates must still be wrong then. For some reason I thought that first festival was held where everyone from AOL could attend to, not just GEnie folks and AOL OH's.
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Re: Curious on 03/04/2006 05:27 PM CST
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<<Congrats on fatherhood Peter, it will change your life. Having raised four and raising four more these days, I know how busy they can keep you. :>>>

Hehe, Jim...that's got to be the understatement of the year. That said, they've been the most amazing and wonderful changes of my life. :)
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Re: Curious on 03/06/2006 11:27 AM CST
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>Were you an OH account by chance? I was as well on AOL, but I started into DragonRealms from the GEnie side at first when word spread that it was available there.

Yeah, once upon a time, I worked as a guide on AOL, running helprooms for PC and Mac folks. I got the fun of being kicked out of pretty much every festival around, because the overhead people would get booted when there was high usage. I never managed to find Dragonrealms in the betatest area, though, and had to wait til it was available via keyword.

-Danalae T'Aliesan
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Re: Curious on 03/07/2006 10:41 PM CST
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>For what it's worth, my character started about a week after the shoshandu festival, in early May '96 (the first day it was available via keyword: Dragonrealms on AOL).

Oh my god, I've been playing forever.. I wonder if my old characters still exist?

-Player of Krahas
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Re: Curious on 03/08/2006 01:01 PM CST
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<<Oh my god, I've been playing forever.. I wonder if my old characters still exist?

They probably do. I just got one back that hadn't been played since 1997 (I think). I couldn't remember what AOL account it was on or when I had last played, but they were able to find her and all of her stuff, including tufts of grass and a highwayman's belt. Then I rerolled and there went my middle aged Elf. Le sigh.

But yeah, it was neat getting her back and remembering playing while having to keep track of my 10 hours a month on AOL or whatever ridiculously small number it was.
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Re: Curious on 03/08/2006 11:08 PM CST
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Wow, '97? Who do I talk to? I'm sure the only person with my last name that's ever played DR is me, hah.

-Player of Krahas
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Re: Curious on 03/10/2006 01:27 AM CST
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Erm, I think I tried to fill out the reactivate character form and it laughed at me. There's a transfer form in there for reactivating AOL characters. Simu sent me an email with security questions (where was your character, when were they last played, all kinds of things) and I guess I barely remembered enough of them to get her back. I was rather amazed and pleased!
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Re: Curious on 03/10/2006 12:05 PM CST
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Try writing I think it is.

Shadeau Raysen-Moonith,
Player of.

(Drongol dislikes you.)
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