Thievery on 09/29/2015 11:24 AM CDT
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I understand the downtime can be frustrating and that the initial few ranks can be difficult since the Guild Hall isn't a viable place to learn it these days but what is your expectation of learning Thievery? The system, as written, is fairly well scaled and is varied by value and weight.

I can move the skill with some effort at 1200 ranks and most folks I've spoken to said they can get a rank a day at 750+ range. I think it may help to more clearly define what you would hope to get out of a revamp. A skill you can quickly lock? A skill you can use to make more money? A skill you can use more often? All of the above?

Not to sound like a complete jerk but I sometimes wonder if folks are just doing it wrong? Heh.

Some key things/tips I've noticed by watching some folks on their runs ...

1) You don't have to go for the most expensive item to learn. Weight/size of the item is a factor. Stealing runs for learning may not be the most profitable. Stealing runs for profit may not be the best for learning.

2) Hide. It's always best to hide if you're looking to get the most out of your experience.

3) You can steal customized items from the traditional catalog shops. If the item's weight isn't an issue then find variations that increase its value. Example: "steal ruby bracelet" vs. "steal bracelet"

4) Use mark to identify items in your range.

Most folks I watch are clearly using the progressive stealing script provided on Elanthipedia (granted, this has changed a bit with the shop updates). While convenient it isn't custom. Nothing beats really surveying the shops with mark and finding items squarely in your range. In my day to day I usually mark without any thief mojo active to find something that's a bit less risky than 50/50 and when I do the actual run I buff up to further lower that risk.


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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 11:35 AM CDT
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My biggest issue with theivery is actually just the pawn shop interactions. The way certain items are set to be unpawnable or items that sell for over a platinum being reduced to a few bronze really kills a lot of the earning potential.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 11:36 AM CDT
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To recap from the previous thread, i think the biggest issue is the complexity. You mentioned progressive stealing script from epedia but that's 10k lines long. You shouldn't have to become some kind of a scripting wizard to learn a skill -- although not an issue for me personally.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 11:54 AM CDT
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> Not to sound like a complete jerk but I sometimes wonder if folks are just doing it wrong? Heh.

Yeah, they're not sitting in dedicated thievery classes for hours.

Honestly, I have multiple characters, my thief is my highest, I love the guild to pieces... and thievery is the worst skill in the game.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 12:02 PM CDT
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I've never used that progressive thing, I find it's much much better to take the time to write a script for my character and just tweak it occasionally to keep it up to date. I have no problem learning thievery, my only complaint is the shop timer making it less convenient but it's workable.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 12:11 PM CDT
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For me, it's not really about training the skill itself. At my ranks, I can train just fine using my own scripts and running around from place to place.

I'm really more interested in giving the skill more unique applications within the game. That's why you will see me latch on to things like more museums, because it's a really fantastic system and fits perfectly with the theme of the guild. It serves as a fantastic way for putting some interesting items (both fluff and portentially something useable) into player hands.

The crowd stealing that was talked about before is also along this same vein as far as giving us more unique applications for our "guild skill" to be used with.

The Kasto mimic abruptly solidifies, looking very much like Kasto.
You say, "What a handsome fellow you are!"
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 12:16 PM CDT
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I despise thievery and always have. I personally joined the guild for the combat aspect of it. I don't feel like I should have to work this hard for any skill. No one else in the game has to jump through that many hoops to learn a skill. Why should we? I dislike it so much in fact, I literally haven't stolen in years. I'd simply rather not circle, and get to enjoy my game time than deal with the bs of grinding stealing with my eyes glazing over while a script blazes by.

Monster Elec

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 12:18 PM CDT
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And thievery isn't our "guild skill". Backstab is. Anyone can steal. No one else can backstab.

Monster Elec

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 12:22 PM CDT
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>And thievery isn't our "guild skill". Backstab is. Anyone can steal. No one else can backstab.

Eh, I call any skill you have a requirement to learn a guild skill.

The Kasto mimic abruptly solidifies, looking very much like Kasto.
You say, "What a handsome fellow you are!"
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 12:28 PM CDT
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>>has to jump through that many hoops to learn a skill.

