Assassin on 12/04/2007 09:37 AM CST
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Anyone pin down the reqs here?


You feel that for the moment you've learned all you can about harming shopkeepers.
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Re: Assassin on 12/04/2007 04:01 PM CST
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40 strength for sure, under 400 total weapon. I got nothing solid on hiding or stalking.
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Re: Assassin on 12/04/2007 06:10 PM CST
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i believe its 420ish in BS,330 in highest weapon, 37-40 strength

gonna work on getting that title after i reach my current goal. :-)

<<If nothing else, maybe some Magic Using guilds will now feel the joys of "You cannot steal here.", at least for a while.--Solomon>>
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Re: Assassin on 12/04/2007 08:51 PM CST
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Right on, thanks for the info.


You feel that for the moment you've learned all you can about harming shopkeepers.
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Re: Assassin on 12/05/2007 01:20 AM CST
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<<40 strength for sure>>

You are a fellow thief, Nightmare Sristal, Assassin of Elanthia

Strength : 37
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Re: Assassin on 12/05/2007 06:50 AM CST
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Damn my fault, I assumed it was a round number, I did nothing but raise strength from 36-40 and noticed it pop up. 37 it is sorry.
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Re: Assassin on 12/05/2007 10:13 PM CST
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What a joke. I would easily have 70-80 agility before I would EVER have 40 strength. Hell, even if I didn't have +2 to the skill, I would never train it that high.

Really pisses me off that no matter how much backstab and agility I could get, I would never have that title. Strength is just a dumb requirement for thieves to have for ANY titles, bottom line. Let the barbarians train strength, not thieves.

The best part is, I dont see ONE single title that uses a thiefly stat (AGI, REF), and that is just pathetic. Beleive it or not, there are thieves who train like actual killers and not purse snatchers. However, there are NO titles with reasonable requirements for thieves who stack Agility and reflex and actually train combat skills instead of stealing.

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Re: Assassin on 12/05/2007 10:21 PM CST
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Ever get that feeling of Deja-vu?

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Re: Assassin on 12/05/2007 10:32 PM CST
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Re: Assassin on 12/06/2007 01:38 PM CST
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ahem. i think there SHOULD be room for both strong-arm type thieves and the nimble-fingered weaklings...

Strength : 45

<<If nothing else, maybe some Magic Using guilds will now feel the joys of "You cannot steal here.", at least for a while.--Solomon>>
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Re: Assassin on 12/06/2007 01:52 PM CST
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I agree Gonif, however Assassins typically are not your run of the mill heavy handed, brute squad thieves. I think that is the heart of the complaint with the title currently.

mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
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Re: Assassin on 12/06/2007 01:52 PM CST
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<<ahem. i think there SHOULD be room for both strong-arm type thieves and the nimble-fingered weaklings...>>

Agreed, but why on earth would an ASSASSIN have a strength req? Thats just as sill as it having a stealing req.....
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Re: Assassin on 12/06/2007 05:18 PM CST
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Because an assassin need to kill in one hit. No matter how accurate you are, if you can't put enough force behind the blow you're just an paying at being an assassin.

40 strength is nearly nothing. For anyone trying to be and assassin in my opinion.

"So like I said, don't take it personally. All cultures have their share of fools. It's just that we always felt yours had a lot more than ours."
~~Warrior Mage Guild Leader Senfrislor, The Prydaen in Their Own Words~~
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Re: Assassin on 12/06/2007 06:17 PM CST
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I would think it depends on each person's perceived image of an assassin. An assassin is simply someone who kills another for financial/political/etc gain. The method in which that person carries out the deed defines what type of assassin they are. If there are any Terry Pratchett fans out there, then think of Mister Teatime, who would probably have to have some strength to knock out the heavy set thug in the bar with one punch, yet was also extremely stealthy. On one of his missions he held a glass to the victim's mouth to make sure he had ceased breathing as was the customary method, but as Lord Downey pointed out, at this point the man's head was several feet from his body, which would require some strength.

A more agile, weaker assassin would rely on his other strengths, and cunning, perhaps using a poisoned blade before melting into the shadows.

It depends how you train your character at the end of the day. I don't think 37 strength is an unreasonable target though, provided your stats aren't completely skewed.

