Rankings on 02/21/2004 07:23 PM CST
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Ok so we're told we're not Cookie cutter types... lets test it.
Note: I think the reqs are urm.. Not good... even though adding in Skinning, FA wouldn't really help me.

And one of you enterprising Young Number crunchers can total up everyones posts and lets see what skills are where and how much of a mold we fit or break.

Disarm Traps:
First Aid:


ISP - ~$20 a Month
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Watching Your Characters get Wimped - Priceless
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Re: Rankings on 02/21/2004 07:41 PM CST
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Its not worth it to me.

Right now I see it as by 100th there is a 110 point spread between 8 skills. that looks kinda like 420 on top one and 320 on botton one.

lets leap to circle 300th
1630 I believe on top one
1320 I believe on bottom one
I'm not trying to hard here.

But it would appear 310 ranks from #1 to #8 is a decent spread even divided by 6 ranks per circle that is like 51 circles differance.

Meaning it has some decent flex. we can put the 8 in a order that suits us. To say it has no flex is fooling yourself. Granted we would like more flex but the standard got set with Damissak and Maelona. I still hope standard is eased up on and swim and Fa or added to mix. but if not I can live with it as it is now.

I would never claim no flex though.

I love my GRITS !
Girls Raised In The South !

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Re: Rankings on 02/21/2004 08:07 PM CST
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If you want someone to hate -- hate me. At the time Damissak and Vendarin were on leave and Maelona wanted to move forward with the thief requirements. As Damissak's assistant it fell to me. When Damissak returned he made one last tweak and it was done.

There are a few reasons things are setup the way they are. I'll list two.

1) There was a desire to move away from "averages." Rather than forcing an average and have every survival skill required [at higher levels this becomes more significant] we narrowed the focus to the skills we thought were pertinent to being a thief. While foraging, skinning, swimming, etc. may augment your character they're not necessary to being a thief. As Risek stated it came down to, "Does Kalag care if you can swim across the river?" The intent was not to demish your survival primary status but to focus on things thief leadership [Kalag, etc.] cared most about. In my discussions with Maelona we stated this was not to be an exclusionary method. A good example of this is your bonus to foraging in urban areas. While foraging is not required you do receive perks where relevant.

2) The flexibility is in your ability to tier what you train. If you enjoy stealing -- make it your top survival. If you enjoy combat make evasion and backstab your top survival. In coming to the decision on the numbers I felt like things people naturally enjoyed doing would "float" to the top of their list. In time people would be working with a template they found much more enjoyable. I personally know some thieves who have moved stealing down to their bottom survival. As you advance, the difference becomes significant.

I know there are some complaints about escaping. It's not impossible to train escaping. I look at it more as an "access" thing. There are certain areas/creatures in the game that train escaping very well. Maelona tasked me with coming up with some escaping ideas and getting those into the game. You'll see the first incarnation of that sometime after the freeze. I also have a couple more ideas on the plate. I know advanced thieves may have a hard time using escaping as a circle requirement but it is a viable option for new players -- we must look ahead.


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Re: Rankings on 02/21/2004 08:31 PM CST
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I agree overall. I kinda tried to say that in my post. in my silly Soim way.

best part of the SSRA post was the last paragraph. I luved that last paragraph part besTus of all! Whoops and hollars

I love my GRITS !
Girls Raised In The South !

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Re: Rankings on 02/21/2004 08:32 PM CST
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Than: (about a 70 rank gap from steal to foraging)
First Aide
Climbing (9)
Escaping (10)


>Ye find yeself in yon dungeon. Ye see a FLASK.
Obvious exists are NORTH, SOUTH, and DENNIS

What wouldst thou deau?
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Re: Rankings on 02/21/2004 08:41 PM CST
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Disarm Traps
First Aid


>give salesgirl 15 lirums
The salesgirl gives you a funny look. "This lirum is worth more than 15 lirums!"
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Re: Rankings on 02/21/2004 08:49 PM CST
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My Top 10
Killing some more
Disarming bra clasp
Being anoying

I love my GRITS !
Girls Raised In The South !

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Re: Rankings on 02/21/2004 09:56 PM CST
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followed by:


I put on my robe and wizard hat.
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Re: Rankings on 02/21/2004 10:00 PM CST
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Disarm Traps
First Aid

And climbing is about to surpass stealing.

Blue Fire
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Re: Rankings on 02/21/2004 10:40 PM CST
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First Aid(N/A)


Blood flows red. Without skin, we're all brothers.
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Re: Rankings on 02/21/2004 10:45 PM CST
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you know I seen lots of you with evasion at #8 position. Just seemed odd to me but I thought some worked it more, I guess were all different there. I was semi depressed when I let my hide pass mine up around Sep 2003. Till then I always had Evasion highest. Hell I feel like I'm slacking with it 3rd. Keep pondering working it back to top 2 slot status.

