Acquiring something in order to make poison with it doesn't make it Thiefly. If there was a way to forage an item you could turn into poison, would the act of foraging define you as a Thief? If there was a way to keep a cobra as a pet in which you would milk some poison off of it, would that make caring for an animal (Animal Lore) define you as a Thief? I'm not saying either of those will happen, but both have been suggested, but I don't see them as defining what the core of a Thief is.
>>Now I may be remembering wrong because its been about 4 years since I was here last, but I thought it was just overall Survival that was needed.<<
Nope. You sound like you're thinking of the old Ranger reqs. Our overall survival req had always been nearly unnoticeable (I say nearly, as I'm sure someone ended up needing them at some point in time, and will try to claim I'm completely wrong and lying because a person or two needed overall survival once or twice).
Perhaps something Thiefly is planned or being developed in which climbing in city areas will be an integral requirement. This ain't a big secret. Rooftops are still going to be happening. When, I can't say, but it is not something that we've forgotten about.
>>first aid, swimming<<
You are either not understanding what requirements are about, or deliberately blinding yourself to them. I can help you with the first, but I'm not going to be pulled into arguments because of the second. The way I see requirements, and what DR seems to support, is that requirements define what the core abilities and focus of a Guild are. The basic requirements define what a basic Thief can do, and is expected by the guild-leaders to be able to accomplish.
The essence of being a Thief is not tending your wounds, or swimming in a river. There's nothing wrong with a Thief being able to do those, but it is not a defining characteristic. When you think of a Thief, does it bring to mind someone who can swim or tend wounds? Or instead, does it bring to mind someone who is sneaky, who can get around locks and traps designed to keep him/her out, who fights dirty in order to win, who notices things going on around them, who can disappear in a city, and someone who can slip away or escape from trying circumstances?
If you want to be a cookie-cutter guild, with requirements just like everyone else, I'm gonna have to disagree with you. I think Thieves are much more than that, and deserve better than that.
GameMaster Risek
Theirs not to make reply
Theirs not to reason why
Theirs but to do and die
RE: Risek, Req: on 02/21/2004 03:00 PM CST
RE: Risek, Req: on 02/21/2004 03:14 PM CST
<<(I say nearly, as I'm sure someone ended up needing them at some point in time, and will try to claim I'm completely wrong and lying because a person or two needed overall survival once or twice).
Yeppers go ask Royce. He clearly stated he needed survival to circle and he had plenty of respect for a training thief in his day.
Yeppers go ask Royce. He clearly stated he needed survival to circle and he had plenty of respect for a training thief in his day.
I love my GRITS ! |
Girls Raised In The South ! |
RE: Risek, Req: on 02/21/2004 03:20 PM CST
umm how does this make thieves better then other guilds??? god were in troube then we will be the only guild who cant use its prime skills to circle in overalls like everyone else, cause the gm thinks we are better then that we are so sppppecial, thanks alot, because you dont see your thief as swimming it means thiefs should not be allowed to circle with swimming while every other guild in the game can even tho we are survival prime, its already hard to work 8 different skills most of which must be done in different places or need other people to help with, but now we must train the other 5 or so as optinional skills that wont count while everyone swimmin with my is circling cause of it
Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
RE: Risek, Req: on 02/21/2004 03:22 PM CST
and if you see dr as reqs as the basic features of a guild or whatever does that mean barbs and moonies are pro swimmers and every other survival except stealing because they circle with all of em? i dont care about logic or how someone sees something i care about equality that me and a mage can go swim and he can circle after swimmin and i cant when im survival prime and just got back from 8 different spots to train all my survivals
Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
RE: Risek, Req: on 02/21/2004 03:33 PM CST
RE: Risek, Req: on 02/21/2004 04:14 PM CST
Wanna know whats really silly?
well, rangers <surv prime> can't use lockpicking to circle, and thieves <surv prime> can't use skinning to circle.
and barbs <surv secondary> and Moonmages <surv secondary> can use both.
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
well, rangers <surv prime> can't use lockpicking to circle, and thieves <surv prime> can't use skinning to circle.
and barbs <surv secondary> and Moonmages <surv secondary> can use both.
