Necessary Roughness on 01/18/2007 08:57 PM CST
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since you were talking about snakes on plane..i decided i'd tell you about the ultimate cheesy movie of all time...Necessary a 1991 film about football, its only the greatest cheesy film of all time because you can't decide if its a comedy, or a sports movie..but it has some of the weirdest cheesy parts thrown in that i've ever dude gets tackled and his face mask breaks and his face just fills with blood instantly, and he's not even the main character of the shot..just some dude in the side..ok im talking to much about this:(
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Re: Necessary Roughness on 01/18/2007 09:16 PM CST
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Is Scott Bakula in that?
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Re: Necessary Roughness on 01/18/2007 09:51 PM CST
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That's with sinbad right? Haven't seen that in ages, used to love it though.

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Re: Necessary Roughness on 01/19/2007 07:18 AM CST
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>>Is Scott Bakula in that?


>>a 1991 film about football, its only the greatest cheesy film of all time because you can't decide if its a comedy, or a sports movie..

It's definitely a comedy. Well, a sports-comedy. It also featured Jason Bateman, who for some reason was popular at the time. Well, more accurately, he was on "Valerie," which for some reason was popular at the time.

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: Necessary Roughness on 01/19/2007 09:53 AM CST
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<<It's definitely a comedy. Well, a sports-comedy. It also featured Jason Bateman, who for some reason was popular at the time. Well, more accurately, he was on "Valerie," which for some reason was popular at the time.>>

Jason Bateman not popular??? aparantly you haven't seen Dodgeball recently, he was plain great in that.


A sailor walks up to you and says, "Your commission as Captain of the Lybadel has run out."
The sailor salutes and walks away to return to his duties.
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Re: Necessary Roughness on 01/19/2007 11:01 AM CST
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>>It also featured Jason Bateman, who for some reason was popular at the time.

That's around the time that Hogan's Family was on

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Re: Necessary Roughness on 01/19/2007 11:03 AM CST
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>>Well, more accurately, he was on "Valerie," which for some reason was popular at the time

Oh just saw this, sorry, yes Valerie, more commonly known (well at least to me) as Hogan's Family

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Re: Necessary Roughness on 01/20/2007 11:47 AM CST
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>>Oh just saw this, sorry, yes Valerie, more commonly known (well at least to me) as Hogan's Family

Yah, after Valerie what's-her-name left the show they renamed it Hogan's Family.

>>Jason Bateman not popular??? aparantly you haven't seen Dodgeball recently, he was plain great in that.

I saw it for the first time a couple months ago. He was in that?

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: Necessary Roughness on 01/20/2007 11:56 AM CST
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>>Jason Bateman not popular??? aparantly you haven't seen Dodgeball recently, he was plain great in that.

>>I saw it for the first time a couple months ago. He was in that?

How could you not know that? Every self-respecting critic knows the in's and out's of Dodgeball: every nuance, every genre-defining technique, every immortal haute film moment. Dodgeball is a perfect synthesis of the best traits of classic and contemporary American cinema, and Jason Bateman leads the packas the film's rising star.

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You are Ragesong. What sort of Kaldar is a Bard, anyways, doofus?
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Re: Necessary Roughness on 01/20/2007 12:37 PM CST
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heh, its funny you mention that, I recently saw it with my brother-in-law and aparantly it's his sons favorite movie and so has seen it repeatedly. He said watch Bateman, so i did, and he was funny.


A sailor walks up to you and says, "Your commission as Captain of the Lybadel has run out."
The sailor salutes and walks away to return to his duties.
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