Thief titles and Stealing on 07/20/2006 05:14 PM CDT
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I'd just like to say that I agree with the posters stating that the stealing req. should be removed from some of the criminal titles. For example, Assassin and Hitman should not have a stealing req, it just doesn't make any sense. If the intent is for some of these titles to be Thief Guild only, then a backstab req for combat oriented titles does the job.

When the Thief circle reqs was changed some years ago now, the intent of allowing people to choose what top 8 survivals they trained for circling (with a very modest amount of hard reqs for some specific survivals) was to allow us to focus on what we enjoy for advancement - enabling people to be unique and individuals while still circling - instead of being cookie cutter Thieves. There has always been "combat Thieves", "box popper Thieves", and "klepto Thieves". With everyone being ok at everything, but more often then not - specialized in one of those areas. The new circle reqs acknowledged that and allowed us to pick our style, without being penalized for it like we were in the past.

The titles should recognize this also. Not every "Thief" title should have stealing as a requirement. IMO - there should be combat oriented Thief titles that have combat and stealth skills/stats as reqs, box poppin titles that have those skills or stats as reqs, and stealing titles that have stealing and stealth skills as reqs. Then - there should be some (as there already is) that has a little of everything in it ...

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Re: Thief titles and Stealing on 07/20/2006 05:35 PM CDT
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Ya...I already agreed to review the reqs for those. :)


What's going on?

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Re: Thief titles and Stealing on 07/20/2006 06:22 PM CDT
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<<Ya...I already agreed to review the reqs for those. :) Solomon>>

Hey - Thanks ... =P

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Re: Thief titles and Stealing on 07/20/2006 09:07 PM CDT
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>>Ya...I already agreed to review the reqs for those. :)


Awesome, thanks for the response Solomon. :) Now to get my thief out of the buttom of the damn shaft he fell back down into. (mutter) Damn wounds and pelt encumbrance.


"Galileos head was on the block
The crime was looking up for truth
And as the bombshells of my daily fears explode
I try to trace them to my youth"
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