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/02/2004 10:24 AM CST
Aright...some of this I agree to, some of it I don't. Anyone ever play the Thief games? Didn't Garret have to swim to get to certain places? There is more to being a thief than lockpicking hiding and stealing. Granted first aid isn't a req we should have to worry about. If it was then what would an empath be there for? Climbing yes! I would be a lot easier if there was a window that you had to climb up to to get in instead of having to fight through the gaurds. Swimming as well is a yes. How would you break into the castle surrounded by a moat? I think some people aren't thinking things through too much. Or don't want to...
Then again maybe I'm thinking too much on it ::shrugs and wanders away::
Then again maybe I'm thinking too much on it ::shrugs and wanders away::
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/02/2004 11:34 AM CST
Just arguing the other side. I see value in your point, but:
You could still choose not to swim and steal from the moated castle. Steal from the almsbox. You can choose not to climb and steal from the second floor. Pick the door and steal from the first floor, or be a pickpocket only. But you still have to steal, you still have to learn disarm, and lockpick, you still have to have nimble fingers (mech) Those define a thief, not swimming skill. Swimming gives you an extra advantage, but I can be an excellent thief and never get wet higher than my boots. (rain, nonwithstanding).
Thats 'Kalags' point.
Harshon, player of
You could still choose not to swim and steal from the moated castle. Steal from the almsbox. You can choose not to climb and steal from the second floor. Pick the door and steal from the first floor, or be a pickpocket only. But you still have to steal, you still have to learn disarm, and lockpick, you still have to have nimble fingers (mech) Those define a thief, not swimming skill. Swimming gives you an extra advantage, but I can be an excellent thief and never get wet higher than my boots. (rain, nonwithstanding).
Thats 'Kalags' point.
Harshon, player of
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/02/2004 11:42 AM CST
ya can be an excellent one and never need stealing,climbing,stalking,escaping,backstab.etc
you could just wait till night pick the doors lock and take whats inside
the point is every other guild can pick it swimmin aint barbarianish either, its alot more thievish then warmiesh, and its just as thiefish to most people as climbin, yet because ven doesnt want to see like others it aint in, and since new GM loves all vens directions so he says, then were stuck as being the only guild with primary reqs that are screwed up like ours is
Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
you could just wait till night pick the doors lock and take whats inside
the point is every other guild can pick it swimmin aint barbarianish either, its alot more thievish then warmiesh, and its just as thiefish to most people as climbin, yet because ven doesnt want to see like others it aint in, and since new GM loves all vens directions so he says, then were stuck as being the only guild with primary reqs that are screwed up like ours is
Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/02/2004 11:46 AM CST
<<but I can be an excellent thief and never get wet higher than my boots. (rain, non withstanding).
Harshon, player of
Really now? And what if you are a Merlew thief, Sea faring people living in and under water with gills no less. Or a Pirate thief at sea. Or even a Merle Pirate?
Not everyone was the son of the wicked witch of the west you know!
Climbing is acceptable and swimming is not. That is not logical at all because there both terrain navigation techniques. If you can't see that then something above your boots is waterlogged.
Harshon, player of
Really now? And what if you are a Merlew thief, Sea faring people living in and under water with gills no less. Or a Pirate thief at sea. Or even a Merle Pirate?
Not everyone was the son of the wicked witch of the west you know!
Climbing is acceptable and swimming is not. That is not logical at all because there both terrain navigation techniques. If you can't see that then something above your boots is waterlogged.
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RE: Risek, Req: on 03/02/2004 02:20 PM CST
pirates stay on the boats they ain't navy seal doing recon through the water... i don't see why a pirate would need to swim. Boat vs Boat being able to swim 20 feet won't do much good cetching up with a speeding vessel. it might save ya life if you fall in but frankly you just gotta keep your head up and wait for someone to toss you a rope..
"you know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My girlfriend...
"you know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My girlfriend...
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/02/2004 04:28 PM CST
> Really now? And what if you are a Merlew thief, Sea faring people living in and under water with gills no less. Or a Pirate thief at sea. Or even a Merle Pirate?
You live unerwater, swimming=walking. not really a skill. In our own history, most pirates and sailors could not swim. Nothing to dowith the ability to steal = take something not belonging to you.
I expected more of you, Soim.
