This may sound odd but it might be nice considering the turn over in dr relationships and the fact that many people put a great deal of effort into their bonded jewelry design and may very well be quite fond of the item appearance itself, could we maybe have this feature?
Is there any possiblity that wedding rings from GM assisted parties at least , anyway could contain a feature where once you are divorced it would rather than changing the last name it would remove the wedding adjective?
Wedding ring toggle? on 12/10/2009 12:57 AM CST
Re: Wedding ring toggle? on 12/10/2009 02:03 AM CST
The rings don't have to have 'wedding' or anything like that in the description, AFAIK. So if that's a concern, just don't design them like that in the first place.
Rev. Reene
"I used to appreciate these stars just for their beautiful form, but now I can't help a twinge of feeling that it is uncannily like looking down the barrel of a rifle." - Peter Tuthill
Rev. Reene
"I used to appreciate these stars just for their beautiful form, but now I can't help a twinge of feeling that it is uncannily like looking down the barrel of a rifle." - Peter Tuthill
Re: Wedding ring toggle? on 12/10/2009 02:53 AM CST
>The rings don't have to have 'wedding' or anything like that in the description, AFAIK. So if that's a concern, just don't design them like that in the first place.
Elanthia's answer to the prenup?
"...I am inclined to think the focus of the [Warmage's] spellbook should be ways to make things explode, to help you make things explode, or to assist your victim in exploding." -Armifer
Elanthia's answer to the prenup?
"...I am inclined to think the focus of the [Warmage's] spellbook should be ways to make things explode, to help you make things explode, or to assist your victim in exploding." -Armifer
Re: Wedding ring toggle? on 12/10/2009 01:54 PM CST
It's a MUD. People stop playing, go on breaks, get deployed, etc. and I understand wanting to move on with your character, since to me the point of a spouse is someone that I enjoy spending a good chunk of my time playing the game with. This is without considering the potential for OOC drama that I've seen many IG relationships suffer, which I have fortunately mostly ducked myself with one exception that contributed to me quitting the game for three months. I digress...
With that in mind, yeah, I can totally see planning for it just in case. It IS a bonded item, so it's not like you can just sell them when you're done.
Incidentally, any plans on getting bracelets added to the list of stuff bonded mechanics will work with?
Rev. Reene
"I used to appreciate these stars just for their beautiful form, but now I can't help a twinge of feeling that it is uncannily like looking down the barrel of a rifle." - Peter Tuthill
With that in mind, yeah, I can totally see planning for it just in case. It IS a bonded item, so it's not like you can just sell them when you're done.
Incidentally, any plans on getting bracelets added to the list of stuff bonded mechanics will work with?
Rev. Reene
"I used to appreciate these stars just for their beautiful form, but now I can't help a twinge of feeling that it is uncannily like looking down the barrel of a rifle." - Peter Tuthill
Re: Wedding ring toggle? on 12/10/2009 11:24 PM CST