King's Weddings! on 06/06/2008 03:48 PM CDT
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It's my pleasure to announce that after much consideration and deliberation, King's Wedding packages will shortly be on sale once again! They will still be extremely rare, and packages must be purchased and ideas submitted at least -six- months before the desired event date.

And now, for the juicy bits!

This package is for the couple who wants something new and unique, designed especially for them.

Like the Queens' wedding package, this includes:
* a pair of custom wedding bands, bespelled to return to their owners when other people try to pick them up as well as to allow the adoption of your spouse's last name
* a custom wedding cake
* up to three custom gifts for your guests
* flowers for the entire bridal party, to include a tossable bouquet for the bride

Additionally, the Kings' wedding package includes:
* 20 items, of which:
o 5 can be scripted via EzAtmo, EzScript, or regularly available in game verbs (ie, feature-hiding cloaks, lockable containers)
o 5 can be jewelry
o 5 can be pocketed
* a custom cog-size ship -OR- permanent custom features for the couple
* 2 permanent custom pretitles -- one for each person of the couple
* a 10-room custom wedding area
* custom food and drink, including up to 6 new food or drink flavors

Last but not least, a special Wedding Coordinator will be on hand during the ceremony to add those special touches that only we can add.

Keep your eyes on the forum announcements for more information! If you have any questions (price and availability questions will be answered in later posts), feel free to email DR-WEDDINGS@PLAY.NET. :)

~GameMaster Nhia
Weddings Team Coordinator
Elothean Champion Duo

"I was married once in an online fantasy game. We were thinking of having children, but it would have severely drained my power crystals." -- The Simpsons, comic book guy
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/06/2008 03:53 PM CDT
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>> permanent custom features for the couple

Bugger. The one thing I've always wanted and it's only for King's Wedding packages.

Hopefully there'll be another (expensive) IG way to get these for people without a thousand dollars to blow on a textwedding. :x

Rev. Reene

"Even if you are a 1,000 year old Necrolord who is so steeped in blasphemy that your words cause the ground to shake and the sky to darken, you do not tick off Kssarh." - Armifer
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/06/2008 04:01 PM CDT
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>Hopefully there'll be another (expensive) IG way to get these for people without a thousand dollars to blow on a textwedding. :x

Also hoping for this. :D

Huldah: I for one welcome our new lithping overlordth.
Me: Oh god it's contagious.
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/06/2008 05:23 PM CDT
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What would be a custom feature?


Cylons... why debugging matters.
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/06/2008 06:08 PM CDT
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Custom features would be a complete (if you like) replacement of your current features -- a good example would be what you see with many GMNPCs. Here's an example (that I blatantly stole from an NPC):

You see Captain Herrick Iocaste, a Mountain Elf.
He has an alert face with a pointed chin and a humorous mouth. Dark brows slant sharply above his eyes, one dark ocean blue, the other concealed beneath an embroidered eyepatch. A jagged scar runs from his jaw, under the patch, to disappear at the hairline in the white streak which mars his wavy black hair. He is pale-skinned, with a slightly weathered complexion and is below average height with a lean, agile build.
He appears middle-aged for an Elf.
He is in good shape.

~GameMaster Nhia
Weddings Team Coordinator
Elothean Champion Duo

"I was married once in an online fantasy game. We were thinking of having children, but it would have severely drained my power crystals." -- The Simpsons, comic book guy
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/06/2008 09:18 PM CDT
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>Hopefully there'll be another (expensive) IG way to get these for people without a thousand dollars to blow on a textwedding. :x

Yes, this too.

And I bet it's going to be more like $2k rather than $1k, if not even more than that.

Shadeau Moonith,
Player of.

Badtooth slips an ice pick in his spidersilk garter, tightening the ribbons securely below his knee.
>gasp bad
You gasp at Badtooth!
>wave shade
You fan yourself.
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/06/2008 09:33 PM CDT
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I got temporary custom features as part of Ysselt's King's wedding package.

