Throw Voice Out on 01/01/2018 04:54 PM CST
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You hear Lasika yell, "Hey, oaf!"
You hear a female voice yell from the southwest, "Hey, oaf!"

The first line, I was invisible. The other character had not seen me at all. When I hide around them, and then speak, they're unable to discern my sex, race, or who I am. Why can they tell who is yelling, when I use this voice throw skill?

Throw Voice Out cannot be used in a room without a directional exit. If it doesn't message like yelling from a nearby room (second line), what's the point of that?

My suggestion is to have it act like yelling from another room. Keep it that it doesn't work in places without directional exits, that's fine, maybe? I seem to recall somewhere inside a guild, where you could hear people yelling outside on the street...

Much more ideally, using a voice throw would also remove the "female" from the messaging, or perhaps randomize it as well as randomizing the direction it comes from. It would be an awesome misdirection ability, but the way it works right now is beyond useless. Unless you really want to yell without it travelling across to other rooms.

I would really appreciate a change to this! :D

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
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