I suspect most or at least many thieves are heavy on agility/reflexes etc so it would mean that many would achieve the assassin title as a natural progression, which I think cheapens the title and associated image. It takes a different kind of dedication and training to achieve which makes it stand out. There are plenty of nice titles that we can/will get through the course of natural progression, those extra 'cool' ones need a bit more work which I think is a good thing.
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Re: Assassin on 12/06/2007 07:53 PM CST
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Real Assassins don't need strength. They just need Eagle Vision, throwing knives, and shoppy enemy AI.
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Re: Assassin on 12/06/2007 09:06 PM CST
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mmmm assassin's creed


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
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Re: Assassin on 12/07/2007 12:24 AM CST
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>mmmm assassin's creed


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Re: Assassin on 12/07/2007 06:20 AM CST
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<<Real Assassins don't need strength>>
basically an assassination is a hit.

Take for example-- tony sopranos hit on the guy that was in the witness protection program up in Maine, during season 1 of the "sopranos", where he assassinates using a garrot-like device. that was fairly strength intensive, you have to have enough strength to kill someone like that.

on the other hand, someone with a gun can be a sniveling weaking... re lee harvey oswald on kennedy, or john wilkes booth on lincoln <conspiracy theorists nonwithstanding>. - to put it in DR terms, someone sniping with a bow or crossbow.

When we as a guild get a garroting type of attack, I would hope that it would take into account not only BS ranks but strength as well. similiar to how ambush slash takes into account your strength and the weight of the weapon.

<<If nothing else, maybe some Magic Using guilds will now feel the joys of "You cannot steal here.", at least for a while.--Solomon>>
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Re: Assassin on 12/07/2007 07:49 AM CST
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I guarantee you will get higher success rate with high agility vs. high strength in using ambush slash. I have a strong feeling that when failing the stealth part of the ambush slash, the rest of the check is mostly stat-based agility vs. reflex. Come to think of it, a large portion of thief special attacks are based on agility. Backstab, dirt throwing, ambush slash, sniping...

Its just too bad the decent titles require 2 stats that I, as a thief, find least useful and least thiefly. Having high level titles require strength and charisma is like having barbarian titles require high intelligence, or empath titles require high agility. It just doesnt make sense.

If you want to make the argument that ambush slash uses strength in the ability to use heavier weapons... Well that is one skill and it is also a very weak argument.
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Re: Assassin on 12/07/2007 10:14 AM CST
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It seems to me agility makes more sense, but 37 strenth isn't too much. Maybe it will keep the dismally balanced forged katars from being occasionally knocked out of my hand anyway.


You feel that for the moment you've learned all you can about harming shopkeepers.
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Re: Assassin on 12/07/2007 12:40 PM CST
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eh.. then there's assassinating your mark with your wit ie. poison their food, rig their equipment with a bomb, secretly or pay the driver to lock the carriage and the driver while it is steered towards a cliff, etc.

Reene: It's like you started writing something sane then had a seizure of some kind half way through.

XXX points at a bare spot that leads southeast into the deep wilderness.
XXX whispers to you, "OOC: type g spot for leucros."
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Re: Assassin on 12/07/2007 01:14 PM CST
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none the less there should be that option. as in DR you don't have to be a halfling to be a thief. you don't have to be a tog to be a barb. you have choices, and those choices should be supportable by varying options during the course of your thiefly "career". So there are different types of assassins. 37 strength is not such a hardship. If it were 50 strength then that would consitute a real dilemna, but 37 is not so hard to get in the grand scheme of things.

by the way, although there aren't barb titles that require INTEL, there are some that require a certain amt of scholarship.


<<If nothing else, maybe some Magic Using guilds will now feel the joys of "You cannot steal here.", at least for a while.--Solomon>>
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Re: Assassin on 12/07/2007 01:49 PM CST
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I don't see a strength req making sense for the Assassin title, period. And 37 strength is a lot for certain races.

However, the title system has tons if inconsistencies and just plain weirdness. Like how the SHIELD category requires PARRY. Or the pretend title requirements. Or the lack of weapon titles at lower levels. Or the lack of primarymagic titles. Or how some guilds have triple the titles of other guilds. Or how some guilds have a ton of unspecified requirements, and others have none. So really in the scheme of things, this is a pretty minor issue to me.
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Re: Assassin on 12/07/2007 02:14 PM CST
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nonetheless i still need to train more strength!

You move into position to stalk a giant thicket viper when it moves.
>ambush slash
The pike is too heavy for you to use like that.