I love my GRITS !
Girls Raised In The South !

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Re: Rankings on 02/21/2004 10:55 PM CST
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I noticed that too, Soim, and at first I was concerned, but I can explain it quite simply. This is my combo for hunting.

advance, hide, stalk, backstab. Critter dies first shot, 9 times out of 10.

I don't dance.


Blood flows red. Without skin, we're all brothers.
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Re: Rankings on 02/21/2004 11:02 PM CST
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yea I try that some but then I go back to stand there let it swing a few times. then your combo. I'ts still there for it. just takes disipline to stand there to let it swing at me a few times.

I love my GRITS !
Girls Raised In The South !

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Re: Rankings on 02/21/2004 11:04 PM CST
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1 hiding
2 disarm
3 lockpick
4 steal
5 percept
6 stalk
7 backstab
8 evasion
9 skinning
10 climbing
11 firstaid
12 foraging
13 swimming
14 escaping
15 scouting


A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.

The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"

The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
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Re: Rankings on 02/21/2004 11:10 PM CST
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yeah, i'm not much of a "dancer" either.

i stab things to death. i have atrocious multi. i'm working on it though.

A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.

The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"

The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 02:04 AM CST
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8.First Aid*

* Not Counted.

I'm white and I'm capitalizing
On a trend that's currently rising
Mix it Curly, Larry, and Moe
White White Baby
He's White White Baby
So Very White White Baby
Extremely White White Baby
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RE: Ssra/ RE: Rankings/ RE: Req on 02/22/2004 04:11 AM CST
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Ssra wrote:

>>"Does Kalag care if you can swim across the river?"

he might not no, but um..the guild leader in Shard is the one that teaches us poison, so yeah, I'd say she does in fact care about us learning skinning to know how to skin a viper the right way and knowing how to boil the stew. Same with Scorps....sorry, I'm just stuck on the, " I"m not goin to rangerboy for a bundle of pelts/sacs/tails so I can brew my stew. "

But thats just my opinion, the guild leader in shard teaches us about how to mix the ingredients to the right contengency (SP). So yeah, she'd care how much skinning we have. We have bad skinning, we'll get blood soaked viper sac, or a near ruined scorp tail to crush...etc etc...if its a badly ruined sac, it shouldn't make good stew...etc etc...I hate to be a pain in the rear-end about this....but it just makes no sense to me.....


If its got two legs and you hear a thud...don't panic...I just killed another one.
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RE: Ssra/ RE: Rankings/ RE: Req on 02/22/2004 04:25 AM CST
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getting a poison ingredient which is a small part of alchemy and is not a thief specific ability doesn't give your arguement much weight....


>Ye find yeself in yon dungeon. Ye see a FLASK.
Obvious exists are NORTH, SOUTH, and DENNIS

What wouldst thou deau?
Reply Reply
Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 06:46 AM CST
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1. Stalking
2. Hiding
3. Backstab
4. Perception
5. Evasion
6. Stealing
7. Swimming
8. Climbing
9. Disarm
10. Skinning
11. Lockpicking
12. First Aid
13. Foraging
14. Escaping

There's mine.

Hawken Armstead, Merchant Prince in training
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RE: Ssra/ RE: Rankings/ RE: Req on 02/22/2004 07:33 AM CST
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"the guild leader in Shard is the one that teaches us poison, so yeah, I'd say she does in fact care about us learning skinning to know how to skin a viper the right way and knowing how to boil the stew"

I hate to be argumentative - but I just dont follow the logic of that statement. Working from back to beginning, boiling the items has little or nothing to do with skinning.

I dont work skinning. I will occasionally skin when i am bored, but as a general rule I dont. I have a whole 39.59.47 ranks in it!! However, in my poison bag I have a poisonous viper sac, a poisonous viper sac, a poisonous viper sac, some oil, some ju'ladan oil, a poisonous viper sac, a moda tongue, a poisonous viper sac and a poisonous viper sac. How you may ask with almost 40 in skinning? Simple enough - I accepted them as tips for opening boxes once. Or perhaps I paid some coin for a sac. I remember buying some poison stuff in the very beginning. The point is, the guild leaders dont care if you can skin or not. And they dont care if you make poison or not. I personnally have never made any poison. I just cant take the time away from stealing to do so, and with the changes, I figured I would just wait till Soim has another class going.
Point being - the way I play my thief, poison is of little consequence and is a nice perk. That is all. The way you may play your thief, poison may be essential and you cant be a thief with out it.

All this to say I dont see why skinning should be a thief guild req.


"If at first you dont succeed, skyjumping may not be for you"
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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 07:38 AM CST
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Disarm Traps:
First Aid:

"I'm a bad man!"

