Kaldar Weddings on 10/11/2005 03:48 PM CDT
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I'm looking for two things. One being kaldar wedding items for the bride the other being any type of traditions kaldars undertake during the wedding, the bride specificaly. If anyone has any information, links, or ideas please email me at taycock@traid.rr.com
If the email is in reference to an item you have please list the full discription, price, and any verbs the item may have. Thanks!


I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
Mark Twain
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Re: Kaldar Weddings on 10/11/2005 04:41 PM CDT
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Not sure if you know it, but Griffth carried a Kaldaran bridal outfit in his yurt (From http://www.drfuturepast.com; I think Ethna is his wife or another relative. The prices are the original prices from the Jeraya Bayajen fest.):

>>On the wooden mannequin you see a small note, some thin leather-strapped sandals threaded with tiny carved beads, a soft ivory doeskin skirt edged in beaded fringe, a soft ivory doeskin bodice laced up the front with pale leather cord, and a pale carved wooden armband with a single dangling owl feather.

A small note reads:
The clothing on this mannequin represents a lovely Kaldaran wedding ensemble. ~~ Ethna ~~

some thin leather-strapped sandals threaded with tiny carved beads
Price: 2300 Dokoras
Pale wooden beads are carved with the image of various flowers. The thin straps are long enough to lace up the calves, cinched at the top by tiny gold coin clasps.

a soft ivory doeskin skirt edged in beaded fringe
Price: 2884 Dokoras
Pale wooden beads take on the form of various flowers, their petals carved in fine detail. The supple skirt falls to mid-calf with its seams embroidered with tiny green leaves and golden acorns.

a soft ivory doeskin bodice laced up the front with pale leather cord
Price: 4104 Dokoras
Sleeveless, this bodice is embroidered along its seams with tiny green leaves and golden acorns. The thin leather cord weaves its way down the front of the bodice to be cinched at the bottom with a tiny gold coin clasp.

a pale carved wooden armband with a single dangling owl feather
Price: 1398 Dokoras
Tiny leaves and acorns are carved upon this armband and are painted in dark greens and gold. An owl peeks out from behind one of the leaves, the dangling feather clasped in its tiny claws.

That might help you narrow down what you're looking for.

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Re: Kaldar Weddings on 10/11/2005 07:45 PM CDT
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I saw it but can't find anyone that has it. Looking for foods or drinks kaldar related so if you see them or know of them or anyone who has them please let me know.


I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
Mark Twain
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Re: Kaldar Weddings on 10/20/2005 09:11 AM CDT
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Does anyone have a kaldaran wedding ensemble for sale? looking for the items sold at Giffth yurt at the Jeraya Bayajen fest.
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