Re: Titles! on 01/17/2007 09:47 PM CST
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<<Right thats what I was noticing. I have everything you listed I think other than sandstorm (probably lacking the stealing) and urban ranger. >>

I assumed sandstorm had something to do with dirt. How are your LT and brawling?

Also, are you GM's planning on releasing the ranks required for the new titles eventually, or is it inteded to be PAFO?

>contact [myself]
Wherever you go, there you are.

>contact [myself]
Wherever you go, there you are.
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Re: Titles! on 01/17/2007 10:19 PM CST
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my guess is that urban ranger probly has a swimming or foraging <or both> req. Although I have no way to tell until they put the new titles into TF so I can compare ranks i have there with the titles i have in prime and etc.

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
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Re: Titles! on 01/17/2007 10:24 PM CST
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i would wager it has to do with if you have ambush screen as well.

Although i have 100 in LT and just short of 170 brawl. I'm also a citizen of Velaka. And have spend.... er... some time as a guest of the Muspar'I constablularies.... <cough>.

<i must have put some of their kids thru medical academies....>


"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
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Re: Titles! on 01/17/2007 11:12 PM CST
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<<Also, are you GM's planning on releasing the ranks required for the new titles eventually, or is it inteded to be PAFO?>>

Some will be released, some will be PAFO.


What's going on?

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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 04:04 AM CST
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Ding ding, screen is the key. I didnt go pick it up when the new titles came out, but i got it over the weekend and now i have the Sandstorm title.

Farewell, remorse: all good to me is lost; Evil, be thou my good.
~Paradise Lost (bk. IX, l. 171)
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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 06:36 AM CST
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Speakin of new titles.. over here in TF land we're still waitin.. any word on when we get 'em?
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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 06:58 AM CST
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Any info on the high end titles that were not released Solomon?

Farewell, remorse: all good to me is lost; Evil, be thou my good.
~Paradise Lost (bk. IX, l. 171)
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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 01:21 PM CST
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<<Any info on the high end titles that were not released Solomon? >>

Checking with Obseden to see what happened. I think he just missed them because they were on a separate worksheet on the spreadsheet.


What's going on?

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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 02:03 PM CST
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Damn worksheets.

Farewell, remorse: all good to me is lost; Evil, be thou my good.
~Paradise Lost (bk. IX, l. 171)
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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 04:32 PM CST
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any word on when the new thief titles gonna be put in TF?

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 04:45 PM CST
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<<any word on when the new thief titles gonna be put in TF?>>

I'd much rather wait til we find out why they're not all released and then get them all released. Then we'll worry about putting them into TF.


What's going on?

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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 04:57 PM CST
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Oooo i cant wait to see these new titles Solomon. You got no idea. Is there maybe an eta? If there is can it be in Ssra/Ver terms?

Farewell, remorse: all good to me is lost; Evil, be thou my good.
~Paradise Lost (bk. IX, l. 171)
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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 05:24 PM CST
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<<Oooo i cant wait to see these new titles Solomon. You got no idea. Is there maybe an eta? If there is can it be in Ssra/Ver terms?>>

Obseden was just putting them into Dev about 10 minutes ago.

Someone will be a Nightreaver before you know it!


What's going on?

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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 05:32 PM CST
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Better be me or I'll cry.

Farewell, remorse: all good to me is lost; Evil, be thou my good.
~Paradise Lost (bk. IX, l. 171)
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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 05:49 PM CST
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FYI, Constatine just reminded me that I should mention:

Assassin, Hitman, Vigilante, and Night Warden reqs are changing and will no longer check for Stealing Skill. They do, however, check for other abilities and/or skills.


What's going on?

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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 05:51 PM CST
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>>Assassin, Hitman, Vigilante, and Night Warden reqs are changing and will no longer check for Stealing Skill. They do, however, check for other abilities and/or skills.


You are Malkien, a dashing Barbarian. Huzzah!
You are Apis, a legendary Cleric in your own head.
You are Ragesong. What sort of Kaldar is a Bard, anyways, doofus?
You are also Pellazan (WM), Essatariol (Ranger) and running out of sig space.
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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 06:26 PM CST
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You can all thank me with platinum.

