Titles on 02/05/2012 01:40 PM CST
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Since there have been some announcements on the 3.0 version of things, including titles, I would like to take this opportunity to request that the pretend titles are updated and set to what they should be please.

For example, my character uses Ranger pretend titles, but the posted reqs are not always the actual ones and it is frustrating when you think you have reached a goal only to find out the req was a lie.

How can I qualify for:

Shade Walker:
At least 425 in Stalking skill
At least 400 in Scouting skill
At least 425 in Hiding skill

but not

Woodland Shadow:
At least 400 in Stalking skill
At least 400 in Hiding skill
At least 400 in Scouting skill


At least 400 in Stalking skill
At least 400 in Hiding skill
At least 425 in Perception skill
At least 375 in Scouting skill

also how can I qualify for:

Must know the Wolf Scent spell
Must know the Wisdom of the Pack spell
A Wolf Companion
At least 200 in Animal Lore skill

but not for any of the other Companion titles?

And lastly can anyone please tell me what the actual reqs are to get this title:

Shadow Dancer:
At least 500 in Stalking skill
At least 500 in Hiding skill
At least 500 in Evasion skill
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Re: Titles on 02/05/2012 02:25 PM CST
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Shadow Dancer was one I was looking forward to at the time also. I got the title either at 600 or 625, I forget which. I want to say 625 for some reason, although I know that's not what you want to hear. Might have been 600 though.


"See? Dust. Just like the rest of them." -- Buffy
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Re: Titles on 02/05/2012 02:29 PM CST
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I just went back to calculate the math to see which one it is, and it came up at 650. But I really don't think it was that much. My money is still on 625.


"See? Dust. Just like the rest of them." -- Buffy
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Re: Titles on 02/05/2012 03:35 PM CST
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Thanks Kaxis, I thought you might know the answer to that one.
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