Theurogy is far and away more irksome than thievery. Though I'm personally a smidge amused by the "I don't wanna steal on my thief" stuff. Ranks up there with refusing to learn weapons on a barb or music with a bard to me.

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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 12:39 PM CDT
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> Yeah, they're not sitting in dedicated thievery classes for hours.

Let's keep it productive.


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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 01:08 PM CDT
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>I think it may help to more clearly define what you would hope to get out of a revamp.

A more diverse use of the skill. Thievery skill means what stealing, so why was it renamed? Expanding the skill could help with what people think of when "I need train thievery" comes to mind.

Guild identity:
What identity we have is well...What do I want to be like.
We don't have many systems to support being a different "type" of "thief". This however deserves it's own thread.

>the initial few ranks can be difficult

mark ditty bag

You begin to carefully size up your chances at nabbing a ditty bag.
Considering actually grabbing the item, it would be taking candy from a baby (0/12).
Regarding getting away with the theft, nobody will ever miss it (0/12).
You feel highly confident in the accuracy of your judgement.
Roundtime: 1 sec.

Learned: Perception, Appraisal

Add Thievery exp gain to mark, or swap out the Appraisal exp for Thievery.
Make the exp gain from mark scale. Have it teach the best when the challenge is there for the character then scale down when marking toward trivial and scale down toward THUD

This would make it so that it rewards people more for actually using mark and still keeps it so you have to keep up to get the best exp out of it. I also would not expect exp gain from mark to actually be able to "lock" the skill.

>I understand the downtime can be frustrating

Tie this into binning. This would reward people for binning with a little more than just rep. A way to gain the attention of the guild leaders.

What this would do is once you have gained enough attention through binning, you would get a message that the guild leader would like to have a word with you. Set a timer on how long this stays active. It takes what 1 hour to wait out the shop timers, and as primary we can pulse off from 34/34 in how long? Now you simply go have a conversation with the guild leader and somewhere in this conversation they digress into talking about some of the exploits they experienced. Put in some pulsing RT with the conversation and when they are done you get awarded a chuck of thievery EXP.

Really haven't thought this out too much. Was something that came to mind so though I would share.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 01:10 PM CDT
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> Really haven't thought this out too much. Was something that came to mind so though I would share.

Keep at it. Good stuff.


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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 02:09 PM CDT
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How about just cutting the timer in half? That would go such a long way to making things less painful. Or perhaps doing away having to be logged in to wear the timer off.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 02:24 PM CDT
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> How about just cutting the timer in half? That would go such a long way to making things less painful. Or perhaps doing away having to be logged in to wear the timer off.

It's not off the table but it changing in the near future is unlikely. There are a couple projects being worked on that will allow us to better track what's generating cash, where it's being generated, who is generating it, and where that gain is being realized. The reasons for the timer are to meter profits. Hunting has likely far surpassed where stealing is now when the timer was set so it's due for an evaluation but we need better data to support it. That's part of something I'm working on.

The in-game timer was to minimize the impact of "pocket thieves." We seriously had people who would cycle through characters to steal for profit.


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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 02:26 PM CDT
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I think my complaint is boredom with the skill. High risk vs reward, especially when you consider at level hunting and not having to worry about multi-plat fines for failing one bad roll.

If I could create a perfect skill, I would create more options to learn thievery, such as the following:

1. Give a practice option that maximized XP gain at the cost of coin gain.

2. More things to do with the skill. That could be planting bombs or goos, utilizing trip wires or other traps, NPC stealing (even if it's a TM/Theivery ability done only before combat is engaged that lets you steal their weapon/held armor/junk), more museums, an intimate verb you can use while bartering (or not?), or even rare (stealing only) items that you can occasionally pilfer.

