Well I've had my account open for 3 months or so and have logged in maybe 3 times, for 15 minutes or so. Kudos one last time to Ssra for the last changes for us. I honestly don't know if I'll be back, I've realized a bit in the 3 months I've paid for... nothing. Even with awesome releases, stealth fixes, and other such wonderful things that us Thieves desire... what is the point? DR is far to repetitive and pointless. Train train train... for what? A yearly war? A once in a great while chase with a real bad guy (until someone reports him and gets him locked out because it goes against the euphoria of DR)? I think I've just come to the point that I really am done with DR. The days of thrills and excitement have most definately left for me.
Everyone that knows me, knows I live for conflict and DR doesn't allow much room for that, unless it's all scripted out. Which definately ruins the fun for me. Anyone that tries to conflict is just a snert and griefer, which sadly isn't always true (can just be someone like me that likes to add spice to a dull repetitive game), but on the flip side can be true as well. Too many DR people take the game far to seriously (lol like I have much room to talk ;P).
I've been playing another game since Feb that I really enjoy. And with playing this game, I've learned a few things, most recently since I've started my own guild. GM's aren't out to get us. RL slows everything down. GM's want everyone happy and it's not possible, the best they can do is make the majority happy. From a business standpoint it's a must do. When working with a variety of groups, it causes a lot of bumps in the plan thus slowing things down more. I do salute all the GM's even the ones I don't agree with. Kudos for trying to make the majority happy and doing the best you can with what time you have.
Lastly, I want to again thank all the players. You are the game. I hope all of you continue to enjoy it and everything it has to offer. Always cheerish and support your GM's, they are doing their best for you, collectively, with what they have to work with. With that said, I hope some naughty female Thief takes my place, kidnapping and terrorizing (insert everyone I haven't had the pleasure of kidnapping). With all that said, it's time for me to take my place with Zoura, Rock and all the rest that have left leaving their impression on this world.