Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/04/2006 09:47 PM CDT
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>For all we know you could be changing the reqs on the titles that haven't had their reqs listed on the title page.

Or maybe the titles never existed in the first place. Maybe they changed the Thief guild reqs so that you really arent the circle you think you are. For all we know, I am posting from inside your house! When a stranger posts... creepy.

CARNIVOROUS, adj. Addicted to the cruelty of devouring the timorous vegetarian, his heirs and assigns.

-Ambrose Bierce
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/04/2006 09:57 PM CDT
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~Just Me~

If its got two legs and you hear a thud...don't panic...I just killed another one.

>>>>Agonar, apparently taking an uncharacteristic trip to the north, strolls by, winks at Marlena, giggles oddly to himself, and continues his journey onward.
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 11:46 AM CDT
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Would you rather see the titles and have ?s in place of the reqs, or just not see certain titles at all until they show up on your list?

It will be one or the other.

Obviously, I prefer it the way it is, but perhaps I'll do a poll and see what the general consensus is.


What's going on?

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 12:01 PM CDT
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Didn't some GM state that they were going to post the reqs on those after a period of PAFO?

~ Tender Infiltrator Purehand Woundedlife, Co-Pay Enforcer of Elanthia.
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 12:07 PM CDT
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<<Didn't some GM state that they were going to post the reqs on those after a period of PAFO?>>

On some of them, yes. There are other titles for other guilds that also have hidden reqs, not just the Criminal ones.


What's going on?

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 12:12 PM CDT
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So, are we still thinking about getting Thief only titles? I think putting all our titles in the criminal folder was pretty lame. I don't mind there being a criminal folder, but I think we should have some guild only titles.

Especially some criminal titles that aren't based off of stealing.

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 12:17 PM CDT
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I don't know...I think it would be nice to have a listing but not sure how much trouble it would end up causing or how difficult to implement it.

Go to the website, titles, full title listing, click link and you open it up and it has all the titles with none of the requirements listed except if it is a guild specific title it will list the guild.

Sorted by guild name alphabetically
Sorted alphabetically within guild
Non-Guild titles listed alphabetically at the end

That way we can actually see what titles are available, and then decisions on whether or not to post requirements or delays in doing so are handled from there.

Just hard to think, "Gee, I want that title.", if you don't know it exists.

I am --- Navak
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 03:41 PM CDT
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<<Would you rather see the titles and have ?s in place of the reqs>>

Yeah, I'd rather have ?s with the reqs and know the title than the other option of not knowing the title at all.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I'd love it if you could mention the requirements for the titles, but if that isn't an option than no worries. The ?s with the reqs sounds decent enough.

- Simon
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 04:38 PM CDT
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>Would you rather see the titles and have ?s in place of the reqs, or just not see certain titles at all until they show up on your list?
>It will be one or the other.

I don't want to answer your questions.
I would like to question your statement.

Why must be one or other? Thanks.
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 04:39 PM CDT
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p.s. not saying agree or disagree. just curious why must be one of those 2 options.
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 04:59 PM CDT
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because you can't see and not see a title at the same time?
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 05:00 PM CDT
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Well, titles are very much like electrons on an atom. But instead of Heisenburg, it's the Solomon PAFO Principle.

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 05:06 PM CDT
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>Would you rather see the titles and have ?s in place of the reqs, or just not see certain titles at all until they show up on your list?

If you please, I would prefer the answer to the question I've been asking for at least three posts now in regards to the fake barbarian title reqs.

In regards to your question, I would prefer to see the ?s for numbers and the actual skills listed. This would help sort out my problem, because the "showing up on my list" approach doesn't seem to work since the reqs have a tendency to change without us being told.


"This is a community. It's not just a game." - Ssra
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 05:41 PM CDT
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<<This would help sort out my problem, because the "showing up on my list" approach doesn't seem to work since the reqs have a tendency to change without us being told.>>

Reqs shouldn't be changing at all. At the very least, if they ARE changed, someone should be letting people know they changed.

Which one(s) supposedly changed?


What's going on?

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 05:46 PM CDT
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<<Why must be one or other? Thanks. >>

Because that's the way it is.

In my opinion, there are some things that need to be puzzles or secrets. Its gives people something to discover. A challenge to be conquered. When achieved, something to be proud of and wear with a sense of superiority, especially given the fact that if you don't know the reqs, you have to achieve the goal through normal gameplay, as opposed to being grocery-listed or focus-scripted.