~ Zinf
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Ssra / Rankings Req on 02/22/2004 08:30 AM CST
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<<getting a poison ingredient which is a small part of alchemy and is not a thief specific ability doesn't give your argument much weight....

I strongly disagree for a few reasons gleaned just from DR and not ones I would have had otherwise.

#1 We are told Climbing is there because rooftops is coming and will be needed.

#2 Follow that with we are told Alchemy is coming and Thieves will have a buff or perk to it for the poison creation side of it.

Put one and two together and in many ways they say the same thing.

Thief only perk for something that is coming to thieves, one is rooftop and one is poison making. Yes it can be argued further or from other angels. I'm just saying I do see a relationship to the said arguments were one is Prof positive why climbing is there and one is said we (guild leaders) could care less.

I love my GRITS !
Girls Raised In The South !

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RE: Ssra/ RE: Rankings/ RE: Req on 02/22/2004 08:35 AM CST
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<<I hate to be argumentative - but I just don't follow the logic of that statement. Working from back to beginning, boiling the items has little or nothing to do with skinning.

Skinning is the start of the process. you cant cook if you cant skin.

rooftop stealing. You don't need climb to steal now do you. But climbing is the start of getting there to do what you actually do in fact do.

Does anyone want to assume no one in the world can get to a rooftop but a thief? but we do it cause we don't want anyone to know what were doing there. Just like sure anyone could skin, but some want no one to know what there up to either. The arguments or not that different and neither or the relationships.

Hell getting to a rooftop in reality is 1000 times easier than skinning something. but so is owning a shop. you just pay for a lease. or owning a Wagon but not here in DR. OH well our reality is decided by what a GM post once. then people flock to defend that or argue against that or debate both sides.

I love my GRITS !
Girls Raised In The South !

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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 08:35 AM CST
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Disarm Traps
First Aid

And climbing is about to surpass stealing.

I should also note that there Perception, Disarm and Evasion are all actuall on the same rank, so evasion could be my 4th, 5th or 6th, it's just how the calculator placed it.

Blue Fire
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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 09:35 AM CST
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First Aid

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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 09:43 AM CST
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Disarm Traps
First Aid

I'm wishing now that I'd grown up a bank monkey...

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re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 09:51 AM CST
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re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 10:20 AM CST
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whats wrong with total averages, my complain is that we have by far the most left off of any guild, why dont barbs have weapons left off, or clerics TM

we should have 2 left off like rangers not at most

and pureblade training magic doesnt slow ya down near as much as swimming, i must travel to a certain spot and do nothing else, you can train magic when doing anything

also you still aint said a valid reason why kalag deems thieves as only climbers and not swimmers when the guild is located in water and no climbs, theres no guild in the world besides us that cant use swimming, its not that unthief like, not all rogues steal yet stealing is deemed needed, not all thieves backstab but its needed, ALOT of thieves swim so how is it that swimming isnt part of being a thief for years i used swimmin for my overall survival and kalag agreed it was being a thief

i can circle fine still same speed as before i jumped a couple when it first changed but i still hate it, i think its narrowminded and limiting compared to every other guild just like our abilities are, but of course as long as the same gms are here itll never be fixed as no change is never fixed anymore no matter how many disagree or how illogical it is compared to the rest

Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
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RE: Ssra/ RE: Rankings/ RE: Req on 02/22/2004 10:34 AM CST
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real reason why we can't use skinning to circle?

ranger guild owns skinning.

same reason was made in reverse for why rangers couldn't use lockpicking to circle.


although its my 9th survival anyway, so it doesn't matter.

A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.

The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"

The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
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re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 10:41 AM CST
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If i could make swimming one then i could backtrain backstab and drop stealing and disarm and then i could actually train to circle anywhere sted of searching for certain boxes or sittin in a town nonstop

Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
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re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 10:45 AM CST
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why does one need 8 survival skills that define being a thief why not 4 or 6 and then 2 that define you as a person and make everyone different like all other guilds, that would be a good way to define the guild and then allow freedom

I could see them telling barbs ok you need 8 weapons to circle and you must pick from tese 9 the others dont count

Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
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re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 10:55 AM CST
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yeh i can see skinnin not in since they own it, but why are we missing forage,swim,skin,FA and they only missing Stealing and lockpicking

seems a little one sided we should be allowed two of those swim and either FA or forage since we have a bonus at it

Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 12:27 PM CST
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Disarm Traps

Top 9. Yes, Evasion is dead last and doesn't count in my reqs -- it's 5 behind my Climbing, because I hunt from hiding generally. But I've been learning a lot of it since hiding can't be learned -- gained about 30 ranks since that, I think. And the other, non-counted ones are far behind it. Other things to note:

Hiding and Perception used to be far ahead, in that order -- within 1 of each other. But I've only gained about 2 ranks of hiding since hiding learning was changed. My other skills have caught up, though, and I've gained about 5 circles since (24 to 29), just to give a picture of how unusual that is. My other skills were all about 30 down -- now everything above Disarm is within 9 of Hiding. Now, I'm ahead of my reqs in everything but Climb, Disarm, Lockpicking, and Hiding. Granted, that's 4 of my 8, but the only one that I'm having an immensely difficult time learning is Hiding. I could go run through hunting grounds that I can't handle (I'm progressing equal to reqs in my weapon), but that doesn't seem right to me. And nothing that I can hunt actually teaches me.

