wedding on 11/11/2005 02:10 PM CST
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I've yet to hear back anything from anyone from the wedding department, was wanting the wedding done first part of Dec but need to hear back soon if it will be possible or not as both parties need to try to plan around busy work schedules. the wedding is for Faelwen and Tikoro... I sent inquries to the dr weddings email address already a while back.

Empath Faelwen Eternallust
AIM: StixOfPixies
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Re: wedding on 11/19/2005 09:08 PM CST
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I've had similar difficulty with multiple requests for contact from the wedding dept this month.

Please contact me as well.


Gale Isembard

Nightclubbing we're nightclubbing
We're walking through town
Nightclubbing we're nightclubbing
We walk like a ghost
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Thinking about doing weddings on 02/08/2006 03:08 PM CST
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I just returned to DR and was curious if clerics are still needed to perform weddings? I started doing weddings before I left DR then went to play SWG and performed TONS of weddings there and helped write the wedding guide. Unfortunately SWG changed the entire game so it's no longer possible to use the Unity Rings (don't know what is happening with that game honestly).

So now that I am back in DR I was curious if there is a lack of clerics with unique weddings to offer players and also what the going rate is for performing a wedding.

I would need to be refreshed on the script writing if there is a need. It's something I've alway enjoyed about DR and used to enjoy in SWG (made most of my credits doing player weddings) I can change this site for DR weddings if there is still a need here.

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Re: Thinking about doing weddings on 02/08/2006 04:18 PM CST
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I wouldn't mind seeing an Elven cleric versed in the various Elven marriage rituals, and creative enough to come up with "hybrid" rituals for Elves from different clans.

But I suppose that's a bit much to ask for...

Rev. Reene, player of a few

Rumet asks, "You know the best thing about Talian?"
Talian looks around a moment before glancing at Rumet. With a small grunt, he walks over to Rumet and pokes him in the eyes!
He falls to the ground stunned!
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Re: Thinking about doing weddings on 02/08/2006 05:01 PM CST
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I did an Elven wedding long ago, the ceremonial seven steps, is what we called it and used elven words when possible.

It's funny you mention Elven weddings because I thinking of doing ONLY elven specific weddings.
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Re: Thinking about doing weddings on 02/11/2006 08:12 AM CST
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>I was curious if there is a lack of clerics with unique weddings to offer players and also what the going rate is for performing a wedding.

As for myself, I have a few variations on a traditional Rakash wedding; a Skra wedding, and a few other weddings.

Going rate.... I usually charge what I feel is 'fair' for both parties, depending on the complexity of the ceremony I'll charge from 10 (friend who wants a standard wedding) to 50 plat (stranger wanting to spend hours of my time writing something unique for them). I usually do an interview to find out what they want before I give an estimate on my time/price.

Ebil Cleric Bambina
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Re: Thinking about doing weddings on 02/28/2006 08:41 PM CST
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Sarabu! Blessings!

I am Dulcinie vonPfeffers and I have done a great many weddings in DR; Assisted, Tamsine's, and what I call Dulcinie's Magic. I've done some elven, prydaen, and many others. I have a rakash wedding in draft form. I have an extensive repetoire of ceremonies that with the Bride and Groom choreographed to their requests and we've had a grand time. I am not afraid to try something new and strive to make each ceremony unique.

My base price is 25 platinum, usually free to my friends, and I have received much more than that from wealthier clients.

I also have support from the Tavern Troupe for wedding receptions at an additional fee. Check out the site: for an example of my ceremonies.
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Re: Thinking about doing weddings on 03/02/2006 02:15 PM CST
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>I am Dulcinie vonPfeffers and I have done a great many weddings in DR; Assisted, Tamsine's, and what I call Dulcinie's Magic. I've done some elven, prydaen, and many others. I have a rakash wedding in draft form. I have an extensive repetoire of ceremonies that with the Bride and Groom choreographed to their requests and we've had a grand time. I am not afraid to try something new and strive to make each ceremony unique.

I HIGHLY recommend Dulcinie and the Tavern Troupe. They went above and beyond the call in giving Khandrish and I exactly the bonding we wanted, as well as a few surrounding things leading up to the main event (special songs, helping me choreographing a dance for my beloved <which was WELL received, thanks again, girls!>, dealing with divine intervention). They worked well with the oddity of our situation and desires and could not have been more obliging or kinder. They are very reasonably priced for the amount of work they are happy to do for a couple and much (if not all) of the proceeds go to the Bard's Boat Fund. Two of our other characters are getting hitched sometime in the next year, and we'll be asking them to assist them with that one...maybe even on their boat if they're getting close enough to buying it.

Player of Silvanne, Maiamo Heruaminen Khandrishen
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Re: Thinking about doing weddings on 03/03/2006 08:28 PM CST
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"They are very reasonably priced for the amount of work they are happy to do for a couple and much (if not all) of the proceeds go to the Bard's Boat Fund. Two of our other characters are getting hitched sometime in the next year, and we'll be asking them to assist them with that one...maybe even on their boat if they're getting close enough to buying it."

Clarification: The Tavern Troupe Boat fund is different than the Bard's Boat Fund. We're about 2/3 the way to purchasing.

