museum in throne city on 08/03/2016 04:09 PM CDT
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is there some reason i keep getting thugged when i try to go to the museum for some gweth stones ???

no i have not stolen ever in theren or lang...
no i have not stolen in riverhaven after logging back into the game after a 10 year hiatus...
no i have not been to the museum in over 3 months... i did get caught in throne a few times and figured the timer thing had been started so i havent been to throne in over 3 months real time... now i am trying to go back and keep getting thugged every time i go there...

how do i find out if the timer has reset, or how do i find out if i wont get thugged, or what do i do to keep from getting thugged (minus not going back to throne)
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Re: museum in throne city on 08/03/2016 06:12 PM CDT
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Isn't that from having such bad reputation with the guild that you can't use passages? Since the entry to museum is one.
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Re: museum in throne city on 08/08/2016 01:40 PM CDT
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not sure how ever i have not stolen anything in theren, riverhaven, lang, or throne city since February or March. matter of fact ever since i signed back up for this game ( almost year ago ) i havent stolen anything at all in theren, lang, or riverhaven, just throne city ( in that justice system area). all my thief exp has come from crossing, arthe dale, and leth, those three areas are the only place i gain exp from stealing. i have also paid all my fines. i would think 5 months of exile would be enough to reset reputation or any type of timer for keeping a thief out of throne city.
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Re: museum in throne city on 08/08/2016 03:26 PM CDT
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My thief a long time ago was set by a GM to not be able to use passages for backstabbing someone at a GM event in public. It wouldn't allow me to use passages in any province at all, even though it occured in Crossing. I think its probably realms wide. Have you tried passages in other provinces?
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