Wedding question on 02/22/2005 12:16 PM CST
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Hi, we bought a wedding. A nice queens package. Which I'm sure will be lovely. But it's been almost a month now. And we've not heard anything from Simutronics at all. No emails, no nothing. Is this normal? Should we just keep waiting? Send more emails? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Never knock on death's door. Ring the doorbell and run, he hates that.
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Re: Wedding question on 02/23/2005 09:29 AM CST
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Hi there,

You need to email DRWeddings. Type wedding help in game to get the information.

You should recieve an email back with a worksheet within a few days.

If you do not recieve any answering emails, you can try emailing the Wedding Guru Tvini directly at or assisting in game and speaking to a GameHost.

If you need any help filling out your worksheet, please visit my website

And also check out the happy couples I've helped:

Currently I've just finished with Tolena and Zaaklar's Wedding as well as Serburis and Ilisyana's and am working on a party for Jadisia.

My AIM is AuctionerNirveli if you have more questions.

A dark brown Zoluren marnet scampers after a small beetle then chitters with disappointment as the insect unfurls its wings and flies away.
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