3. More interaction, such as protection khris or escapes. Paladins and Barbarians have abilities to protect themselves in combat. Bards have abilities to protect instruments. Mages have an assortment of counter-magic abilities. Thieves don't really have a lot of protection for thievery after a bad roll.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 03:00 PM CDT
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Is creature stealing off the table? Or perhaps the better question would be... Is learning thievery in combat off the table?
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 03:04 PM CDT
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> Is creature stealing off the table? Or perhaps the better question would be... Is learning thievery in combat off the table?

I don't think so. Creature stealing is out of my wheelhouse.

My personal goal would be to find ways to enhance use of the skill outside of combat. I agree with the sentiment that Rigby's work on the museum is the bar future work will be measured by.


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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 03:05 PM CDT
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<< not having to worry about multi-plat fines for failing one bad roll.

You could say that but add a few more bad rolls aand ..

>plead inno
After a weighty pause, the judge speaks, "Defol, you have been found guilty of thievery in the Principality of Zoluren. It is with a solemn hope that you will change your ways that I pronounce a fine upon you of 793368 coppers. If you cannot pay immediately, your things will be held until you can repay the debt to society that you owe. Failure to come up with the money within twelve days shall result in a forfeiture of your possessions, and their intrinsic value removed from your debt."

You owe 79 platinum, 3 gold, 3 silver, 6 bronze, and 8 copper Kronars to the Principality of Zoluren. (793368 copper Kronars)
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 03:06 PM CDT
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The problem I have with training Thievery is that it requires a script that is more complicated, and that requires more up-keep, than my combat script. All to train one single skill. I don't mind to put that kind of work into my combat script because I can train 26+ skills at the same time, but even thinking about the maintenance of keeping up a stealing script is enough to stop me before I start.

Yes, you don't need a script to train it, but I'm not able to get through all of Crossing by hand before I'm annoyed and just give up. I would rather sit in a class outside of justice all day than to do either of the other options.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 03:07 PM CDT
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> You owe 79 platinum, 3 gold, 3 silver, 6 bronze, and 8 copper Kronars to the Principality of Zoluren. (793368 copper Kronars)

We need a renown scroll for fines in the Guild.


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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 03:10 PM CDT
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>>We need a renown scroll for fines in the Guild.

You could do one for total fines paid lifetime (assuming it's tracked) or one for highest single thievery fine.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 03:22 PM CDT
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To be a bit more helpful, I think having things that are fun to interact with like museums, and hopefully the NPC crowds that are in dev, to train thievery would help much more than re-working shop stealing. I despise having to run around half of the mainland to hit every single shop to steal that perfect item that will teach me the best. It's too much for me to call it fun or stay invested.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 03:28 PM CDT
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>even thinking about the maintenance of keeping up a stealing script is enough to stop me before I start.

>Yes, you don't need a script to train it, but I'm not able to get through all of Crossing by hand before I'm annoyed and just give up

This is possibly the biggest problem. So yeah, the mindset of more and interesting ways to learn the skill should be a great place to start. Thank you Ssra for looking into all of this.

I haven't done a single full stealing run since 3.0. Have pilfered an item or two then decide I really don't feel like doing this right now.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 03:32 PM CDT
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> To be a bit more helpful, I think having things that are fun to interact with like museums, and hopefully the NPC crowds that are in dev, to train thievery would help much more than re-working shop stealing. I despise having to run around half of the mainland to hit every single shop to steal that perfect item that will teach me the best. It's too much for me to call it fun or stay invested.

I tend to agree. I've always felt, from a character perspective, pilfering was something you'd do to get established in the guild but longer term you'd have your eyes on a big heist. If you can conjure up ideas that involve the "look and feel" of a heist or something worthwhile/fun (without just handing you a million platinum coins) we can probably work together as a group to see something come to fruition.

The museum does that but it's not really a primary means for training. I think we're probably dealing with three distinct groups/needs: need to train (don't care about profit), want to profit (don't care about exp), and roleplay (could care less about exp or profit just want the feel/vibe from doing something awesome).


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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 03:48 PM CDT
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> > If you can conjure up ideas that involve the "look and feel" of a heist or something worthwhile/fun (without just handing you a million platinum coins) we can probably work together as a group to see something come to fruition.

