Inviso not dropping from vanish. on 11/20/2018 04:55 PM CST
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Hey. Inviso stays up even after i drop vanish. I need to wait for it to drop from the timer. This can kinda suck when im bleeding out and need healing..especially when it involves pvp, and they cant point me out, or i want to go inside my house.... i cant go in. Is there reason for inviso not dropping that im not seeing?


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Re: Inviso not dropping from vanish. on 11/21/2018 04:01 AM CST
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Vanish is a bit weird. I'll take a look.

That one guy

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Re: Inviso not dropping from vanish. on 11/21/2018 12:50 PM CST
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I miss humming.
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Re: Inviso not dropping from vanish. on 11/21/2018 12:57 PM CST
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It looks like using KHRI STOP to stop all khri doesn't end Vanish, however KHRI STOP VANISH does end it, and will make you visible. I'll look into adding Vanish to KHRI STOP.

That one guy

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Re: Inviso not dropping from vanish. on 11/21/2018 02:19 PM CST
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Ok, I thought I had tried that, and it was just the inviso that was not dropping. (meaning the inability to go past pole was gone). But I could be wrong. I have to go to work now, but i'll check it when I get home from work today.

Thanks for looking into it. appreciated.

player of Rifkinn
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Re: Inviso not dropping from vanish. on 11/22/2018 08:54 AM CST
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While you're in there, any chance you can fix it so that getting caught pickpocketing also drops inviso? One of the more obnoxious inviso bugs.
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Sagacity Khri on 11/22/2018 02:34 PM CST
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Issue seems to be that Kalag does to show Sagacity as an option I can pick from, but I was still able to ask about it and choose it. I suspect this has to do with it's pre-req change? Elanthipedia had showed it needing 70th circle, but Kalag had been telling me when I asked that it required 40th circle. Just hit 40th today and picked it up, but wanted to point out the bug shown below.

>ask kal about khri
Kalag the Sly pauses, "Our most powerful tools by far, Aebel. Never forget or underestimate the power total discipline and control over one's very self gives you."
Kalag the Sly adds, "I could be convinced to teach you some new tricks. From the Subtlety tree, you can learn Dampen, Silence. From the Finesse tree, you can learn Safe, Plunder. From the Potence tree, you can learn Sight, Terrify, Endure."

['ASK Kalag the Sly ABOUT (ABILITY)' to hear about an ability, 'ASK Kalag the Sly ABOUT (ABILITY) CHOOSE' to learn.]
['ASK Kalag the Sly ABOUT (ABILITY) UNLEARN' to forget an ability you already know. Once per 30 days.]
>ask kal about sagacity
Kalag the Sly clicks his claws against his desk and says, "Sometimes there is no escape. We've all felt that cold steel draw its breadth across our frame, and most are suprised, as unsuprising as this eventuality is, reacting to the blow without thought. The Sagacity meditation will prepare you to keep your faculties together at the moment when your survival is most challenged. Knowing the best way to minimize the harm you receive may not save your life, but why take the chance."
This Advanced ability will cost 1 slots.
>ask kal about sagacity choose
Kalag the Sly gestures, "Sit down, and listen well, this won't be brief."
After many hours of lecturing from the Guildleader Kalag the Sly, you have an instinctual grasp of the Sagacity meditation.
[You have learned how to 'khri start Sagacity'! Type KHRI by itself for more info.]
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Re: Inviso not dropping from vanish. on 11/22/2018 02:43 PM CST
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>While you're in there, any chance you can fix it so that getting caught pickpocketing also drops inviso? One of the more obnoxious inviso bugs.

Yeah, that makes no sense. I didn't realize that was still live, but I haven't done PC stealing in ages.
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Re: Inviso not dropping from vanish. on 11/28/2018 10:36 PM CST
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>While you're in there, any chance you can fix it so that getting caught pickpocketing also drops inviso? One of the more obnoxious inviso bugs.

I can't reproduce this.

Are you sure you saw what you think you saw?

That one guy

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Re: Inviso not dropping from vanish. on 11/29/2018 05:48 PM CST
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>>I can't reproduce this.

>>Are you sure you saw what you think you saw?

Given the overall state of the invisibility mechanic, no, I can't be certain.

I'll poke at it and see if I can figure out how to reproduce it...maybe this weekend.
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Re: Inviso not dropping from vanish. on 11/30/2018 03:05 PM CST
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FYI, I wasn’t meaning to be snarky or anything... Was quoting Magneto from the X-Men movie.

That one guy

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Re: Inviso not dropping from vanish. on 12/02/2018 04:37 PM CST
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>>FYI, I wasn’t meaning to be snarky or anything... Was quoting Magneto from the X-Men movie.

Legitimately not mad. Like I said, it's invisibility. It's weird. No luck replicating it thus far. I'm going to roll up a new thief so I can do some more extensive testing without worrying about experience drain cycles.
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Re: Inviso not dropping from vanish. on 12/03/2018 09:24 AM CST
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>Legitimately not mad.

Wasn’t thinking you were, necessarily. I just saw that as I was reading through again and realized it could come across as snarky. Let me know if you can reproduce it and I’ll dive back in there.

That one guy

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Kalag typo - Khri on 12/04/2018 11:28 PM CST
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Kalag says I need 70th circle, then teaches it to me at 46th.

>ask kal about eliminate

Kalag the Sly clicks his claws against his desk and says, "The Eliminate meditation is not for the faint of heart. This specialized ability will put you in a state of perfection with which to strike at your enemy, but such focus can only be maintained for a few seconds. Once used, you will have the insight to guarantee a strike untouched by any shield, and with enough focus may even be precise enough to slip past the chinks of your target's armor. You must know the Prowess khri and have progressed to the seventieth circle before I will teach it to you."
This ability will cost 2 slots.

>ask kal about eliminate choose

Kalag the Sly gestures, "Sit down, and listen well, this won't be brief."
After many hours of lecturing from the Guildleader Kalag the Sly, you have an instinctual grasp of the Eliminate meditation.
[You have learned how to 'khri start Eliminate'! Type KHRI by itself for more info.]


Gender: Male Age: 33 Circle: 46
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Re: Kalag typo - Khri on 12/05/2018 09:13 AM CST
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Please BUG this IG, if you haven’t.

That one guy

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