IDON! IDON! IDON! ... wants YOU. on 08/23/2005 05:40 PM CDT
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Idon requests the pleasure of your company for a night of feasting, revelry, and shenanigans by the bonfire in his woods with his Muse, Ezirah and the lovely Annandale on the 33rd day of the 8th month of Skullcleaver the Dwarven Axe in the year of the Golden Panther (Friday, August 26th at 10pm ET). Bring your percussion instruments if you want to please him, but leave behind any ideas of outshining the vain god, else you may find yourself turned into a pig -- as he so likes to do!

Why I'm most likely to be turned into a pig. (Best costume)
Ode to Idon contest (song, story and/or percussion)
Why I shouldn't be turned into a pig part 1 (Best commentary)
Why I shouldn't be turned into a pig part 2 (Ugliest attire)

Brush up on your Idon knowledge, brush off your fae wings, gossamer gowns, loin cloths, and forehead horns and come prepared to try and win any of the 4 contests and walk away with the prize at this Midsummer Night theme party at the faery ring in the forest of Dara Galion.

For the memory -- it's fading away
Like the memory of the girl, led too far astray
With only stars on her palm, to light her dark way
She looks very young, but her hair is so gray...
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Re: IDON! IDON! IDON! ... wants YOU. on 08/29/2005 08:38 AM CDT
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I just wanted to thank everyone that worked on this party, attended it, and made it so fun.

Tvini - What can I say? Dragonrealms is lucky to have you. I am so grateful that you work with me. I know that I ask for the moon, and you always.. always deliver it! You go above and beyond the call of duty time and time again, do everything you can to pull things off, you never complain nor display anything but respectful and kind behavior. You are a calming presence in stressful situations, your creative resource is endless and you pull it off with such grace and ease. Your sense of humor and wit never ceases to amaze me... You're so fun to work with, and I truly thank you.

Coordinator Alencia - You got thrown into a crazy party and you did a great job. You kept things on track, were always in the right place at the right time, and were a lot of fun. You made your job look really easy, and we all know that it's not! Thank you so much for everything!

The GM behind Idon - You've managed to create a whole new flock of followers! I had the best time I've ever had in DR at this bonfire - your wit was great, and your charm.. well.. I still see women in the streets of Elthania calling out your name, hoping to be near you again. Seeing people turned to pigs and struck down for their infractions had me absolultely roaring with laughter. Thank you for participating and doing such a bang up job.

The GM behind the drunken fae - You have quite a following as well, missy! I absolutely loved this character. I hope we get to see you again in the future - as do all those men that were swooning over you! Thank you so very much for appearing!

Contest participants - What great fun. We had no idea people would take to the contests like they did. Thank you all for participating - it ended running the entire length of the party. It was an absolute blast. Thanks for being such great guests.

Thanks to all the good sports who were put to sleep, turned to pigs, grew tails, were struck down - you made the party so great! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed putting it together. I'll never forget it.

And last but certainly not least, my friends Annandale*,*Aavarine, and Eve. Thank you for all of your input, help, and support. It wouldn't have been the same party without all your help. You mean to the world to me! <3


For the memory -- it's fading away
Like the memory of the girl, led too far astray
With only stars on her palm, to light her dark way
She looks very young, but her hair is so gray...
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