- You see a glowing iron fragment (or other guild specific rare drop).

- You pick up a glowing iron fragment.

- You bring a glowing iron fragment to <local guild leader>

- You give a glowing iron fragment to the guild leader.

- Guild leader accepts it (flag on you for 20 seconds).

- Ask guild leader about rumors.

- Guild leader will almost always tell you that there's nothing going on; however, there's a very low chance (1/100 - keep it rare) that he tells you that a guild/group is up to something based on the item you brought [in this case, cleric]. Go steal an <item> and an <item> and an <item> and check them out. Don't buy them or you may arouse suspicion.

- You go steal items, let's say a cassock and a candle and a vial filled with water and a knife. (major bonuses to xp gain)

- You wear and hold the items, and just those items, and go back to your guild leader. If you don't, he tells you that you're not ready for this kind of job and shoos you out.

- If you are, he tells you where to go to meet a contact. You show up. You go through a scripted RP session. You have to say the right thing at the right time based on the clues. You have to pretend to know information about the guild/group you're infiltrating.

- You play up your part, find the right room (search it out), and pick the right lock, and convince the right people that you are who you say you are then you find the guardian. You have to either disable or kill the guardian (again, you're naked, no armor/containers other than the ones you stole as part of the intro - so it's not easy).

- Then you get the item and you have to sneak out. If caught, you lose the item and get thrown out.

- If you succeed then you essentially get one of a small handful of items (treasure chest quality) themed to the pretend to be the guild you just infiltrated.

You're locked in thievery, stealth, locks, and perception while you do this, but each stage is on a fairly tight timer.

Now, that's probably a lot of work, but it would be cool.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 03:51 PM CDT
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>> If you can conjure up ideas that involve the "look and feel" of a heist or something worthwhile/fun (without just handing you a million platinum coins) we can probably work together as a group to see something come to fruition.

Off the top of my head:

- Breaking into a Keep or Noble's Household and taking their jewelry, armor, weapons, food, other valuables that are one of a kind.

- Sneaking, or even raiding, a merchant's ship that is moored in the harbor.

- Stealing valuable paperwork or information from City Halls to sell, or even planting false information that helps a shady accomplice continue their business without the authorities becoming wise about it, or takes out a competitor.

- Banks, enough said.

I could probably come up with more, but a lot of it is redundant with names/places changed.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 04:06 PM CDT
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Let's be realistic all kinds of museum type of establishments take a lot of work to set up and you will forget about them in 5 minutes after you have gathered all the interesting items you can get. Pretty much the same thing happened to the TC museum and i doubt you will meet a lot of people there these days.

At the risk of repeating myself i still want to come back to the "climb practice" style stealing mechanics. What ever the RP you put behind it, that would address the issues with scripting complexities. You would have to move to location and start "practicing". I mean it doesn't really have to be practicing even, could as well be profiling for potential robbery or what ever. Just make it more time consuming than the regular couple of seconds of round time.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 04:16 PM CDT
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>>Pretty much the same thing happened to the TC museum and i doubt you will meet a lot of people there these days.

In a muesum system I think the key here is to add more "cases" like the gweth stone case. Something you can steal from and it'll generate an item that is usable in crafting, and has a chance at something really useful in crafting. Grabing from a selection of ingots/wood/rocks/cloth/gems, and very rarely getting a rare material for example. As long as the chance was balanced against what you could be getting from mining/lumberjacking it shouldn't be game breaking.

Random runestone/scroll case comes to mind too.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 04:18 PM CDT
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>Let's be realistic all kinds of museum type of establishments take a lot of work to set up and you will forget about them in 5 minutes after you have gathered all the interesting items you can get. Pretty much the same thing happened to the TC museum and i doubt you will meet a lot of people there these days.

I don't know about you, but I frequently have people asking me about the museum. Both how best to do it, when to start doing it, and if I would ever help with setting up a group to do it together.

As Ssra posted, we have a few people here with very different desires from the Thievery system. There is no reason to have one without the other when all points could be addressed.

