Re: Wedding of Caelfind and Nilerbone on 10/30/2006 11:26 AM CST
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Wasn't that a party? (Wasn't there a song once?)

To all who attended, thank you for coming. I've been editing the log of this soiree and I've laughed so hard I've cried. As soon as I finish, I'll email it to anyone who requests. There was indeed a 'storyline' to play out and it took on a life of its own. If you were 'threatened' by a wyvern (or was that the tooth fairy?), Niles and I take full responsibility. And Pfanston, indeed, we don't need no stinkin' help from the gods, we got by-god rangers here (ample deference given to the barbarian warriors in attendance, of course)!

High praise for Nhia and Gazryan for keeping the Gauntlet open till all who signed the list could participate. Grungy told me later that he credited his training as a warrior for keeping him vigilant (read awake)until the wee hours.

To anyone we missed offering an invitation (and there were a few), please accept our apologies. Efforts were made to allow anyone to attend. Ariwin was kind enough to wander the streets heralding and hiccuping till the ceremony started and then the doors were flung open.

Please contact me about a replacement key for your lockpick case. Nhia also has some in a box in her office, located on the Strand in Crossing, southerly from the bank and down a sandy trail. She has also provided a bucket for disposing of the old one.

Thanks, Nhia and Jezzup and Alencia, and thanks again to all who made this such a fun and memorable occasion.

Master Craftsman Thryntyrlz BagMaker steps out from under Caelfind's road-worn traveler's cloak.

AIM Caelfind DR
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Re: Wedding of Caelfind and Nilerbone on 10/30/2006 02:28 PM CST
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I'll take that log if you can, Caelfind. :)

- Simon

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Re: Wedding of Caelfind and Nilerbone on 10/30/2006 02:53 PM CST
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Me also Caelfind.

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Re: Wedding of Caelfind and Nilerbone on 10/31/2006 05:12 AM CST
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I'd like the log too, please.

- Rhonda
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