titles on 03/11/2007 06:53 PM CDT
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Hoodlum is connected to being wanted.
Rook and Shark is correlated to charisma 23 and 25 ranks respectively

Anyone with an idea what you need to get scofflaw, desperado, lawless, fugitive?
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Re: titles on 03/11/2007 07:03 PM CDT
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Spectre has a stalking requirement of 140. That's about all I know.

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Re: titles on 03/11/2007 07:57 PM CDT
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>>Rook and Shark is correlated to charisma 23 and 25 ranks respectively

I was wondering why so many people had those and I didn't. Now it all makes sense.

~Minstrel Ascot, Song Weaver of M'riss
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Re: titles on 03/19/2007 06:48 AM CDT
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>>Anyone with an idea what you need to get scofflaw, desperado, lawless, fugitive?<<

When I had "many" outstanding warrants in both Ratha and Aesry and I had both scofflaw and lawless, I would put "many" at about 8 warrants each in Ratha and Aesry, possibly more, I wasn't keeping track.

Also, I wanted to point out I still have Safe Cracker listed twice in my criminal titles.

Shadow Priest Tishra Rothem, Swamp Shaman of The Locksmith Union
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Re: titles on 03/19/2007 11:42 AM CDT
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My estimate is that the number of warrants needs to be in the realm of 15-20 total for Fugitive. I steal from Langenfirth, Riverhaven, and Crossing, and after having been caught in Crossing, I've noticed I don't lose the titles, so it's nothing to do with where the warrants are.

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Fun titles for us on 03/22/2008 11:46 AM CDT
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After seeing how many Titles Rangers get and since i'm sorta irk'd that they steal out Mark and get Ambush Sight, I figure we should at least get more titles.

Some of these would have warrant reqs as well



Public Enemy



Wanted Man



Jailbait (Jail bait?)


Black Hand


Main Offender


Town Drunk




"Failure is not our only punishment for laziness: there is also the success of others."
Jules Renard
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Re: Fun titles for us on 03/22/2008 03:58 PM CDT
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black hand is already a criminal title.

<<Because it's a gigantic can of worms. Eldritch, necrotic, squamous worms, writhing in a vile stew of coagulating ichor, crushed from the living gullets of a thousand infant puppies, ululating in wordless terror. - Lorz>>
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Re: Fun titles for us on 03/24/2008 08:26 AM CDT
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Then replace that Black Hand with...


"Failure is not our only punishment for laziness: there is also the success of others."
Jules Renard
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Re: Fun titles for us on 03/24/2008 03:49 PM CDT
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Still want Miscreant.

You belt out, "Avast! Prepare to be boarded!"
>jump ferry
Gathering up your courage, you take a flying leap toward the other ferry and land on its deck.
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Re: Fun titles for us on 03/24/2008 10:36 PM CDT
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when i look over the requirements for some of the higher titles, for both thiefly and criminal titles, I see many that include backstab, hiding, etc.

I don't see any that require only extremely high stealing.

From behind you, you hear the blind beggar whisper,
"Teach your grandmother how ta knit, or your grandfather how ta drink,
but don't even think 'bout teachin me how ta steal.... wait, its you...
I wouldn't mind a stealin class...

<<Because it's a gigantic can of worms. Eldritch, necrotic, squamous worms, writhing in a vile stew of coagulating ichor, crushed from the living gullets of a thousand infant puppies, ululating in wordless terror. - Lorz>>
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Re: Fun titles for us on 03/25/2008 01:54 PM CDT
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Macro F12 - \xreport Someone is copying my name. Smite them.\r
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Re: Fun titles for us on 03/25/2008 01:58 PM CDT
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A needle pulling thread.
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Re: Fun titles for us on 03/25/2008 02:24 PM CDT
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A disturbance in the Force I feel.
Better I feel.
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Re: Fun titles for us on 03/25/2008 03:33 PM CDT
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Much love to oblivion deadra demi-god.

Wanderer Larze


Movies count because they are based on real life which imitates art which then gets spoofed by bad art which then is imitated by real life and gave us the state of Florida. - GODKIN
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Re: Fun titles for us on 03/30/2008 07:32 AM CDT
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Hustler is sooooooooo badass.

"Failure is not our only punishment for laziness: there is also the success of others."
Jules Renard
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BUMP - for Fun titles on 05/28/2008 05:06 PM CDT
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just to remind us all..

