As the appointed time draws oh so close, I wanted to remind all those to whom we've given invitations so far (as well as hopefully get the word out to some who we may not have seen recently) about the upcoming wedding of Halcier and Mialeigh.
We will be having the ceremony this Sunday, February 13th at 9 PM EST. Since it's an "Elope with Me" wedding, it will be held at the Abbey of Tamsine's Rest, just south of Leth Deriel.
I'll be dropping my receipt a few minutes before 9, in the clearing in the woods just across the bridge. (Directions from my foggy memory: After you GO TRAIL from the STR, GO PATH, then North until you have to go East or West, Eastward until the bridge, GO BRIDGE, East some more, and then GO CLEARING. If you get to the lake, you've gone too far.) Of course, this may change slightly if we can't actually drop the receipt there.
I'll try to remind as many people as possible over IM, and we'll try to send some gweth reminders too. There should also be a couple people serving as ushers if you have trouble finding your way in to the Abbey.
In the meantime, if you don't have an invitation and would like to attend, please don't hesitate to find Mia or Hal and we'd be glad to set you up (as well as any guests you might like to bring).
Hope to see you there!