<<If nothing else, maybe some Magic Using guilds will now feel the joys of "You cannot steal here.", at least for a while.--Solomon>>
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Re: Assassin on 12/07/2007 02:52 PM CST
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>However, the title system has tons if inconsistencies and just plain weirdness. Like how the SHIELD category requires PARRY. Or the pretend title requirements. Or the lack of weapon titles at lower levels. Or the lack of primarymagic titles. Or how some guilds have triple the titles of other guilds. Or how some guilds have a ton of unspecified requirements, and others have none. So really in the scheme of things, this is a pretty minor issue to me.

my pet peeve is the fact WEAPON category requires various combat skills, including non-WEAPONs such as PM...

whereas COMBAT category are all specific to just one weapon skill and divided as such.

Reene: It's like you started writing something sane then had a seizure of some kind half way through.

XXX points at a bare spot that leads southeast into the deep wilderness.
XXX whispers to you, "OOC: type g spot for leucros."
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Re: Assassin on 12/07/2007 03:36 PM CST
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I don't know about any of you, but 37 strength seems like ALOT. Compaire that to the normal nobody running around crossing (Bill the farmer or something, not an PC) 37 strength is like a strongman IMO.

I don't plan on taking strength past 30 probably ever, which means I won't ever get the title. That being said, anyone who knows Birkan, knows Assassin isn't for him anyway.
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Re: Assassin on 12/07/2007 09:06 PM CST
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So, let's make Assassin a circle 5 title and then make lots of subclasses for Assassin at circle 100. Like Garroting Assassin and Sniping Assassin and Laughingstock Assassin.
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Re: Assassin on 12/07/2007 10:29 PM CST
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The req for assassin is fine. It looks like its suppose to be a 100+ title.
If you really wanana get nitpicky add intell/wisdom/reflex/agil/perception/ranged/evasion/leather/yo mama dissing reqs to it as well.
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Re: Assassin on 12/09/2007 08:41 AM CST
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Arcane Assassin.
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Re: Assassin on 12/09/2007 04:08 PM CST
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Singing Assassin. (ref: Shavay's signature.)
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Re: Assassin on 12/09/2007 04:10 PM CST
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<<Singing Assassin.>>

killing you softly with his song?

<<If nothing else, maybe some Magic Using guilds will now feel the joys of "You cannot steal here.", at least for a while.--Solomon>>
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Re: Assassin on 12/09/2007 09:50 PM CST
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>Singing Assassin. (ref: Shavay's signature.)

You sing:
". .-. .
. (0.0) .
. '=.|m|.=' .
. .='`"``=. ."
(Time to Next Singing: 12 seconds.)

(only works in a unispace font)
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Re: Assassin on 12/10/2007 03:21 AM CST
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I have over 50 strength, strength is my highest stat, it makes sense for some. Too each their own.

I am all for agility titles too but dont knock my strength ones. Training any stat to 37 isnt really that high by the time you have those skills. You shouldnt have any stat under 40 by then except maybe charisma.

Don't fear the dark, Fear what hides in it.
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Re: Assassin on 12/10/2007 09:37 AM CST
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>However, the title system has tons if inconsistencies and just plain weirdness. Like how the SHIELD category requires PARRY.

I hate the shield parry thing, almost as much as I hate this:

Magic Average: 391

R>title pre list magic
There are no titles you may choose from that category.


You feel that for the moment you've learned all you can about harming shopkeepers.
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Re: Assassin on 12/10/2007 11:16 AM CST
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>I hate the shield parry thing, almost as much as I hate this:

I'm with you on that one too. There really aren't enough generic magic titles in general, and then a bunch are tied to TM...
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Re: Assassin on 12/10/2007 11:16 AM CST
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>However, the title system has tons if inconsistencies and just plain weirdness. Like how the SHIELD category requires PARRY.

How about how the SHIELD category requires more primary armor (or is it worn armor or something?) than actual shield? Wouldn't that make it a general Armor title?
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Re: Assassin on 12/10/2007 11:18 AM CST
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>How about how the SHIELD category requires more primary armor (or is it worn armor or something?) than actual shield? Wouldn't that make it a general Armor title?

Given the skill requirements, I think they misspelled Paladin.
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Re: Assassin on 12/10/2007 12:38 PM CST
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>>Magic Average: 391

>>R>title pre list magic
>>There are no titles you may choose from that category.

Ditto. What's so important about TM to being a mage?

The only consolation is that there are PrimaryMagic titles.
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Re: Assassin on 12/10/2007 12:48 PM CST
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Or you could just stop complaining and train strength. Dump stats are lame.

-Galren Moonskin

Tusfaov calmly says, "Excellent. The inner fire burns bright within your chest, Galren. You have achieved a new level of enlightenment."
!>You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde screaming in barbaric approval of your deeds.
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Re: Assassin on 12/10/2007 12:53 PM CST
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I beg to differ. Dump stats rock.
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