So you can either know the title and use common sense to try to figure out a) what skills and stats would be needed and b) how much of those skills and stats are needed based on other titles around the one you want....

or you can not know its there and just find out when someone uncovers it.

The former is my preference, which is why its currently set up that way.

However, I'm more than willing to not announce when new Thief-ish titles are released and just let people figure out that they're there when they find them.


What's going on?

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 05:48 PM CDT
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<<Reqs shouldn't be changing at all. At the very least, if they ARE changed, someone should be letting people know they changed.>>

<<Which one(s) supposedly changed?>>

I have no problem that the dance/berserk/roar/whatever titles have high charisma reqs. I appreciate the clarification about the higher level titles despite already having assumed this was the case.

However, this still doesn't answer my question about how I lost three titles that were circles 35, 50, and 60 equivalents respectively. Dragon Fighter was specifically posted by GM Risek as having a req of 30 charisma, and I know from training charisma from 20 to 30 that I received Deathwind at 25 and Ironwoman at 30. I specifically trained charisma to achieve some of these titles, so I'm a bit distressed (as you can probably tell) that things have changed overnight.


- Simon
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 05:52 PM CDT
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>>I'm more than willing to not announce when new Thief-ish titles are released and just let people figure out that they're there when they find them.

I like that idea. And why not make it that way for all guilds?
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 05:52 PM CDT
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thanks for reply.

yeah not announcing a few here and there could be OK too I guess. I agree about some things need to be unknown. Yes certainly keeps the 'magic' around.
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 05:55 PM CDT
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>Reqs shouldn't be changing at all. At the very least, if they ARE changed, someone should be letting people know they changed.
>Which one(s) supposedly changed?

First, thank you so much for taking pity on me and responding. Here is my quandry.

Before the new batch of barb titles that were rolled in, I had Deathwind, Ironwoman, and Dragon Fighter in my group of fake titles. However, since the new batch, they have disappeared.

Charisma: 30

>title pre list barb

The following titles of the Barbarian -- Pretend category are available to you:

Initiate Barbarian, Apprentice Barbarian, Journeywoman Barbarian, Barbarian, Expert Barbarian, Beast, Brute, Savage, Valkyrie, Berserker, Marauder, Wildman, Rune Crusher, Wand Breaker, Spell Shunt, Commando, Bully, Goon, War Pup, War Dog, Bloodbeast, Stone Warrior, Fright, Bloodboiler, Strong Arm, Browbeater, Ally, Motivator, Battle Grace, Combatant, Battle Eye, Tenacious, Oaken, Wolverine, Boar, Centaur, Furious, Deadly, Grim, Battler, Sapper, Conscript, War Painter

When I trained charisma up to 25, I received Deathwind. When I trained charisma up to 30, I received Ironwoman and Dragon Fighter. Now, they are no longer available to me. All I'd like to know is if the reqs changed or if this is some mixup. Thank you.


"This is a community. It's not just a game." - Ssra
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 06:07 PM CDT
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<<However, this still doesn't answer my question about how I lost three titles that were circles 35, 50, and 60 equivalents respectively. Dragon Fighter was specifically posted by GM Risek as having a req of 30 charisma, and I know from training charisma from 20 to 30 that I received Deathwind at 25 and Ironwoman at 30. I specifically trained charisma to achieve some of these titles, so I'm a bit distressed (as you can probably tell) that things have changed overnight.>>

Going to have to look into this one, but as Zeyurn has pointed out, the Charisma won't be a bad thing.

Also got Iayn looking at it too to see what happened.


What's going on?

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 06:12 PM CDT
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Can you mention if Dragon Fighter, Ironwoman, or Deathwind have changed as title requirements recently?

- Simon
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 09:37 PM CDT
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<<Can you mention if Dragon Fighter, Ironwoman, or Deathwind have changed as title requirements recently?>>

To my knowledge, no...but that's what I'm asking Iayn about.


What's going on?

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 10:10 PM CDT
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>>So, are we still thinking about getting Thief only titles?

There are a ton of thief only titles. Just because they don't say "Must Be a Thief" doesn't mean that a title with backstab is any less Thief-only.


"You take people, you put them on a journey, you give them peril, you find out who they really are. If there's any kind of fiction better than that, I don't know what it is." -Joss Whedon
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 10:16 PM CDT
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>>In my opinion, there are some things that need to be puzzles or secrets. Its gives people something to discover.