Lowlife, Scumbag, Public Enemy, Rat, Weasel, Wanted Man, Ace, Bookie, Jailbait (Jail bait?), Felon, Deadbeat, Lackey, Main Offender, Nincompoop, Town Drunk, Hustler, Gangster, Bohemian...

pretty pweese?

"Failure is not our only punishment for laziness: there is also the success of others."
Jules Renard
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Re: BUMP - for Fun titles on 05/28/2008 06:25 PM CDT
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While we're talking about new titles, any chance of getting the assassin, hitman, etc. titles fixed? They've been broken since the new khri were released.
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Re: BUMP - for Fun titles on 05/29/2008 03:22 PM CDT
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<<While we're talking about new titles, any chance of getting the assassin, hitman, etc. titles fixed? They've been broken since the new khri were released. >>

Odd, thought they had been fixed. I was missing them when new khri came out but a week later got 'em back. This is in TF though.
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Re: BUMP - for Fun titles on 05/29/2008 06:59 PM CDT
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<<While we're talking about new titles, any chance of getting the assassin, hitman, etc. titles fixed? They've been broken since the new khri were released. >>

well, i don't have assassin yet, but what's wrong with hitman?

>title pre list criminal
The following titles of the Criminal category are available to you:

Pick-Snapper, Yegg, Thug, Footpad, Cutpurse, Mugger, Pickpocket, Kleptomaniac, Pilferer, Crook, Swindler, Rogue, Prowler, Scammer, Shoplifter, Thief, Bandit, Grifter, Looter, Burglar, Scoundrel, Larcenist, Fence, Cutthroat, Criminal, Highwayman, Con Artist, Outlaw, Bootlegger, Racketeer, Reaver, Counterfeiter, Safe Cracker, Smuggler, Spider, Faceless, Whisper, Midnighter, Deadly Shadow, Silence, Spy, Night Warden, Mastermind, Vigilante, Hitman, Delinquent, Hoodlum, Hooligan, Lawless, Vagrant, Sticky Fingers, Acquirer, Opportunist, Forger, Swindler, Purloiner, Robber, Fog, Ghost, Smoke, Libertine, Elusive, Rumor, Spectre, Mist, Phantom, Escape Artist, Bloodwraith, Rook, Shark, Gambler, Vapor, Phantasm

<<Because it's a gigantic can of worms. Eldritch, necrotic, squamous worms, writhing in a vile stew of coagulating ichor, crushed from the living gullets of a thousand infant puppies, ululating in wordless terror. - Lorz>>
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Re: BUMP - for Fun titles on 05/30/2008 07:33 AM CDT
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I don't have it and I should. GM has confirmed it needs to be fixed. Im missing vigilante too I think.

Pick-Snapper, Yegg, Thug, Footpad, Cutpurse, Mugger, Pickpocket, Kleptomaniac, Pilferer, Crook, Swindler, Rogue, Prowler, Scammer, Shoplifter, Thief, Bandit, Grifter, Looter, Burglar, Scoundrel, Larcenist, Fence, Cutthroat, Criminal, Highwayman, Con Artist, Outlaw, Bootlegger, Racketeer, Reaver, Counterfeiter, Safe Cracker, Smuggler, Spider, Faceless, Whisper, Midnighter, Deadly Shadow, Silence, Spy, Night Warden, Delinquent, Hoodlum, Vagrant, Secret Agent, Sticky Fingers, Acquirer, Opportunist, Forger, Swindler, Purloiner, Robber, Fog, Ghost, Smoke, Libertine, Elusive, Rumor, Spectre, Mist, Phantom, Escape Artist, Bloodwraith, Rook, Shark, Gambler, Vapor, Phantasm
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Re: BUMP - for Fun titles on 05/30/2008 11:57 AM CDT
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Of all people, Virge actually deserves to have Hitman.

"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin
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Re: BUMP - for Fun titles on 06/03/2008 01:21 PM CDT
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I think they're waiting for the slip re-write and then fix titles?

The slip re-write would mess up titles similar to the khri re-write.

kill 2 birds with 1 stone rite.
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titles/suggestions on 01/30/2010 07:06 PM CST
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Right Hand

Also, it should be possible to set a pretend title that isn't a guild title, as well as having both a "visible to the public" and thief-only post title.

We could really conjure up some conspiracy with all of these implemented.

>2. You smirk to yourself, the way only a stylish Thief can.
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