Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 02:20 PM CST
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I underhunt to learn hiding my weapon is 20 over my hiding lol

Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 02:35 PM CST
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>>it IS possible to hunt things over your head and survive.

Things in my hiding range (according to Ssra's chart): grave worm, croc, viper, swain, kra'hei hatchling.

Things in my hunting range: Arbelogs, Young Ogres, Rock Trolls.

I don't think I am able to hunt the things in my hiding range, even with backstabbing, unfortunately.

"When I think of Gnomes,
I think of those guys who
stole Kyle's underwear on
South Park. DragonRealms
is not South Park, please
delete Gnome characters."

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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 03:00 PM CST
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well then ya cant learn thats like saying im a barb with 0 defense and 200 weapon ranks , and now im mad i cant train weapons without dying, work your weapons they are the easiest skill in the world to train besides magic

Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 03:03 PM CST
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oh wait i forgot armor thats the second after magic

which is everything the other guilds need about lol

Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 04:58 PM CST
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Well, my point wasn't that I couldn't learn -well-. My point was that it's rather impossible to learn it in normal actions unless I go against my guild reqs and keep Hiding in my 6th slot or below, and my Evasion above it. Currently, I am -at- the requirements for my top two Survival, above the requirements for my next 3, and -at- the requirement for Weapons. I shouldn't have an entire wall there keeping me from moving Hiding -at all-, just because the small gap between the skills happens to fall across the dividing line (100). I should at least be able to get above Clear after an hour and a half of good, hard backstabbing.

Basically, at the point I'm at, I have no choice in what my reqs are, if I want to learn. To allow my hiding to move, I am not able to learn it (not just train) until circle 37. Why? Because it's my primary survival, and it's above 100. At Circle 37, my primary weapon breaks the 100 rank. So, for 13 circles (25-37, counting 25 as 1), I can't learn hiding, and thus can't keep it in my top 2 Survivals. By that point, hiding actually will have dropped to 6th. It's literally impossible to keep it in my top 2 if I don't want to go out of my way to "train" it.

I've never been all about "training." Learning? Yes. My level progression has been much slower than everyone else's as a result. This was my argument of the mechanics against the new hiding -- it harms passive learners in order to give risks to active learners. That is, it keeps me from happening to learn any hiding whatsoever while hunting, and undergoing regular routines, while still allowing those who wish to "train" to do it. Which is why I really am not all for the new hiding system -- because of caps. Diminished return is one thing -- but absolute caps are harmful. Perhaps some overlap between the creatures in the categories, where the ones in the 50-99 cap teach diminished amounts until 150, which allows one to bring their weapons up. 150 Hiding would allow you to progress to circle 37, the exact circle that one hits the 100 weapons mark.

"When I think of Gnomes,
I think of those guys who
stole Kyle's underwear on
South Park. DragonRealms
is not South Park, please
delete Gnome characters."

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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 05:50 PM CST
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well i agree with most ya stuff but hiding should never be learned much in non combat because its a useful combat ability and thus should be learned with risk, of course mages can learn an uber combat ability anywhere they want in PM with no risk, but we dont want to have every thief with 600 hiding like mages with theyre PM, we cant have other guilds compete with mages it wouldnt be fair

Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
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re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 06:01 PM CST
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>Left off what? Barbarians don't have a weapon average requirement. Poor example.

And we don't have an average survival requirement. You were going somewhere with this?

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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 09:54 PM CST
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hell since they changed combat and all that learning stuff i cant even learn evasion on stuff i need to hunt to learn weapons my evasion is almost 60 ranks over my highest of 9 weapons and my multi is below all weapons i actively train at this moment i cant get it to move without dieing so if you see "Ajathaer was just struck down!" stand informed i was trying to dance....

"You see, cops don't like me. So, I don't like cops." - Clarence Boticker ,old Detriot crime boss
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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 10:02 PM CST
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whats amusing to me is that,much like the barbarians, my highest weapon is over my evasion. :-)

A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.