>>A challenge to be conquered. When achieved, something to be proud of and wear with a sense of superiority,

What does that have to do with a secret puzzle, though?

>>So you can either know the title and use common sense to try to figure out a) what skills and stats would be needed and b) how much of those skills and stats are needed based on other titles around the one you want....

It would be great to know where a title falls in relation to other titles, but unfortunately they aren't listed in skill order. Take Survival3 for example. Mirage is listed before Silhouette, however it requires a great deal more hiding and stalking.

As far as A goes, using common sense is great until you hit a title like Assassin and then have to figure out how many stealing ranks a man paid to commit murder would need. Same goes for Hitman and Mastermind and Vigilante. None of those titles would, using common sense, ever strike me as needing stealing.

So yes, it would be great if common sense would dictate requirements and if all the titles were listed in order from least ranks to most ranks. However since that is not the case, a bit more information provided for certain titles would be great.


"You take people, you put them on a journey, you give them peril, you find out who they really are. If there's any kind of fiction better than that, I don't know what it is." -Joss Whedon
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 10:23 PM CDT
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I like the way its currently set up. Good job Solomon. Secrets = thiefs. makes sense to me.

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/05/2006 10:37 PM CDT
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>>There are a ton of thief only titles. Just because they don't say "Must Be a Thief" doesn't mean that a title with backstab is any less Thief-only.<<

Sorry, you saying there are a ton doesn't make it true. I counted 10 the last time I counted that include backstab.

Mugger - low level
Cutthroat - low level
Hitman - high level
Assassin - high level
Blackhand - high level
Overlord - very high level
Grandmaster - very high level
Shadow Fighter - mid level
Nightblade - high level
Nightmaster - very high level

And of those titles, only 3 have reqs of less than about 350-400 in skills. So... 3 low and mid level titles, and 7 very upper tier titles. Unless of course this is what you meant by TONS. Please do your research a bit before you correct me.

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/06/2006 12:09 AM CDT
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Yeah, 10 thief only titles is not a ton. and the majority are very hard to achieve for a non-bought character.
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/06/2006 01:43 AM CDT
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I still want trade locksmith titles added to the criminal or survival sets because there are only a few available.

If I have to, I'll create a list, input what I think would be acceptable requirements, and then post them on the boards and email them to you, Soloman.

I'm tired of there pretty much only being killer/henchmen titles. We need more variety for the ones who invest so much time as professional box-poppers, besides it would allow more RP opportunities in general.

Happiness stems only from violence. - The Stock
It's like putting a band-aid on cancer. - Philip Anselmo
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/06/2006 03:32 AM CDT
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the number of bs titles pales compared to the other guild only titles and 50% of ours have hidden reqs, fine somethings must be secret but why does 90% of the hidden ones have to be ours when we have the least.

Less then 1% of other guild titles are hidden that are posted
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/06/2006 04:15 AM CDT
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>So... 3 low and mid level titles, and 7 very upper tier titles. Unless of course this is what you meant by TONS.

depends how much each title weighs.

heh heh heh
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/06/2006 11:25 AM CDT
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<<If I have to, I'll create a list, input what I think would be acceptable requirements, and then post them on the boards and email them to you, Soloman.>>

I'd welcome it.


What's going on?

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/06/2006 01:00 PM CDT
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id have more barb titles as a barb right now then i have thief and barb combined as a thief
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/06/2006 01:48 PM CDT
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>id have more barb titles as a barb right now then i have thief and barb combined as a thief

Agonar is still accepting applications.

CARNIVOROUS, adj. Addicted to the cruelty of devouring the timorous vegetarian, his heirs and assigns.

-Ambrose Bierce
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/06/2006 01:56 PM CDT
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>>id have more barb titles as a barb right now then i have thief and barb combined as a thief

Not really since once you switched, you would lose a ton of barb titles you have as a thief since you have the equivalent of like 115th circle or more for roar titles alone, and that is with the charisma requirement being messed up.

I am --- Navak
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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/06/2006 02:04 PM CDT
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>>Not really since once you switched, you would lose a ton of barb titles you have as a thief since you have the equivalent of like 115th circle or more for roar titles alone, and that is with the charisma requirement being messed up.<<

While this is true... it just kinda brings home the point to me that the Thief title system wasn't thought out very well at its inception. Something I've been saying from the inception. Having access to hundreds of circles of roars and berserks is just kind of weird, seeing as you only have to get to something like 30 charisma to have most everything.