Thank you for the kudos Silvanne and Khandrish! Big hugs!

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Re: Thinking about doing weddings on 03/05/2006 09:37 AM CST
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(I tried to go check out your page as you suggested but I couldn't find it. Are you sure you typed it out right?)
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Re: Thinking about doing weddings on 03/05/2006 04:22 PM CST
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Re: Thinking about doing weddings on 03/08/2006 05:30 AM CST
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thread stealers! :)
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Re: Thinking about doing weddings on 03/08/2006 03:11 PM CST
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Oh, and lest she think we forget, thanks again to Tvini, the most wonderful GM and editor it's ever been my pleasure to meet or work with. She made everything so fun, straightforward, and easy. We read our log of all the events often and snuggle and smile, talking about how wonderful everyone was and what a gift they gave us in working on the bonding.

Player of Silvanne, Maiamo Heruaminen Khandrishen
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A little RL wedding news on 08/19/2008 12:52 AM CDT
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>It's official, folks! On August 8th, Khandrish and Silvanne's players (who met in game in 2004) were married in a lovely ceremony on the Olympic Penisula in Washington. After an afternoon of music, poetry and excellent food, they and their (mostly) local friends and family ascended Mount Walker and they were wedded at the peak with all of the gorgeous Puget Sound spread out beneath them. The group then made their way to a log hall reminiscent of Boar Clan, situated right on the water, with the sun setting behind the Olympic mountains, and made merry--filling the surrounding woods with laughter, dancing, and romance.

To our friends who could not be there, we missed you, and we will have pictures posted on our wedding site very soon.

Tvini, thanks again for our IG bonding. We used our gem pouch inscription on the rings.

Annodia, you were more right than you ever knew...

Player of Silvanne, Maiamo Heruaminen Khandrishen

A protagonist must have an antagonist. Otherwise he's just a guy playing with himself.
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Re: A little RL wedding news on 08/19/2008 01:41 PM CDT
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:oP Ragran
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Re: A little RL wedding news on 08/20/2008 10:12 AM CDT
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~GameMaster Nhia
Weddings Team Coordinator
Elothean Champion Trio

"I was married once in an online fantasy game. We were thinking of having children, but it would have severely drained my power crystals." -- The Simpsons, comic book guy
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Re: A little RL wedding news on 08/20/2008 01:07 PM CDT
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Yay! I love a good wedding. Best romantic quote I got is, "Mind you don't wear that wench out!"

Seriously, all the best. I just had my 8 year anniversary. I decided to keep him for another year.

There's certain rules to any marriage even though all relationships are different.

1. When forgiving someone...that's the last it's heard of. Don't bring that garbage up in another fight.

2. Righteous jealousy makes you look like an insecure, catty, moron.

3. Never go to bed mad. Yell until 2 in the morning if you got to, but get it out. Nothing kills a day like waking up mad.

4. Trust/defend your spouse over even your closest friend/parent/IM buddy until proven otherwise.

5. Sex gets weirder the longer you've been married. If all the sudden YOU'RE Samson and HE'S Delilah...well just go with it. No shame, no gain.


>>That whole anti-stud comment doesn't apply to just the boys here. Girl gamers are just as damaged-goods as the guy-gamers are, they're just a lot more emotionally fragile about the whole thing. ~LOFTONM1
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GM wedding staff request on 03/21/2010 02:42 AM CDT
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Just a question, but can you ever request non wedding GMs like mainly dev/coding GMs such as GM Armifer, GM Zeyurn or GM Grejuva to show up at your wedding/party?

Morganae -- who
has been called the "true ruler" of the Elven people,
Termed the "Leth Deriel that Never Was",
it was built with much of the same architecture and streets named after the jewels
that Morganae's people sang to shape the foundations.
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Re: GM wedding staff request on 03/21/2010 12:13 PM CDT
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>Just a question, but can you ever request non wedding GMs like mainly dev/coding GMs such as GM Armifer, GM Zeyurn or GM Grejuva to show up at your wedding/party?

No, this isn't possible.

-GM Abasha


When the squirrels rule the world, my work will be complete.
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Thanks to GM Tiesse and the wedding team. on 03/28/2010 08:34 AM CDT
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Well the Ranger party was held, huge appreciation and gratitude to GM Tiesse for doing a completely outstanding job with everything, and everyone behind the seens as well. This was a really good event I thought overall. To the guests sorry about the auction, but wedding mechanics just won't mesh with that, I will announce it later, when the torques will be auctioned off for guild upkeep/improvement.

-Morganae -- who
has been called the "true ruler" of the Elven people,
-Termed the "Leth Deriel that Never Was",
it was built with much of the same architecture and streets named after the jewels
that Morganae's people sang to shape the foundations.
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Re: Thanks to GM Tiesse and the wedding team. on 03/28/2010 09:51 AM CDT
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Thanks for throwing such a fun party, Celitha (and Tiesse!).

Trivia was a blast even though Xelten clearly plays this game too much (Just kidding, X!...maybe) Love my fishing pole as well.


Moving carefully, you slip your hand into Ragran's pockets and carefully grab a platinum.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
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