You live unerwater, swimming=walking. not really a skill. In our own history, most pirates and sailors could not swim. Nothing to dowith the ability to steal = take something not belonging to you.
I expected more of you, Soim.
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/02/2004 05:44 PM CST
You live unerwater, swimming=walking.
no walking = walking
swimming = swimming
and if swimming = walking then apparently it = climbing as well. yet merlew not underwater all time. they do walk and swim and it is a sound argument. What if the flying races come out? We gonna say they never need climbing?
reguardless if terain navigation matters for one future system thats not even here yet. Whos to say its not gonna matter for the next future one. Yes we have a GM & SGM now who wants climbing for rooftops. I'm all fine and down with that. What happens if nex't one wants swimming for sewers or aqua ducts? Then some of us can backtrain 7+ years.
terain navigation is terain navigation to honor one for the sake of a present gm's code ideas only and not the others cause a GM is not coding for them does not look sound to me. But maybe thats just me. And I can live with that. I will accept whats dished on my plate and eat it. But I can still talk about other things I think should be on my plate is all. No harm no foul in discussing things or sharing a view. I think some peoples views or quite foolish and I't cool if you think mine stinks
no walking = walking
swimming = swimming
and if swimming = walking then apparently it = climbing as well. yet merlew not underwater all time. they do walk and swim and it is a sound argument. What if the flying races come out? We gonna say they never need climbing?
reguardless if terain navigation matters for one future system thats not even here yet. Whos to say its not gonna matter for the next future one. Yes we have a GM & SGM now who wants climbing for rooftops. I'm all fine and down with that. What happens if nex't one wants swimming for sewers or aqua ducts? Then some of us can backtrain 7+ years.
terain navigation is terain navigation to honor one for the sake of a present gm's code ideas only and not the others cause a GM is not coding for them does not look sound to me. But maybe thats just me. And I can live with that. I will accept whats dished on my plate and eat it. But I can still talk about other things I think should be on my plate is all. No harm no foul in discussing things or sharing a view. I think some peoples views or quite foolish and I't cool if you think mine stinks
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RE: Risek, Req: on 03/02/2004 09:06 PM CST
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/02/2004 11:39 PM CST
What do you call a pirate who falls overboard?
Any questions and/or comments can be sent to me at Mod-Pomae@Play.net, or Senior Board Moderator Redryn at DR-Redryn@Play.net, Senior Board Moderator Emony at DR-Emony@Play.net or Board Supervisor Cecco at DR-Cecco@Play.net
Any questions and/or comments can be sent to me at Mod-Pomae@Play.net, or Senior Board Moderator Redryn at DR-Redryn@Play.net, Senior Board Moderator Emony at DR-Emony@Play.net or Board Supervisor Cecco at DR-Cecco@Play.net
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/02/2004 11:49 PM CST
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/03/2004 11:28 AM CST
I took an informal poll here at work. Wrote down the 10 possible survivals with FA, Skinng and Swimming. I was a bit surprised since I personally dont see why FA should be a theifly req despite the arguments to the contrary.
So here it is - 10 people, understand fantasy, but know nothing of DR. Of the 10 possibles, all 10 were always selected (with the exception of BS and that was only cause the one peron who did not think it shuold be included didn't realize that BS was the actual, literal thing. Once he did, he changed his answer.)
3 people said FA, 5 people said swimming, no one said skinning.
Just some intresting numbers to throw out. My last name is NOT Gallup, so you can take this poll the way you want to.
"If at first you dont succeed, skyjumping may not be for you"
So here it is - 10 people, understand fantasy, but know nothing of DR. Of the 10 possibles, all 10 were always selected (with the exception of BS and that was only cause the one peron who did not think it shuold be included didn't realize that BS was the actual, literal thing. Once he did, he changed his answer.)
3 people said FA, 5 people said swimming, no one said skinning.
Just some intresting numbers to throw out. My last name is NOT Gallup, so you can take this poll the way you want to.
"If at first you dont succeed, skyjumping may not be for you"
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/03/2004 03:58 PM CST
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/03/2004 07:24 PM CST
Half the people said swimming. Interesting.