The Kasto mimic abruptly solidifies, looking very much like Kasto.
You say, "What a handsome fellow you are!"
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 04:45 PM CDT
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<< There is no reason to have one without the other when all points could be addressed.

Obviously they're all fair suggestions but in dragonrealms terms you're looking at a time period of several years (the usual soon) to make some of these ideas happen. I'm just saying that some people are struggling right and could use some help sooner rather than later.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 05:01 PM CDT
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There are a ton of known and unknown noble families in Zoluren, Therengia, and Ilithi. Being able to break into their houses or the houses of other lesser-known gentry and steal from them would be great for both training and for the ability to flip some potentially attractive items to either pawnshops or players that might want them. Even if it's just fluff, people love that stuff. Even better if there's a way to add a random component to the items being generated so the colors/fabrics/metals/gems/etc were random, so there was a tiny chance for the occasional jackpot rare material.

Like, I scale a wall (athletics), scan for and jimmy open a loose window (perception+locksmithing), and sneak in. The room you get is random per house. It might be a smoking room or a parlour or a lady's bedchamber. And then you start grabbing, watching for patrols or residents and hiding if you hear anything.

Difficulty can change with time of day, perhaps. Day thieving is a lot harder than night thieving. This gives a way for people to kind of scale the difficulty. Maybe you have an easier time finding the "choicer" grabs in the day too in exchange for the difficulty.

Twitter: @thayelf
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 05:03 PM CDT
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Some things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse
When you're chewing on life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best...

...always look on the bright side of life...



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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 06:14 PM CDT
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And with that, Ssra has released crucifixtion as a punishment for thievery. Thanks for participating.

Monster Elec

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 06:27 PM CDT
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There are three things I've thought of with any regularity when I think about Thievery:
- Using Thievery to boost the value of pawned items, or at least make them not all come up as worthless, kind of like a Trader with a pelt.
- Breaking into player housing (or things very much resembling player housing) and stealing random items from containers.
- Breaking into the guard house and stealing your rap sheet.

"Nobody cares about the feasibility of Sidhlot's portrayal of evil. That's not the point. He's older than dragons and so metal he poops viking helmets." - Armifer

"That is so not how magic works." -Raesh

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu-proxy R'lyeh
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 06:44 PM CDT
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What are the chances we can just flip flop the req for Thievery and BS behind the scenes? Making Thievery count for Nth without the hard req, but force it into your 8 if you must. I get we need a hard req, but I guess my thought stems from the fact that we have more abilities that are based around BS than stealing, more khri that work that way, and BS is an exclusive skill. I understand I HAVE to steal. I personally feel we're more Rogues than Thieves, and we really always have been. Maybe things have finally changed enough now where it just makes more sense. I don't know. There's been SO much dev since I joined the guild its not even the same (Which is awesome. I'm not Valcering about it), and to continue on just because of the same old same old seems silly.

Monster Elec

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 06:48 PM CDT
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<<...always look on the bright side of life...>>

I just re-watched that the other day. So awesome :D
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 06:50 PM CDT
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<<Thievery and BS>>

BS as in backstabbing? I thought that skill went away? I'm confused now :(
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 06:52 PM CDT
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For what it's worth I agree with Elec, (happy?) technically backstab should be our req. skill to follow the standard set within every other guild. Or, stealing should become restricted to just the Thieves. That aside, because things hardly ever go the way of fair is fair, what I'd really like to see is a blend.

My ideal resolution is that Backstab and Stealing are combined (like Athletics, Outdoorsmanship, Performance etc)to form a new guild specific skill. i.e "Trickery" or whatever. That pool can be filled by Backstabbing, Stealing or a combination of the two. You could give one action more weight than the other in terms of xp pulse with the potential to add more actions in the future.

I don't know if that's even possible without effecting stealing for other guilds but in an ideal world I think it would be legit.

AIM: the_sly_fox
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Re: Thievery on 09/29/2015 06:54 PM CDT
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Sorry for the double post but I have to comment on Valcering. Incredible and amazing, sir.

AIM: the_sly_fox
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