Not sure the best way of going about that. One way would make some of our abilities count for getting other titles. Such as, when we get khri #12, we'd also get Dragon Fighter. But, the obvious problem there, is that eventually a Thief will get all those khris. We have no real choice in branching out.

I suppose we'll have to wait for a bit longer. I've always thought it really annoying that Traders and Thieves have such linear ability progressions. And really, I think it's because our two systems have had the least work in so long, but what can you do. If we ever get a non-linear progression, I'd like to see roar and spell titles based off the progression we choose.

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/06/2006 02:06 PM CDT
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Actually, if anyone has any suggestions for new titles, specifically ones that are related to aspects of thiefly ventures OTHER than crime/violence (ie locksmithing type titles, as was just mentioned a couple of posts ago) now would be the time to make them.


What's going on?

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/06/2006 02:07 PM CDT
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Do you still have all the old titles from this thread under consideration? Or should we bother going through and reposting some older posts?

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/06/2006 02:20 PM CDT
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<<Having access to hundreds of circles of roars and berserks is just kind of weird, seeing as you only have to get to something like 30 charisma to have most everything.>>

Care to explain this a little more?

I'm looking at the entire list of live Criminal titles, including the ones (around 100) I'm in the process of speccing out.

Less than 25 of them even use Charisma at all.

Of those 25, 10 of them are new (so you don't even know what they are yet) and 5 of them need more than 30 Charisma (some, significantly more).

So if you are saying that you get hundreds of titles for having 30 charisma, then I'm confused, unless you're just talking about Barbarian titles specifically. And if you are,, I just pulled up a random smattering of Barb/fake Barb titles and the ones I'm seeing either don't use Charisma at all, require more than 30 Charisma, are purely level based, are purely skill based, or a combination.

Clarify for me?


What's going on?

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/06/2006 02:21 PM CDT
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<<Do you still have all the old titles from this thread under consideration? Or should we bother going through and reposting some older posts?>>

I went through the thread and grabbed the ones I liked.

In particular, there were a couple posts with some large lists that I grabbed and pruned some dead fruit from, but a majority of those were Crime related.


What's going on?

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Re: Aint gonna be any left on 07/06/2006 02:31 PM CDT
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>>So if you are saying that you get hundreds of titles for having 30 charisma, then I'm confused, unless you're just talking about Barbarian titles specifically. And if you are,, I just pulled up a random smattering of Barb/fake Barb titles and the ones I'm seeing either don't use Charisma at all, require more than 30 Charisma, are purely level based, are purely skill based, or a combination.<<

I was talking about the Roar and Berserk Titles specifically. I know with that new influx of barbarian titles, I got a large amount of the new Roar titles. It just seems odd that they have a much slower progression than we get.

Also compare this with warrior mage spells. We can easily get the Frostbitten title, as it probably only needs 10-15 charisma. However, it's an extremely difficult spell for warrior mages to get because it requires them to have Frostbite and NOT ES.

Basically, Mages and Barbs have to choose the progression of titles based on their progression of abilities. Thieves on the other hand, get access to all of a tiers spells and roars based solely on a static charisma req (for title purposes only).

Again... there's not a great way to fix it. The one that would be the truest to the system, would be to make a Thief choose which way to go. However if he has to pick a certain title, it produces a huge amount of complexity to the system. Basically, a Thief can go from Fire Lion to Water Cabalist instantly.

The least complex way that I could see doing it would be based off a progression of our own abilities, but... our own abilities have a linear progression, so you are just as well off with a charisma req.

So basically, it's a little weird, but I don't see a great way to do it without rewriting Thief abilities or adding a huge amount of complexity where there doesn't need to be one. I'm guessing the best solution is to leave it where it is, and hope people don't really notice when you cycle through 10 titles for roars. Or put up Fire Lion, and then switch it over to Frostbitten.

But on the other hand, it does seem to cheapen titles for other guilds. Fire Lion takes a huge amount of preplanning and dedication to achieve. However, if a Thief has whatever charisma req it requires (25 or 30) they have access to it.

And yet, you can't just leave Thieves out of titles requiring abilities either. I was very much against Team Paladin taking out Soul State titles. (yes, just the 3 of them). I figured there was a better solution, of maybe having to have tanked reputation to achieve Heretic.

Like I said earlier... it just doesn't seem too greatly thought out initially.


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