Pretending on 01/01/2018 04:16 PM CST
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The best part of being a thief, to me, is the secrecy. Getting an alteration at a Bard-only event was the highlight of my little fuzzy thief life.

What are our options for pretending to be other guilds? Just titles and box disarms? Do our rock piles still look different? I heard that changed not long ago.

What I'd like to see:
Access to a guild's inner sanctum and donation shelves. Perhaps if we take too much off their shelves, we get kicked out of the guild for a bit, to keep people from abusing the system to throw another guild's goodies away. Yeah, I can see some of us pretending to be paladins to clear off their weapon racks and pawn it all. :P But we're still thieves, we should have that chance.

Access to different Slips, for those pretending to be Ranger or Bard.

Access to Bard Voice Throws, for those pretending to be a Bard.

A room in the thief shop with items that glamour-cast guild-specific spells; they have no effect, but they look pretty. Perhaps one item per guild, and you can roll through a few spells, so you're not stuck casting just the one spell like some circle 1 character. All of this hidden to people, so they can't see you fiddling with your item. (I've never played with fake cambrinth before, so I don't know if this is how they work.)

A select few choice verbs from each guild, for pure flashiness.
Thief-Bards could do some bluffs, some stretching/singing practice.
Thief-Rangers could pace and howl.
Thief-Empaths could perceive health (while using HUNT)?
That sort of thing.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
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