That leads me to believe it's fairly up-in-the-air, and could be included if there was adequate reason to support its inclusion.
a) what Valcer said
b) we don't have as many choices as other guilds. not balanced
Actions are thoughts expressed. Thoughts are ideas formed. Ideas are energies come together. Energies are forces released. Forces are elements existent. Elements are particles, portions of The All, the stuff of everthing.
That leads me to believe it's fairly up-in-the-air, and could be included if there was adequate reason to support its inclusion.
a) what Valcer said
b) we don't have as many choices as other guilds. not balanced
Actions are thoughts expressed. Thoughts are ideas formed. Ideas are energies come together. Energies are forces released. Forces are elements existent. Elements are particles, portions of The All, the stuff of everthing.
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/03/2004 07:38 PM CST
with swimming i see a possibbilities of sewers... but sewers aren't rivers. and you can just wade through thigh deep water in a stinky sewer which frankly wouldn't take that much skill. I don't see any real viable way swimming should be thiefy...
"you know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My girlfriend...
"you know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My girlfriend...
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/03/2004 08:21 PM CST
You're of the 50% of people that doesn't, which is fine. So are one or two of the key people in charge.
Actions are thoughts expressed. Thoughts are ideas formed. Ideas are energies come together. Energies are forces released. Forces are elements existent. Elements are particles, portions of The All, the stuff of everthing.
Actions are thoughts expressed. Thoughts are ideas formed. Ideas are energies come together. Energies are forces released. Forces are elements existent. Elements are particles, portions of The All, the stuff of everthing.
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/03/2004 09:46 PM CST
<<with swimming i see a possibbilities of sewers... but sewers aren't rivers. and you can just wade through thigh deep water in a stinky sewer which frankly wouldn't take that much skill. I don't see any real viable way swimming should be thiefy...
you have a limiteds view of a sewer system then. Older cities did have sewers, Aquafers and Drainage canals or catacombs. Some filled with lots of water. Shard is or could be a prime place for such a system. Even Shard has a entrance to a place threw a sewer drainage system now and can require swimming to get to. That could be vastly expanded on.
Yes rooftops have windows but rains have grates in buildings. same thing comming from a different direction. Just cause you saw a cop show in New York filmed in 1995 in a cement sewer with a few inches of water does not make that the poster child of sewer systems.
Paris france still has a extensive one hundreds of years old. It would or could be much more akin to that.
you have a limiteds view of a sewer system then. Older cities did have sewers, Aquafers and Drainage canals or catacombs. Some filled with lots of water. Shard is or could be a prime place for such a system. Even Shard has a entrance to a place threw a sewer drainage system now and can require swimming to get to. That could be vastly expanded on.
Yes rooftops have windows but rains have grates in buildings. same thing comming from a different direction. Just cause you saw a cop show in New York filmed in 1995 in a cement sewer with a few inches of water does not make that the poster child of sewer systems.
Paris france still has a extensive one hundreds of years old. It would or could be much more akin to that.
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RE: Risek, Req: on 03/03/2004 10:21 PM CST
To me it wouldn't matter if skinning or swimming could be used as one of our reqs. Its so low on the survival chart for me, skin at 224 and swim at 173. Doubt it would ever catch up to one of my top 8's. But I sure wouldn't mind if there was a KHRI SURVIVE, which gave a bonus to climb/swim ;)
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/03/2004 10:25 PM CST
<<But I sure wouldn't mind if there was a KHRI SURVIVE, which gave a bonus to climb/swim ;)
I kinda like that thought. I suggested once something abit more versitile. KHRI SWAP
were you focus your mind on two different survival skills and swap the general knowledge or something to that effect for a short period. yes maybe you have to swim somewer bad and have 150 swim but 500 hide as a example. you could swap maybe a % of those two for a few minutes. say 50% of those skills. now your hide is 250+75 and only 325 but your swim is 75+250 and now 325 instead of 150. thus you swim better for a few. Anyway I liked the idea and it could be done with even FA in a bind but no one else seemed to.
I kinda like that thought. I suggested once something abit more versitile. KHRI SWAP
were you focus your mind on two different survival skills and swap the general knowledge or something to that effect for a short period. yes maybe you have to swim somewer bad and have 150 swim but 500 hide as a example. you could swap maybe a % of those two for a few minutes. say 50% of those skills. now your hide is 250+75 and only 325 but your swim is 75+250 and now 325 instead of 150. thus you swim better for a few. Anyway I liked the idea and it could be done with even FA in a bind but no one else seemed to.
