backstab help on 10/12/2009 08:41 AM CDT
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Hi. Just back from a long break. I've been havin trouble learning stealth skills and backstabbing.

152 stalking 119 hiding 127 Backstabbing and 103 in LE i can barely get past perusing in any skill. Ambush Sight helps move BS along a little bit. I'm hunting MArauders lately wondering if someone can reccomend a better critter to work on. I tried swains and i'm barely able to hide on them. Any help would be appreciated!
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Re: backstab help on 10/13/2009 09:25 AM CDT
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Depends on your defenses I suppose. When I was at your ranks, I believe I moved to Gargs in shard (I love shard though), for a short period of time, until my BS got to 150 or so, hide/stalk around the same and 130 in my primary weapon... Then I went to haven swamp trolls and backstabbed them/ambushed eyes (FYI, Ambushing body parts like neck/head/eyes is often the best way to move BS, and subsequently hiding/stalking) until they stopped moving the skills completely. I can't remember what rank that happened.

It is of note that I use ME as my primary weapon and Stabber, so the key difference will be that gargoyles murder Light Edged weapons, so that may not be a good choice for you.

If any of these critters prove to be too much for you (I don't know your defenses), you're already in Marauders, so go to vines, and they're wonderful for getting defenses moving... TBH, I think you primarily need a critter that gens more, and has more to a room to get your stealths moving, Marauders have a dismal gen rate in my opinion, and it was hard for me to get much moving in there unless I was backtraining a weapon.

Also, when your defenses and weapons get to 150ish or so (you can go when a little lower if you're careful), definately give Swains a try. They're a godsend for thieves.
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Re: backstab help on 10/13/2009 09:28 AM CDT
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Now that I think about it, try hiding on vines and ambushing body parts. I'm not completely sure it will work, but it may be worth a try - With a load of vines/creepers in the room you're bound to get stalk/hiding moving, and if I remember correctly, i was able to move BS there too, but that was before the exp change.
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Re: backstab help on 10/13/2009 09:00 PM CDT
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thanks.. i'll try gargs i've been using ME quite a bit as a stabber. I also tried hiding on many vines and i was able to get to about 12/34 after a half hour or so which is far better than i was getting. my defenses are all floating right around 100.
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Re: backstab help on 10/14/2009 10:05 AM CDT
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The oafs outside the north gate of crossing teach excellently at my ranks. in case anyone else ha srun into a wall in the low to mid 100's for stealth skills.
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Re: backstab help on 10/19/2009 01:29 PM CDT
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What's the syntax to ambush a body part? Just hide, and use the normal attack command, like draw left eye?
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Re: backstab help on 10/19/2009 02:10 PM CDT
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>What's the syntax to ambush a body part? Just hide, and use the normal attack command, like draw left eye?

Pretty much. Attack chest, attack neck, etc. It gets a little tricky with offhand combat though. Attack left right hand, for instance.
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