Also im pretty confident about the night reaver reqs if anyone wants to contact me IG about them.

Farewell, remorse: all good to me is lost; Evil, be thou my good.
~Paradise Lost (bk. IX, l. 171)
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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 06:41 PM CST
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at least they didn't change it to evasion. cause i still have night warden, with significantly more stealing skill than evasion.

still don't have vigilante, hitman or assassin though :-(

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 06:54 PM CST
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Uh, you guys are aware it's not changed yet, right?

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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 07:13 PM CST
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<<Uh, you guys are aware it's not changed yet, right?>>

Yeah...they're not even out yet. LOL!


What's going on?

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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 07:29 PM CST
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Seems like a lot of people have the Death Hand title. Just wondering if those reqs are where they are supposed to be. Seems like it would be harder to get considering what Black Hand takes.

Not complaining, just wondering. Very happy with the titles!

~ S.S.
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Re: Titles! on 01/18/2007 08:36 PM CST
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Gotta admit. I'm none too pleased with all these "hand" titles, especially when I'm still waiting on my custom title "the Hand" to be approved.

"The day is for honest men, the night for thieves."
-- Euripides
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Re: Titles! on 01/19/2007 02:04 PM CST
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Death hand has to be really easy to get. Like 13th circle thief.

The Dragon priest hisses, "We'd have won, too, if it weren't for thossse meddling kidsss."
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Re: Titles! on 01/20/2007 10:37 PM CST
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Still none of the missing ones put in yet? curious cause i have all the ones listed but no other ones either :P
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Re: Title List on 01/26/2007 02:27 PM CST
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Some quick ideas for Lockpick and Disarm titles. Some of these can go either way, or be a combination of both skills.

Trouble shooter
Latch breaker
Vault Smasher
Box Breacher

Device Dodger
Risk Breaker
Danger Magnet

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Re: Title List on 01/26/2007 02:33 PM CST
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heh some are funny but overall not bad
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Re: Title List on 01/26/2007 02:41 PM CST
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I really liked Box Breacher. I wish I had thought of that one, it has a nice ring to it.

Found my old post, here it is again:

I don't believe there should be a stealing req for trade locksmith titles, so here is what I've come up with recently and what I think would be appropriate reqs for each.

Public Menace/Public Safety Hazard
80 Lockpicking
80 Disarm Traps
(I say this much because around these ranks some people get cocky and start blowing area effect traps in crowded places because they think they can handle them. Like a laughing gasser in the atrium in the first tier bank in Ratha. 3 times in a row...)

5 Lockpicking
5 Disarm Traps
(A coplimentary title to Pick-Snapper, except that neither should have the stealing req because it is unneccessary.)

100 Disarm Traps

100 Lockpicking

125 Lockpicking
125 Disarm Traps
25 Agility

100 Lockpicking
100 Mechanical Lore

200 Lockpicking
200 Disarm Traps
30 Agility

The next three titles I don't have reqs for, but I know what stat and skills should be checked: Lockpicking, Mechanical Lore, and Agility. All are, of course, Thief only.

Lockpick Craftsman (Around the skill needed to carve High Quality Lockpicks about 90% of the time from Iron Keyblanks)

Master Lockpick Craftsman (Around the skill needed to carve Master Lockpicks 90% of the time from Iron Keyblanks)

Grand-Master Lockpick Craftsman (Around the skill needed to carve Grand-Master Lockpicks 90% of the time from Iron Keyblanks)

Happiness stems only from violence. - The Stock
It's like putting a band-aid on cancer. - Philip Anselmo
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Re: Title List on 01/26/2007 02:48 PM CST
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Nice those last ones are too long tho probally very few 3 word titles are allowed and one word is usually of or a or something
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Re: Title List on 01/26/2007 02:53 PM CST
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Those were the ones that selected that I thought had the best chance of being made into titles. I had some pretty crazy ones on my full list, like "A Box's Worst Nightmare" and some other over-the-top fare. I was having fun with writing them up and got a little carried away... :)

Happiness stems only from violence. - The Stock
It's like putting a band-aid on cancer. - Philip Anselmo
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Re: Title List on 01/26/2007 02:56 PM CST
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well its possible i spose i know you cant do 3 word customs tho
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Re: Title List on 01/27/2007 01:06 AM CST
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Anybody else have uhhh I think it's "Subverter?" And anybody out there got Anarchist?