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RE: Risek, Req: on 03/04/2004 01:27 AM CST
all the people arguing, your all missing the point it doesnt matter if every thief sees swimmin as thiefly, personally i swim a river to get out of a town in hurry and to get to another town to do business, but thats all besides the point.
The point is we are the only other survival prime guild besides rangers, yet we are the ONLY one that can only pick skills a gm feels are a thiefy, I dont see warmies not allowed to use PM cause they are more TM and a warmie who is survival terr can use swimmin! and i cant, a barbarian isnt a swimmer yet he can pick it if he chooses, the point is every other guild gets to pick it, Thieves survival prime are certainly not LESS of swimmers then barbs and traders who can take it
Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
The point is we are the only other survival prime guild besides rangers, yet we are the ONLY one that can only pick skills a gm feels are a thiefy, I dont see warmies not allowed to use PM cause they are more TM and a warmie who is survival terr can use swimmin! and i cant, a barbarian isnt a swimmer yet he can pick it if he chooses, the point is every other guild gets to pick it, Thieves survival prime are certainly not LESS of swimmers then barbs and traders who can take it
Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/04/2004 01:28 AM CST
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/04/2004 01:49 AM CST
and not every thief is a swimmer, or one to train first aide... I personally train everything, from shield to vocal.
yet by the standards of the guild you join... the big thief crest hanging on the wall... open coin purse with a hand, lockpick, and backstabing a critter.
frankly i prefer what we have over a Survival average like the rangers have... or a Gen. Magic req like all the magic guilds. Thief by definition of the word conotates stealing...
The aurguments i've seen for swimming or firs taide et.al. seems to come from thoes that the training of which would benifit that person. when you put these skills in has our top 8 think of how thiefy a person with be at 50th with:
200 first aide, 200 skinning, 170 swimming, 170 foraging, 170 perception, 170 evasion, 140 escaping, 140 climbing.....
i'm sorry but that isn't a 50th circle thief... it's a empath or ranger...
"you know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My girlfriend...
yet by the standards of the guild you join... the big thief crest hanging on the wall... open coin purse with a hand, lockpick, and backstabing a critter.
frankly i prefer what we have over a Survival average like the rangers have... or a Gen. Magic req like all the magic guilds. Thief by definition of the word conotates stealing...
The aurguments i've seen for swimming or firs taide et.al. seems to come from thoes that the training of which would benifit that person. when you put these skills in has our top 8 think of how thiefy a person with be at 50th with:
200 first aide, 200 skinning, 170 swimming, 170 foraging, 170 perception, 170 evasion, 140 escaping, 140 climbing.....
i'm sorry but that isn't a 50th circle thief... it's a empath or ranger...
"you know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My girlfriend...
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/04/2004 03:54 AM CST
"only survival primary guild besides rangers"
I'm waiting to see how guild reqs are going to be for the necromancers, as they are going to be survival prime as well. Whether they'll get to pick any survival skill <except stealing/locks> like rangers, or will be as restricted as we are to "certain" survivals.
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/04/2004 09:02 AM CST
>>The point is we are the only other survival prime guild besides rangers, yet we are the ONLY one that can only pick skills a gm feels are a thiefy, I dont see warmies not allowed to use PM cause they are more TM and a warmie who is survival terr can use swimmin! and i cant, a barbarian isnt a swimmer yet he can pick it if he chooses, the point is every other guild gets to pick it, Thieves survival prime are certainly not LESS of swimmers then barbs and traders who can take it
And you are the only guild who can use stealing for survivals. Rangers cannot use lockpicking I believe it is as well. In some ways it does make sense for stealing to only count for thieves, but not totally suprising for some skills not to count.
I understand why with first aid. Swimming I could see a thief using though in day to day activities, depending on what they do.
Fighting with a bunch of archers in Geni.
"Hey, it's shoot GENI, not shoot GEN!"
Ambassador Genneron, of M'riss
[Arcath] "Public Service Announcement: Please shoot at the archers and not at Arcath"
And you are the only guild who can use stealing for survivals. Rangers cannot use lockpicking I believe it is as well. In some ways it does make sense for stealing to only count for thieves, but not totally suprising for some skills not to count.