Slightly tilted bluish-grey eyes peer coolly out from an oval face with a narrow slightly pointed nose and smooth creamy white skin. Half of her long, fine hair has been drawn away from her face and bound in a tiny silver knotwork clasp, revealing delicately pointed ears and falling to the small of her back in a sheet of pale silvery-gold.
Her body is gracefully slender and willowy.
She appears to be several inches under average height for an Elf.

Just to give you another idea of how they do things. (I really want this done permanently.)

Rev. Reene

"Even if you are a 1,000 year old Necrolord who is so steeped in blasphemy that your words cause the ground to shake and the sky to darken, you do not tick off Kssarh." - Armifer
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/08/2008 06:58 AM CDT
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Sign me up!

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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/09/2008 07:20 AM CDT
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>Reene's post

Very nice.

Shadeau Moonith,
Player of.

Badtooth slips an ice pick in his spidersilk garter, tightening the ribbons securely below his knee.
>gasp bad
You gasp at Badtooth!
>wave shade
You fan yourself.
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/10/2008 01:35 PM CDT
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Looks like someone snagged the first slot for the new King's Weddings. Now they're sold out. I was hoping to catch a glimpse at the price.

I know people are throwing around that they're about 1k, but did anyone get a chance to confirm it or find out the official amount?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/10/2008 03:33 PM CDT
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I kind of want to know too. $1k was just a price I threw out there based on old estimations of what a King's Wedding package would be.

Rev. Reene

"Even if you are a 1,000 year old Necrolord who is so steeped in blasphemy that your words cause the ground to shake and the sky to darken, you do not tick off Kssarh." - Armifer
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/11/2008 03:50 AM CDT
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Saw it before it was bought. It was $2000.
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/15/2008 01:17 PM CDT
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>Saw it before it was bought. It was $2000.

Whoever that is needs to donate to my daughter's college fund, and my get-out-of-unsecured-debt fund. And if they so desire to, they should contact me at "" Okay, thank you. ;-P

-Player of Krahas, among others
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/15/2008 09:50 PM CDT
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>>>Saw it before it was bought. It was $2000.

Good lord.

~Leilond - Working up to Galren and Mazrian
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/15/2008 10:41 PM CDT
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>Good lord.


I'd expect more for 2 grand.

Like a complimentary full service tune-up for your vehicle, a new computer, circle boost, a ship (think a fifth rate frigate such as USS Constitution), custom features, uber-cool weapons with sweet stats and a multi-room home.

Othrewise, it is just a joke.

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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/17/2008 02:43 AM CDT
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Obviously it was worth it to someone, cause it was snatched up quickly.

Player of Kardlo
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/17/2008 02:52 AM CDT
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>Obviously it was worth it to someone, cause it was snatched up quickly.

I'd hate to be the one to explain to the missus that I spent two grand on a text wedding, especially when she files for a real life divorce.

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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/17/2008 02:56 AM CDT
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I wish I had that kind of money to throw around.

Rev. Reene

"Even if you are a 1,000 year old Necrolord who is so steeped in blasphemy that your words cause the ground to shake and the sky to darken, you do not tick off Kssarh." - Armifer
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/17/2008 08:03 AM CDT
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>>I'd hate to be the one to explain to the missus that I spent two grand on a text wedding, especially when she files for a real life divorce.<<

I didn't spend that much on either of my RL weddings
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/17/2008 08:52 AM CDT
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>>I didn't spend that much on either of my RL weddings

Maybe that's why you had to have a second one...

(Sorry I had to!)

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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/17/2008 08:54 AM CDT
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(Sorry I had to!)


If you hadn't I was about to!

Dartenian fades into view.
A horde of Lawrence Welk fans decend on the area.
Dartenian whimpers softly.
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/17/2008 12:19 PM CDT
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>I wish I had that kind of money to throw around.

The miracle of plastic.

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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/19/2008 02:17 AM CDT
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Interesting. I won a custom look at Vegascon something like 5 years ago. Over the years I've gone through different GM's trying to cash it in but have had no luck. I basically gave up figuring they had offered something they just couldn't actually do.


Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
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Re: King's Weddings! on 06/21/2008 06:19 AM CDT
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Was it really $2000.00? That's just silly. Nevermind, I don't want one that bad.

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