I like the new reqs when compared to the old ones -- I'd still be 20th if we were under them. Disarm and Locks still hold me back, but not as much as before. I'm a stalker -- I hunt from the shadows, backstab, and move on. But, I can't learn hiding anymore, aside from shopping runs. And now that I'm paying about a plat a week to cover fines, I'm debating whether or not to let Hiding drop entirely off the charts to number 8, and have Stealing follow it closely, because I can't manageably work either -- I can get stealing learning alright, but I end up doling droves of gold to keep it moving, since there's nothing in my range that I have found that I can sell for lots. And the auto-fails don't help, either.

"When I think of Gnomes,
I think of those guys who
stole Kyle's underwear on
South Park. DragonRealms
is not South Park, please
delete Gnome characters."

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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 12:38 PM CST
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hmm hiding doesnt seem hard to learn are you ambushing a critter at your level? if you really have a problem you may try sniping it works well

I like the new reqs better then the old prolly but still way unfair compared to every other guild of course thats what happens when a non thief makes thief reqs

can we have a quest where the prize would be changing guilds id pay like 500 bucks to go on it, and you could make it where if i changed to a survival secondary guild my survivals would drop to the rank they would be if i had always learned at that rate, and dont even have to boost me ones that go up from secondary to prime, i dont mind jumpin 200 ranks in weapons or anything as a barb or magic as a mage, thats easy, i just dont want to start all over with all my swimming and stuff i worked on so long and i dont want to be in the cursed guild no more, have mercy upon me please i pay 33 dollars a month..weeps

aint gonna happen but yall could make a fortune off it if ya did and the losing skill would make noone do it except dead guilds

Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 12:48 PM CST
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>>hmm hiding doesnt seem hard to learn are you ambushing a critter at your level?

Well, yes -- but my Hiding is quite above my weapon skill -- by about 50. So, yes, the critter's on-level with my combats, but not my Hiding/Stalk. It just won't move against things I can survive against, which means I'm essentially not learning Hiding at all until I gain about 50 more ranks of combats. To move Hiding now, I'd literally have to run around a hunting ground, hide, and run away before they could start advancing.

I have no complaints about learning Hide as well as I used to. The only thing I don't like is that it's physically impossible to learn unless I'm hunting something -well- above me -- something that I have no chance of hitting or dodging.

"When I think of Gnomes,
I think of those guys who
stole Kyle's underwear on
South Park. DragonRealms
is not South Park, please
delete Gnome characters."

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re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 12:49 PM CST
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>why dont barbs have weapons left off?

Left off what? Barbarians don't have a weapon average requirement. Poor example.

-Merdell's player
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re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 12:57 PM CST
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<<why dont barbs have weapons left off?

<<Left off what? Barbarians don't have a weapon average requirement. Poor example.
-Merdell's player


YOu misunderstand

A barb has like 24 weapons to choose from. now lets say by some point in there life they need to know 5 weapons. They can choose those 5 from the intire list of say 24.

They are not told. OK you need 5 weapons but you can only pick from these 7 and oh one of them is sling. OK go forth and be a barb.

We got 13 survivals. we have to choose 8 from a list of 10 and one is escape and really not a option. so we choose 8 from a list of 9!
GET IT I Hope so. when list could be up to 13 (the entire set)

I love my GRITS !
Girls Raised In The South !

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re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 01:25 PM CST
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>A barb has like 24 weapons to choose from. now lets say by some point in there life they need to know 5 weapons. They can choose those 5 from the intire list of say 24.

Of those 24, we may only choose a possible 22. 2 of the skills, MO and Parry, don't apply to our weapon requirements.

-Merdell's player
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re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 01:36 PM CST
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<<Of those 24, we may only choose a possible 22. 2 of the skills, MO and Parry, don't apply to our weapon requirements.
-Merdell's player

OK fine lets play the exact word game. you got the point though you can pick say 5 from over 22. Thats options, thats not the same cookie recepie.

now pick 8 from only 9 and feel the squeeze!

I love my GRITS !
Girls Raised In The South !

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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 01:58 PM CST
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it IS possible to hunt things over your head and survive. Personally my hiding is over 100 over my primary weapon. i still manage to ML it.

I'm not a dancer, i'm a stabber.


A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.

The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"

The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
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