I understand why with first aid. Swimming I could see a thief using though in day to day activities, depending on what they do.
Fighting with a bunch of archers in Geni.
"Hey, it's shoot GENI, not shoot GEN!"
Ambassador Genneron, of M'riss
[Arcath] "Public Service Announcement: Please shoot at the archers and not at Arcath"
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/04/2004 10:00 AM CST
to be perfectly honest, i don't think we should be the only guild to be able to use stealing as part of their top survival requirements. I think traders should be able to as well, and there are some very good historical IC reasons for this to be the case.
Okay guys, put away the knives now. Guys?
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
Okay guys, put away the knives now. Guys?
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/04/2004 10:05 AM CST
<<to be perfectly honest, i don't think we should be the only guild to be able to use stealing as part of their top survival requirements. I think traders should be able to as well, and there are some very good historical IC reasons for this to be the case.>>
I would agree with this if there were ways to learn stealing through legal means.
I would agree with this if there were ways to learn stealing through legal means.
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/04/2004 10:08 AM CST
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/04/2004 10:35 AM CST
>>The aurguments i've seen for swimming or firs taide et.al. seems to come from thoes that the training of which would benifit that person. when you put these skills in has our top 8 think of how thiefy a person with be at 50th with:
200 first aide, 200 skinning, 170 swimming, 170 foraging, 170 perception, 170 evasion, 140 escaping, 140 climbing.....
And that's why there is a strict requirement of at least 120 in stealing, hiding, lockpicking, and stalking by 50th. With a minimum of those ranks it is strongly encouraged that they are included in your top 8 survivals. If lockpicking is in there, chances are that disarming is in there too, so that's only 3 more survivals to choose that are or are not thiefly in nature.
200 first aide, 200 skinning, 170 swimming, 170 foraging, 170 perception, 170 evasion, 140 escaping, 140 climbing.....
And that's why there is a strict requirement of at least 120 in stealing, hiding, lockpicking, and stalking by 50th. With a minimum of those ranks it is strongly encouraged that they are included in your top 8 survivals. If lockpicking is in there, chances are that disarming is in there too, so that's only 3 more survivals to choose that are or are not thiefly in nature.
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/04/2004 10:42 AM CST
>I would agree with this if there were ways to learn stealing through legal means.
I don't think that's going to (or even should) happen. But Gonif wasn't saying Traders should HAVE to use stealing as part of our survival reqs, she was saying we should be ALLOWED to use stealing as one of our survival reqs, if we happen to be a Trader who doesn't mind learning it thru illegal means. Sounds good to me (although I wouldn't use it as one of my top survival skills unless we needed like 10)
I don't think that's going to (or even should) happen. But Gonif wasn't saying Traders should HAVE to use stealing as part of our survival reqs, she was saying we should be ALLOWED to use stealing as one of our survival reqs, if we happen to be a Trader who doesn't mind learning it thru illegal means. Sounds good to me (although I wouldn't use it as one of my top survival skills unless we needed like 10)
RE: Risek, Req: on 03/04/2004 12:08 PM CST
<<The aurguments i've seen for swimming or firs taide et.al. seems to come from thoes that the training of which would benifit that person
Nope swimming is my lowest survival skill.
and my next lowest is FA and Forage
I don't need nor use any of them.
I have 9 survivals over 320 instead of 8 I got options on what ones to use to circle. I'm far in excess. I still don't need a lick of swim or FA...
KNow what I still think they should be there especially swim and its my damn lowest...
So apparently your above statment is not true! Try again!
Nope swimming is my lowest survival skill.
and my next lowest is FA and Forage
I don't need nor use any of them.
I have 9 survivals over 320 instead of 8 I got options on what ones to use to circle. I'm far in excess. I still don't need a lick of swim or FA...
KNow what I still think they should be there especially swim and its my damn lowest...
So apparently your above statment is not true! Try again!
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RE: Risek, Req: on 03/04/2004 12:29 PM CST
same here none of the ones listed are in my top 8, if they were allowed tho then i surely would get some up there, instead of absurd skills like disarm which is the only skill in the game someone cannot work at will unless they find certain random items
Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.