The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"

The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
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Re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 10:09 PM CST
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1 - 6 high only from old reqs i stopped training all non required skills because i can tend a severe bleeder, and i can find ebony sticks to carve shortbows for mech so i figure thats good enough for me but would start training any again cause they are all easy to train except the one at the bottom(escaping)

9.First Aid*(only one rank behind BS)

all below this were trained to meet gen req which is no longer needed so training stopped. (yes i trained to meet that req) climbing always moved good enough for me the i dont actually go looking for a place that teaches it only

14.Escaping (20 ranks from crossing guards only)

"You see, cops don't like me. So, I don't like cops." - Clarence Boticker ,old Detriot crime boss
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re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 10:45 PM CST
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this thread lost its purpose and to tell you all the truth this topic should be closed there is A. a coding freeze and B. a GM openness freeze for logic (please dont read as a bash just trying to point out that though you reply alot gets "back burnered" or out-right said "no" too)

hell if you want my opinion on what reqs should be it would be 5 per circle from one to 500 circle in locks,disarm,stealing and hiding and a gen req for "ALL" other survivals but thats cause i can and dont mind training anything in the "13 skill set" read "SET" not read "cut skills into thief and non thief skills set"

"You see, cops don't like me. So, I don't like cops." - Clarence Boticker ,old Detriot crime boss
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re: Rankings on 02/22/2004 11:12 PM CST
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Eh -- I actually have no problems with the new reqs aside from the locking in skills in the 25-37 range, where Hiding can't be anything above 6th if you're hunting on-level and are on-level weapon wise with reqs, in the 38-49th range, where it can't be above 7th, and at 50, where it's dropped to 8th. That is, unless you find creatures that teach much higher in Hiding than they do in weapons. Which is what I'm hoping to find, because the hiding caps just don't work well for what I'm doing.

I'm learning Stealing quite well, which means it'll be my top one soon -- 10 ranks to go. By 40th, I expect my skills to be as such (given the current learning rate):


I've got no problem with that. It's just a complete re-ordering of the way I have it now, with the exception of Hide/Disarm being nearly dead last. I've never been much of a locksmith, so I guess it makes sense. They've always been the two holding me back.

"When I think of Gnomes,
I think of those guys who
stole Kyle's underwear on
South Park. DragonRealms
is not South Park, please
delete Gnome characters."

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re: Rankings on 02/23/2004 05:29 AM CST
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If you are in the 25-37 range trying to learn hiding as a top survival it is indeed extremely possible. 132 hiding, 90 ME, 102 backstab no injuries, 30 agility 22 disc, and the proper cookies I can hide melee on bawdy swains in Ratha day or night. I can only do this in the tavern, not on the street. With my secondary weapon, LE at 70 ranks I can also kill them but sometimes it takes awhile to hit (after the first shot they usually die quick). As far as defense goes I have under 80 ranks of parry and something like 93 ranks of evasion. This is without a doubt the greatest training spot in that skill range that I have found. I lock everything except evasion with very little efort and pull great boxes out as well. Just use the right cookies with high enough discipline and avoid head wounds. Stay in the tavern. Hell I can hide melee on three swains that way. Hiding locks in 3-4 kills. I would imagine, and plan on, using this area to train hiding to at least 160 which is good enough for 40th circle as your top survival. Use sand sprites for armor/parry/MO/lower weapons, silver leucros for evasion to at least 110, and use the cliffs between tier 1 and 2 for climbing which still locks me at just under 80 ranks. If there were more places like Ratha where I can enjoyable train all of my skills, being a thief would be so damn fun I wouldnt know what to do. I know higher level thieves have a pain trying to learn hiding at level but if you want to learn that skill easily in town up to 40th circle go to Ratha now. For that specific skill range its dead easy and fun too.
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re: Rankings on 02/23/2004 10:30 AM CST
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there are marauders they are fairly close and swarm around theren, ogres also near haven but theyre a bit lower

Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
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re: Rankings on 02/23/2004 11:39 AM CST
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I haven't tried Swains, but I'm a bit below your range. 7* LE, 9* BS, 12* Hide, 7* Evasion, 6* Parry, 2* Agility. I'll head out there after a bit, probably. As soon as I get my combats up a smidge more.

"When I think of Gnomes,
I think of those guys who
stole Kyle's underwear on
South Park. DragonRealms
is not South Park, please
delete Gnome characters."

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