Alley Cat

Wait, if there are actual dragons it won't be a joke anymore. Then we'll have to rename the game Necrorealms. - Zonkar
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Re: Title List on 01/27/2007 01:51 AM CST
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heh. i know a title, but i don't think it should be necessarily thief only.


For those that have blown that trap ....

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
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Re: Title List on 01/27/2007 08:38 AM CST
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>>The following titles of the Thief category are available to you:

>>Initiate Thief, Apprentice Thief, Journeyman Thief, Thief, Expert Thief, Master Thief, Creep, Imposter, Dissenter, Subverter, Betrayer, Maverick, Conspirator, Saboteur, Revolutionary, Garrotter, Backstabber, Backbiter, Hamstringer, Death Hand, Fang, Venom, Serpent, Night Watchman, Bonecutter, Sandstorm, Dirty Fighter, Muscle, Assailant, Hatchet Man, Asp

yep, I got it

and criminal titles

>The following titles of the Criminal category are available to you:

>>Pick-Snapper, Yegg, Thug, Footpad, Cutpurse, Mugger, Pickpocket, Kleptomaniac, Pilferer, Crook, Swindler, Rogue, Prowler, Scammer, Shoplifter, Thief, Bandit, Looter, Burglar, Scoundrel, Larcenist, Fence, Cutthroat, Criminal, Reaver, Hitman, Delinquent, Hoodlum, Hooligan, Lawless, Scofflaw, Desperado, Vagrant, Sticky Fingers, Acquirer, Opportunist, Swindler, Purloiner, Robber, Fog, Ghost, Smoke, Spectre, Mist, Phantom

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Hiding Thief Titles & Viewing on 03/11/2007 07:19 AM CDT
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When you look at yourself, you see something like:

You are Barbarian *, a Halfling.
You have green eyes...

How hard is it to code it so that the following is possible:

You are Barbarian *, a Halfling.
You appear to other thieves as Barbarian (a thief so-and-what) *, a Halfling.
You appear to outsiders as Barbarian *, a Halfling.
You have green eyes...

Or something along these lines that tell us beyond a doubt how we would appear to others. Hiding titles have always been a tricky business (for me anyway), and while I've had some tell me how to set and hide titles.. I've yet to do it correctly.

Now I got that out: How do I set titles and make sure the thief title I choose is only seen by other thieves?
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Re: Hiding Thief Titles & Viewing on 03/11/2007 02:17 PM CDT
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<<Now I got that out: How do I set titles and make sure the thief title I choose is only seen by other thieves?>>

easy, set your thief (or any pre-) title than set you pretend title.


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
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Re: Hiding Thief Titles & Viewing on 03/11/2007 03:05 PM CDT
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The title people say this might be interesting.

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Re: Hiding Thief Titles & Viewing on 03/11/2007 07:35 PM CDT
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> The title people say this might be interesting.

I may have been gone two years, but I started DR roughly 5 years ago and that's one question that's been on my mind, and I just finally figured I'd ask how hard could it be to do it.

Also, does it only work for pretend titles? Another thought (with this new title system) is why not have it work for anything that isn't a thief title?
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Thief Titles, Pretend Titles and Other Titles. on 04/08/2007 10:21 PM CDT
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Is there a way to display other catagories of titles with a thief title other than the pretend titles? Like displaying a Criminal Title with a Thief Title showing for thieves? IMO.. I think it would be cool.
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Re: Thief Titles, Pretend Titles and Other Titles. on 04/09/2007 05:54 PM CDT
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I believe they're called custom titles... course you have to be premie to get those.... hums

Sothios Clan-Csencsits
Aesry Locksmith Union Representative
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Re: Thief Titles, Pretend Titles and Other Titles. on 04/09/2007 10:41 PM CDT
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or get em for free in TF


Join Dragonrealms:The Fallen
And Play DR the way it was meant to be played

Customer service should never be considered an expense, It's an investment in the future
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